Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ed McCabe, Mr. Oxygen, Orthorexia, Flame Retardant Dogs, Ear Infections, Leaky Gut on The Robert Scott Bell Show April 27, 2011

Ed McCabe©, “Mr. Oxygen®©” joins me to discuss oxygen as a therapy to overcome most every dis-ease. We’ll also talk alkalinity, sulfur, silver, cellular voltage and energy medicine. His best-selling book Oxygen Therapies, A New Way of Approaching Disease has recently been followed by Flood Your Body With Oxygen, Therapy for Our Polluted World in book and DVD set form. He was the first and only person in history to create mass public awareness of the existence and benefits of active oxygen and related therapies. http://oxygenamerica.com/ and http://oxygenhealth.com/ and http://oxygenamerica.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=407

You have responded! RSB will answer your calls on ear infections, radiation during pregnancy and gastrointestinal symptoms (including Leaky Gut!)… Call 1-866-939-BELL with your questions or comments 24/7.

Are Americans really too stupid to take their medicines correctly? Hmmmm. http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2011/04/26/a-new-push-for-patients-to-take-their-meds-correctly/?mod=WSJBlog&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wsj%2Fhealth%2Ffeed+%28WSJ.com%3A+Health+Blog%29

Flame retardant dogs? Really? http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/223271.php

Is there such a thing as Angel Animals? http://angelanimals.com/

SSRI’s and NSAIDS do not mix well. Are any of you really surprised? http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/04/25/antidepressants-otc-painkillers-good-combo/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fhealth+%28Internal+-+Health+-+Text%29

Limited time offer! Peace-of-Mind Homeopathic medicine kit, including remedies for radiation exposure! Call 1-800-543-3245. Now available for $89.99 price (includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners: http://www.kingbio.com/store/product.php?productid=16375&cat=0&page=1

Supreme Court denies request to fast-track VA lawsuit against Obamacare – what does this really mean? Can you say “Nullify Now?” http://www.naturalnews.com/032189_Obamacare_Supreme_Court.html#ixzz1KgY6o6b1 and http://www.nullifynow.com/losangeles/

Many Natural News readers and Robert Scott Bell Show listeners are going to be diagnosed with a new eating disorder: Orthorexia! (I can’t make this stuff up!) Anyone wonder if it’s covered by Obama-care? http://health.yahoo.net/experts/dayinhealth/new-eating-disorders-are-they-real

Ron Paul announces exploratory committee to run for president! Will Americans respond to a message of liberty and fiscal responsibility this time? http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20057611-503544.html

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In case you missed my interview with Governor Gary Johnson from this past Sunday, you can still listen to it here: http://www.gcnlive.com/programs/robertScottBell/

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