Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jesse Ventura (Pt.3), Diane Miller, Health Freedom, Licensing Homeopaths, Gold & Silver on The Robert Scott Bell Show April 7, 2011

Robert Scott Bell Show April 7, 2011

Governor Jesse Ventura in Part 3 of a 4 part interview covering the Patriot Act, the role of lobbyists in destroying our republic, the CIA being embedded in state governments and even chemtrails! and

· Coming up on Friday - The JFK Assassination, problems with our political system and how to change it.

Homeopaths to be licensed in Arizona? Diane Miller from the National Health Freedom Association joins me to explain.

What is the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and why can’t we speak freely about what natural products do in reversing disease? Al Foreman joins me from the Natural Products Expo West for a special interview on the state of the industry and the real place to come for health care.

Why is gold and silver going higher? Why is the Federal Reserve Note “dollar” going lower?

Do you wish to be treated as an adult? Ron Paul Introduces the Freedom to Bank Act (HR 1095):

Teens Who Choose Music Over Books Are More Likely To Be Depressed, Pitt School Of Medicine Study Finds

Heartburn and GERD drugs for infants? Please tell me that this is just an April Fool’s joke.

This headline is just ridiculous: Antidepressants May Cut Off Blood Flow To Brain, But Don't Stop Your Meds

MOMENT OF DUH - Overall Health May Be Key to Beating Breast Cancer (HealthDay) Really?

Lots of stories about depression in the news lately. What gives?
Teens Who Choose Music Over Books Are More Likely To Be Depressed, Pitt School Of Medicine Study Finds

I love the continued battle against obesity by targeting things other than the crappy food itself!
New York City to consider banning fast-food toys (Reuters)

Limited time offer! Peace-of-Mind Homeopathic medicine kit, including remedies for radiation exposure! Call 1-800-543-3245. Available for a limited time only at this special $84.95 price (includes free shipping) for RSB Show listeners:

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