Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jonathan Emord, Scientific Free Speech, Dr. Carolyn Dean Talks Cancer Reversal and More on The Robert Scott Bell Show April 13, 2011:

Robert Scott Bell Show April 13, 2011:

Dr. Carolyn Dean joins me to talk cancer detection. Are the new blood screening techniques legitimate or are they designed to trap unsuspecting patients in expensive invasive procedures that lead to even more problems? http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7394133.html We’ll also talk stomach acid, cholesterol, enzymes, magnesium, Codex alimentarius and being blinded by science! http://www.naturalnews.com/031802_blinded_science.html

Jonathan Emord returns to discuss the Free Speech in Science Act, The Health Freedom Act, Prior Restraint and Monopoly protection for drugs. Is the FDA trying to destroy the supplement industry? How can we remove the FDA from health claims jurisdiction? The FDA Dragon Slayer will tell us! Also, what’s the update on the U.S.T.A’s lawsuit against Obamacare? http://newswithviews.com/Emord/jonathan185.htm and http://www.emord.com/Jonathan-Emord.html

Judges need snack breaks too! Why you may want to know if your judge is hypoglycemic BEFORE you enter the courtroom! http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/04/11/6453226-much-like-toddlers-judges-need-snack-breaks

With U.S. Pharma’s 887 new drugs and vaccines in the pipeline – why does the Obama Administration insist that we need a new Taxpayer supported research facility for new drugs? http://www.pharmatimes.com/Article/11-04-11/US_pharma_s_record_887_cancer_drugs_vaccines_now_in_R_D.aspx

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