Saturday, October 31, 2009

Detoxifying D.C., Daniel Hauser, FDA Flu Scams & Dystonia Revisited

Radio broadcast on Sunday, November 1, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: The road to hell is paved with pharmaceutical cobblestones inscribed with the HMO's of Richard Nixon, the secrecy of Hillary-care, the prescription drugs of GWB, the threat of Obama-care, and now the monstrosity of Pelosi-care, a 1,990 page homage to federal pharmaceutical slavery.

The Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962) is really the death-knell for American freedom, mandating participation in an allopathic internment camp run by bureaucrats who would not know healthcare unless it came in a mercury-laden adjuvant-infested flu vaccine. And even then they would be wrong.

How is it "American" to force people into methods of healthcare in which they have no interest? Would a freedom-loving people propose fining their neighbor for non-participation in a scheme to redistribute their earnings to a bureaucratic oligarchy go-between of the drug and vaccine industry?

Is it really unreasonable of me to propose freedom as a solution to unaffordable and untenable health care as it currently operates on American soil?

It seems just a bit absurd to consider that Americans are traveling to other countries in order to receive the medical care that they deem appropriate. Instead of restoring the terrain for a free market in the healing service industry, Pelosi and the delusional Democrats are attempting to criminalize the belief in healing methods other than those authorized by government.

I don't care if you believe that pharmaceutical pseudo-science is the best thing in the world, Ms. Pelosi, you and your criminal co-conspirators in Congress have no right to dictate how I care for my family.

Oh, and inner-city poor folks do not suffer from drug and vaccine-deficiency diseases. They do, however, suffer from toxicity and nutritional deficiencies, neither of which would be reversed under Pelosi-care.

Theft is still theft, no matter who or what is doing the stealing. Too bad most Washington, D.C. bureaucrats and politicians flunked morality and ethics. If they attend a house of worship at all, it's evident that they do not pay attention there either.

Fiat money always wipes out the middle class and poor. End the Fed. Send Nancy Pelosi home.

Hour One: Detoxifying D.C. and Pelosi-care -- What is it with Pelosi and the Democrats? How is it that they believe that insurance for allopathic medicine mandated on all Americans in going to improve health care? It's not health care now so how is it going to be health care by force?

Perhaps these pseudo-reformists should be placed in a padded cell until they get over their drug-induced delusions. Or maybe we should just pad the walls of Congress, lock all the doors, throw away the keys and start over?

Kevin Miller of Generation Rx returns with an update on Daniel Hauser, whose family was criminalized simply for saying "no" to state-sponsored oncology.

Plus I may be joined by a special surprise guest in promotion of an event in support of our wounded veterans.

It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here. You'll have to sign up for the HSS to find out.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: FDA Flu Scams & Dystonia Revisited-- The FDA is warning all of us about the dangers of unproven natural remedies for flu, conveniently overlooking the fact that their approved prevention and treatments methods and medicaments Dr. Rashid Buttar returns with updates surrounding the dangers of the flu vaccination as well as more information about the Washington Redskins cheerleader afflicted with dystonia:

Also, the rock star of retrovirology, Professor Peter Duesberg is scheduled to return with more news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

It's started, but you can still sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here. You'll have to sign up for the HSS to find out.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Restore joint health and integrity with GLC Direct. Click on the link to receive a free sample! Call Toll Free 866-452-3473.

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!

More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the November 8 show: Live from the Rethinking AIDS Conference! Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen November 1, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Detoxifying D.C. and 2) FDA Flu Scams & Dystonia Revisited on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, November 1, 2009. Special thanks to the Health Summit Series.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

FDA’s Own Documents Show Cascade of Wrongdoing in Unconscionable Defense of Mercury Amalgams

Special message from Charles G. Brown, National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice:

Documents we continue to obtain from FDA under the Freedom of Information Act paint a picture of an agency that has engaged in wrongdoing -- and knows it.

1. While owning stock options in Henry Schein Inc., Commissioner Margaret Hamburg indeed did participate in the amalgam rule-making, presiding at a July 1 policy meeting “to secure feedback from the Office of the Commissioner” and to discuss the rule’s “next steps.” Having received over a million dollars for the easy lifting of being a corporate “director,” Hamburg repeatedly disregarded warnings to stop: the ethics contract she signed, an admonition from her financial advisor, and two letters from me.

2. Hamburg sidekick Joshua Sharfstein entered at the last minute to rubber-stamp the rule that covers up the mercury and conceals warnings of neurological harm to children and unborn babies that FDA had already agreed to. Sharfstein has become so knee-deep in this morass that just yesterday he cancelled a meeting with Congresswoman Diane Watson, who demands an explanation for such a horrible rule.

3. After Hamburg complained to her corporation that “there are constraints on my activities while I hold any interest in Schein,” Schein officials offered her a special favor -- they agreed to cancel the options before their expiration date (something that even Hamburg’s financial advisor had said was not possible) so that the Commissioner could start regulating Schein sooner. Hamburg agreed and the deal was signed on July 28 – the day the amalgam rule was announced.

4. Henry Schein benefited enormously from the rule, with its stock jumping $1.50. In an email exchange, the Commissioner “severed” her relationship to Schein (two days after the rule was announced), but assured Schein’s general counsel that she hoped her “friendships” at Schein “will outlast the period of my recusal.” In response, the general counsel noted that Schein is “indebted” to her for her “service” at FDA.

5. The Commissioner’s husband, Peter Fitzhugh Brown, was marketed to the American people as an “expert in artificial intelligence.” Actually, he is a hedge fund trader, an officer at Wall Street colossus Renaissance Technologies. Hamburg secretly enlisted Peter Brown into FDA’s inner circle to participate in FDA deliberations as to how to deal with the amalgam rule’s fall-out, where he could advise agency press aides and policy makers and be advised by FDA lawyers -- and get valuable insider information for his day job (an FDA Commissioner has a huge impact on stock values of major corporations). Renaissance Technologies traded $6 million in Schein stock during the second quarter alone.

We are fighting back.

A) Fifty-seven (57) good Iowa folks have written FDA critic Senator Chuck Grassley to ask him to investigate the horror show at FDA, They included my five page letter, with 15 attachments – which goes through this problem chapter and verse (of what we know so far, keeping in mind FDA blocks release of most records).

B) Jim Turner filed an excellent petition for reconsideration, raising a wide variety of major issues – both procedural (such as Hamburg’s ethical problems) and substantive (such as FDA’s nonsensical and unsubstantiated decision not to tell consumers about the mercury because giving patients something to talk about would discourage discussion with dentists).

C) Thirty-nine (39) Members of Congress, so far have signed onto the Watson-Burton resolution calling for FDA to disclose the presence and risk of the mercury. It’s House Resolution 648; check with your Representative to see if she or he has signed on yet.

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg entered FDA through the revolving door from Henry Schein Inc., the nation’s #1 amalgam seller; participated in the rule-making despite a trio of warnings; corralled her staff into making false denials about it; cut a deal with benefactor Schein on the day the amalgam rule was announced; and brought a hedge fund trader dealing in Schein stock into FDA’s inner circle. Small wonder that Hamburg’s chief press henchman calls for an “end game” against those seeking to unmask the wrongdoing.


30 October 2009

Charles G. Brown, National Counsel
Consumers for Dental Choice
316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20002
Ph. 202.544-6333; fax 202.544-6331

Working for Mercury-Free Dentistry

Thursday, October 29, 2009

“The Ghost of H1N1” NATURALLY Speaking By Christopher C. Barr

Presidential ‘Trick or Treat’?

‘Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?’ read the headline of a CBS News story last week.

The article resulted from some old fashioned journalistic legwork by CBS investigators after not receiving requested statistical information about the swine flu for more than two months from the Centers for Disease Creationtrol and Promoevention (CDC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The gist of the lengthy investigative piece was that only 1-2 per cent of suspected flu cases were of the H1N1 variety according to most of the state laboratories actually conducting such testing.

“If you’ve been diagnosed ‘probable’ or ‘presumed’ 2009 H1N1 or ‘swine flu’ in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu,” opened the CBS piece.

“In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation,” continued the CBS story opening.

Indeed, the really big numbers across the board among the tens of thousands tested throughout all the states varied from an absence of any flu at all in from 83 up to 97 per cent among those suspected of having some kind of flu.


The CDC gave no response to CBS for its report.

CDC plays numbers game

The unofficial media house organ of the CDC over at Associated Propagandaess (AP) published a report (ghost written by CDC?) the day following airing of the CBS news report that appears to be a CDC response.

“Many millions” of Americans are estimated by the CDC director to have had swine flu according to the AP piece. Yet AP isolated the phrase ‘many millions’ in quotes as though even they didn’t believe this.

“The government doesn’t test everyone to confirm swine flu so it doesn’t have an exact count,” continued Mike Stobbe, AP medical writer/propagandist.

Actually, the government doesn’t test anyone by their own admission. They ceased doing so more than three months ago. They couldn’t know “any millions” let alone “many millions”.

You have to watch the words of AP and CDC more closely than the pea of shell game operators in order to figure out where the truth is hidden.

“There are at least two different types of flu causing illnesses; tests from about 5,000 patients suggest that nearly all the flu cases are swine flu,” the article notes without disclosing whether that is according to the CDC or to AP.

The true figure is closer to 4,000 patients so they have rounded up the number for exaggerated effect so it should not be surprising that the “nearly all” true figure of flu cases that are swine flu is actually closer to slightly more than regular flu cases. Yet the most telling figure of all is left untold by AP as to the tens of thousands without flu at all among the suspected flu cases tested. That dwarfs the swine flu cases many times over.

Other news agencies report that both incidences and deaths attributed to swine flu are higher than usually found at this point of the flu season. However, this is the usual start of the flu season while the swine flu totals cover more than a seven month period about equal to the whole, normal flu season. The 1,000 American swine flu deaths alleged in that seven month period is only about 2 per cent of the total deaths usually attributed to the seven months of the normal flu season.

Swine flu figures are looking shakier than a bad normal flu.

Worldwide swine flu deaths in seven months are said to be closing in on 5,000 according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

What else does WHO say?

“Worldwide … about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths,” are attributed annually to a normal flu according to WHO’s own fact sheet ( ).

That means that worldwide swine flu deaths represent only about 2 per cent of total deaths usually attributed to a normal flu.

Next up – the President of the United States

President Obama stepped up to the table the day after the AP/CDC day after follow-up to the CBS ‘Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?’ exposé with a White House declaration of a National State of Emergency regarding the swine flu.

Yet the facts don’t bear out a swine flu emergency.

Is Obama just fooled or just foolin’ U.S.?

A Presidential declaration of a National State of Emergency regarding swine flu invokes several provisions from a wide variety of laws and executive orders including the Homeland Security Act, the BioShield Act of 2004, BARDA, the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act, and many others. These bring potentials for civil rights infringements (forced vaccination/quarantine possibilities) as well as protections against liabilities of pharmaceuticals for lawsuits from damages caused by vaccinations and medications.

Freedom of Information Act requests may also be rendered null and void negating the possibility of an exposé such as that by CBS just two days prior to the Presidential declaration of a National State of Emergency regarding the swine flu.

Fooled or foolin’?

President Obama has addressed Wall Street greed, excess compensations and profits of varying groups, and redistribution of wealth both recently and in the past.

Most recently the health insurance industry has been targeted for greed and excessive profits. Yet news reports the past few days show health insurance industry profits declining in recent years and considerably behind dozens of others.

Health insurance increases are responses at least in part due to increased drug prices that rise much more steeply than health insurance increases – on average exceeding twice the rate of inflation so as not simply to be a matter of cost of living.

Nary a word has escaped the mouth of the President regarding pharmaceutical greed. Pharmaceutical costs – and profits – make up a significantly greater share of health care costs than health insurance or any other health care costs.

Yet the only urgency apparent for emergency regarding swine flu is protection for pharmaceutical profits.

Fooled or foolin’ indeed.

Are you Obama’s fool?

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State … naturally! You may write him at Post Office Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at

Pandemic Protection: Learn what Big Pharma doesn't want you to know - Free Lecture 10/29/09


Pandemic Protection

Learn what Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know.

Special presentation by: Robert S. Bell, D.A. Hom.

Nutrition S’Mart, Port St. Lucie

Call 561-694-0644 for more information.

Tuesday, October 6th, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


w Alternatives to vaccination

w Homeopathic flu remedies

w Silver hydrosol and immunity

w Key minerals necessary for immune function

w Special Q & A session included

Free samples provided.

Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner and an expert in silver therapeutics with a passion for health and healing unmatched by anybody on radio. His show is heard on 70 radio affiliates throughout the U.S., including WJBW 1000 AM West Palm Beach, Sundays 1PM to 3PM. Find the podcasts at and He overcame 24 years of chronic illness by learning and applying previously hidden natural healing methods and has since dedicated his life to revealing the healing power within us all.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Healing Fiat Economic Disease - an insider reveals secrets of the IMF, World Bank and the scam of Global Warming - Podcast Link

The globe is awash with internationalists promoting an economic model of disease akin to the medical model of disease. If you were sick because of toxins, would you expect to get well by adding more toxins?

In economics, Keynesianism holds the idea that you can correct the problem of inflation by creating even more inflation. Austrian economics, much like principles found in natural healing circles, holds the idea that money must be sound, just like food should have nutrition.

Joining me this hour is an insider from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to reveal what is in store for America if it does not get back to Constitutional coin. What happened at the secret meetings to replace the fiat dollar as the world reserve currency? What of the Federal Reserve? What happened in Germany when their currency collapsed? What happens in America? Can we chart a different course before disaster?

You want the inside scoop on the scam that is global warming’s “trading carbon credits”? This is information that has never before been revealed in American media.

The economic health of the nation is at stake and so is yours. Without economic freedom, there can be no freedom. This may be the health issue to end all health issues.

Plus, more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

Podcast link here:

Medical Scam Alert! Swine Flu and HIV - Lindsey Nagel is Living Proof - Podcast Link

Medical Scam Alert! Swine Flu and HIV -- Has Barack gone stark raving mad? Obama is trying to salvage CDC’s as-pirin by declaring a national emergency in the face of the Swine Flu Scam of 2009. The pharmaceutical conflicts of interest and corruption make even the Russian mafia blush. My good friend Jon Rappoport parses the numbers here.

This is not the only scam being perpetrated by pharmaceutical-sponsored government. Since the 1984 Gallo-Heckler press conference, much of the world has been deceived into believing that a retrovirus could become a super-villain capable of destroying even the strongest immune system. Africa’s population was supposed to have been decimated by now, yet there are tens of millions of more Africans on the continent since the dawn of this pharmaceutical scam.

How does a 2 week old HIV+ Romanian adoptee (circa 1990) become a healthy 19 year old in 2009? Hint: NO “HIV” DRUGS. Cheryl Nagel joins me for her first interview since House of Numbers was released to share a story that cannot be told in the HIV-worshipping mainstream media. Lindsey Nagel is alive today precisely because of Peter Duesberg’s intervention.

Podcast link:

Plus, more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Medical Scam Alert! Swine Flu, HIV and Healing the U.S. Fiat Economic Disease

Radio broadcast on Sunday, October 25, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: President Obama has gone stark raving mad in declaring a national emergency based on the great Swine Flu scam of 2009. Will the last Barack-shot supporter please turn out the light when you leave the room?

Since July, the CDC actually stopped testing for H1N1. CBS actually exposed the real numbers of Swine Flu cases state by state and they do not look good for CDC and even may come back to bite Obama on the as-pirin.

In California, based on 13,704 tests for suspected Swine Flu, only 2% of the patients had Swine Flu. Only 12% had some other kind of flu, which leaves a giant monster lurking under the National Emergency Declaration: 86% had no flu at all.

What does it mean that Obama declares this Emeregency Declaration a "pre-emptive" move? This is the Bush Administration on pharmaceutical steroids. Can you declare war to prevent war? Can you declare an emergency to prevent one? Will this finally wake the people to realize that the medical emperor wears no clothes and that Obama is an empty suit filled with delusions of Tamiflu?

They must suppose that the bigger the lie, the more believable it will be. If that's the case, then Obama has made the biggest whopper in the world.

Hour One: Medical Scam Alert! Swine Flu and HIV -- Obama is trying to salvage CDC's as-pirin by declaring a national emergency in the face of the Swine Flu Scam of 2009. The pharmaceutical conflicts of interest and corruption make even the Russian mafia blush. My good friend Jon Rappoport parses the numbers here.

This is not the only scam being perpetrated by pharmaceutical-sponsored government. Since the 1984 Gallo-Heckler press conference, much of the world has been deceived into believing that a retrovirus could become a super-villain capable of destroying even the strongest immune system. Africa's population was supposed to have been decimated by now, yet there are tens of millions of more Africans on the continent since the dawn of this pharmaceutical scam.

How does a 2 week old HIV+ Romanian adoptee (circa 1990) become a healthy 19 year old in 2009? Hint: NO "HIV" DRUGS. Cheryl Nagel joins me for her first interview since House of Numbers was released to share a story that cannot be told in the HIV-worshipping mainstream media. Lindsey Nagel is alive today precisely because of Peter Duesberg’s intervention.

It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here. Next up, I will be interviewed. What healing secrets will I reveal? You'll have to sign up for the HSS to find out.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Healing Fiat Economic Disease -- The globe is awash with internationalists promoting an economic model of disease akin to the medical model of disease. If you were sick because of toxins, would you expect to get well by adding more toxins?

In economics, Keynesianism holds the idea that you can correct the problem of inflation by creating even more inflation. Austrian economics, much like principles found in natural healing circles, holds the idea that money must be sound, just like food should have nutrition.

Joining me this hour is an insider from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to reveal what is in store for America if it does not get back to Constitutional coin. What happened at the secret meetings to replace the fiat dollar as the world reserve currency? What happened in Germany when their currency collapsed? What happens in America? Can we chart a different course before disaster?

You want the inside scoop on the scam that is global warming's "trading carbon credits"? This is information that has never before been revealed in American media.

The economic health of the nation is at stake and so is yours. Without economic freedom, there can be no freedom. This may be the health issue to end all health issues.

Plus, more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

It's started, but you can still sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here. Next up, I will be interviewed. What healing secrets will I reveal? You'll have to sign up for the HSS to find out.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Restore joint health and integrity with GLC Direct. Click on the link to receive a free sample! Call Toll Free 866-452-3473.

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!

More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the November 1 show: More on the Health Summit Series. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen October 25, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Medical Scam Alert! Swine Flu, HIV and 2) Healing Fiat Economic Disease on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, October 25, 2009. Special thanks to the Health Summit Series.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pink Ribbons and Green Patriots - podcast link - includes special interview with Chris Barr on Selenium and Breast Cancer

National Breast Cancer Awareness month continues, but nary a mention of Vitamin D and Selenium in the mainstream medical press corps. It’s all radiation and chemo, all the time. It’s time to revisit true breast cancer prevention and reversal with my good friend, Chris Barr.

Special note to all you Earth Muffins out there: Disband the EPA and restore property rights. I will explain how that would clean up the environment faster than a million government regulators (local, state, federal and global combined) could ever do. Not only would it reduce breast cancer, but all other cancers as well.
Do we have enough vaccines yet? The cigarette vaccine is evidently up in smoke. Maybe there should be a vaccine to protect us from government. Never mind, we’d probably just get more.
targeting drugs with nanoparticles? Since there is no such thing as a cellular drug deficiency, how will smaller drug particles really be of genuine benefit? Do we really need to be deluded by allopathic nano-pharmacology? Besides, we already have safe nano-medicine. It’s called HOMEOPATHY.

Plus, more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flu Shot Dystonia Backfire podcast link; interview with Dr. Rashid Buttar

Flu Shot Dystonia Backfire -- Has Big Pharma finally bitten off more than it could chew? Desiree Jennings, a Washington Redskins cheerleader's life has been harmed (irreparably?) by the latest and greatest flu vaccine. How will the vaccine industry spin this? They own the PR so look for the mainstream media to attempt to bury the story before it gains too much traction. The U.S. version of the story is obviously vague, as if the incident is just an erroneous, unsubstantiated claim.

Has a New York judge halted a medical rebellion? It seems that the NY State Supreme Court issued a stay of execution as it argued "that state Health Commissioner Richard Daines overstepped his authority.
" Perhaps we should consider just how it came to be that vaccination became sacrament in the Church of Modern Medicine.

Joining me this hour is Dr. Rashid Buttar, one of the foremost medical authorities in countering the damage from assault by vaccination. Do you know anyone who has been vaccine damaged? Don't miss this hour!

It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.

Link to the podcast here:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Flu Shot Dystonia Backfire, Pink Ribbons and Green Patriots

Radio broadcast on Sunday, October 18, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Clearing the terrain is conservative, not liberal. Today's liberal thought-form on the environment is that "only government regulation can save nature." This is absurdist nonsense shielded by utopian eye-blinders.

Modern-day liberals (not classical liberals) are completely ignorant of the fact that it is precisely government that ALLOWS (and protects) the polluters while circumventing the average citizen's recourse in defense of property rights -- which would stop the polluters in their tracks, even with no EPA regulations. Cap and trade that.

Now Obama appears ready to sign an international treaty to override the Constitution so that global government can redistribute fiat money from America to polluted and corrupt governments in poor nations.

How this will help the environment can only be explained by PR companies paid big bucks to obfuscate reality. Unless you are a multinational corporation with no allegiance to any nation or state, theft will not benefit you or your environment. Do modern-day Democrats and Republicans secretly wear communist underpants?

It is tragic how statists from both parties conveniently forget that some of the most severe environmental damage occurred under communist/socialist regimes.

In America, government was supposed to defend individual liberty and provide a means by which the little guy could get justice whenever his right to life, liberty or property was breached. If the government did as is laid out in the Constitution, it would get out of the way and allow property owners (that is EVERYONE, if you acknowledge that you own your own life) to fight back directly against artificial creations of the state and their polluting ways.

Smoky the Bear used to say that "only you can stop forest fires." It's true in this case as well. Only you can clean up the environment. Don't look to government to do that which is your responsibility. It's a dangerous servant and an incredibly toxic master.

In case you missed my latest appearance on the Savage Nation, watch this:

Now, on to this week's show:

Hour One: Flu Shot Backfire -- Has Big Pharma finally bitten off more than it could chew? Desiree Jennings, a Washington Redskins cheerleader's life has been harmed (irreparably?) by the latest and greatest flu vaccine. How will the vaccine industry spin this? They own the PR so look for the mainstream media to attempt to bury the story before it gains too much traction. The U.S. version of the story is obviously vague, as if the incident is just an erroneous, unsubstantiated claim.

Has a New York judge halted a medical rebellion? It seems that the NY State Supreme Court issued a stay of execution as it argued "that state Health Commissioner Richard Daines overstepped his authority." Perhaps we should consider just how it came to be that vaccination became sacrament in the Church of Modern Medicine.

Joining me this hour is Dr. Rashid Buttar, one of the foremost medical authorities in countering the damage from assault by vaccination. Do you know anyone who has been vaccine damaged? Don't miss this hour!

It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Pink Ribbons and Green Patriots -- National Breast Cancer Awareness month continues, but nary a mention of Vitamin D and Selenium in the mainstream medical press corps. It's all radiation and chemo, all the time. It's time to revisit true breast cancer prevention and reversal.

Special note to all you Earth Muffins out there: Disband the EPA and restore property rights. I will explain how that would clean up the environment faster than a million government regulators (local, state, federal and global combined) could ever do. Not only would it reduce breast cancer, but all other cancers as well.

Do we have enough vaccines yet? The cigarette vaccine is evidently up in smoke. Maybe there should be a vaccine to protect us from government. Never mind, we'd probably just get more.

Also, targeting drugs with nanoparticles? Since there is no such thing as a cellular drug deficiency, how will smaller drug particles really be of genuine benefit? Do we really need to be deluded by allopathic nano-pharmacology? Besides, we already have safe nano-medicine. It's called HOMEOPATHY.

Plus, more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

It's started, but you can still sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

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Sneak Preview for the October 25 show: More on the Health Summit Series. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen October 18, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Flu Shot Backfire and 2) Pink Ribbons and Green Patriots on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, October 18, 2009. Special thanks to the Health Summit Series.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1918 Swine Flu Time Warp podcast link

1918 Swine Flu Time Warp -- The non-event that is the great Swine Flu Hoax of 2009 is standardizing medical malpractice in the guise of needless and "needle-less" Swine Flu vaccinations. A potentially dangerous hoax?

How do you convince sentient beings on a planet that they are just one virus away from extinction? For one, you could buy government and media and have them wave the Black Magic wand of Madison Avenue.

This hour I will explain, once again, why 1918 is not about to happen to us again. It's not the virus, stupid. Where is Antoine Béchamp when you need him? Right here on the United States of Health Talk Radio, along with Andrew Bosworth and his article Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax.

Charles Geshekter returns with more updates on the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!

It's started, but you can still sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here. Next up, I will be interviewed. What healing secrets will I reveal? You'll have to sign up for the HSS to find out.

Podcast link here:

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