Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Merck the Chicken Little Gerberding Vaccine Agenda" podcast link

Merck the Chicken Little Vaccine Agenda podcast link -- Why do government regulatory and health authorities promote vaccines and drugs to the exclusion of all things nutritious?

There is a revolving door between Big Government and Big PHARMA that should disqualify anyone in either industry from having anything to do with health care. Jeffry Aufderheide from joins me to discuss the drug industry's revolving door with the CDC and FDA.

Case in point? Julie Gerberding leaves the CDC to head Merck's $5 Billion dollar vaccine division, one year and one day after leaving the public dole. Or how about Margaret Hamburg, current head of FDA, after a stint with the Clinton Administration and serving on the board of Henry Schein Inc., makers of mercury tooth fillings? Do you wonder why FDA still claims that it is safe to put mercury into the mouths of babes?

Kevin Miller of Generation Rx drops in for a surprise visit as well.

Government corporatism means that regulatory agencies protect multinational corporations with no allegiance to any nation or state over the health of the people. Welcome to 2010 and the United States of Drugmerica. This hour, what to do about it...

Podcast link:

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