Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The CDC's Katrina Cancer

The agency that serves as the de facto marketing arm of the vaccine industry is again caught protecting industry over the health of the poorest among us. Who is going to notice if a bunch of welfare recipients get cancer? I can almost hear them in the Georgia bedrock deep below Emory University making moral justification for suppressing formaldehyde out-gassing in FEMA-purchased trailers. "Well, most of them would probably get cancer anyway, so why should we say anything?" A high-level doc within CDC's own ranks decides to blow the whistle and gets shuffled off to a desk job on the X-Files. Lest you think that these accusations were being made by some low-level janitor on Clifton Road,
"De Rosa had been head of the division of toxicology and environmental medicine in CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry since 1992."

Hang on, Julie Gerberding, they're coming for you too. "Justice" would be forcing Chicken Little Gerberdink to live in one of those FEMA Formaldehyde trailers. The chief welfare recipient at CDC must be held accountable for grotesque negligence in "helping" the victims of Hurricane Katrina with such contempt. Do you see what we have to look forward to in the next government-loving administration, whether it be Obama-Clinton-McCain-Huckabee? Compassion at the force of a gun is not compassion, it's criminal.

Who speaks out against such criminality? The one doctor who continues to make the correct diagnosis is the presidential candidate held under strict media blackout. Who might that be? The truly Honorable Ron Paul. As a physician, he knows first hand the damage inflicted upon medical practice by government encroachment. His solution? Freedom. So while the CDC desperately attempts to keep their diseased "doublewides" a secret, Ron Paul remains an unwelcome voice to welfare bureaucrats, much like the child that pointed out the naked emperor. Only this time, he is not alone. Awaken to The Revolution: A Manifesto, coming soon to reveal the blueprint of the next American Revolution -- or is that the completion of the one that was begun over 200 years ago?

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