Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Health Freedom Kick-off" podcast link

"Health Freedom Kick-off" podcast link – The Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach was party central for those who love liberty from March 26-28, 2010. This special live remote broadcast was made possible by FarmaSea Super Sea Veg, Orange TKO and Sovereign Silver.

Dr. Carolyn Dean dropped by the booth to kick things off in rockin' style as we discussed her book Death By Modern Medicine, which can save more lives than the FDA has in its entire existence.

Jeffrey Smith from Seeds of Deception joined me with updates on the GMO front, including his new book Genetic Roulette. Are you still eating genetically modified organisms?

Scott Kennedy from FarmaSea returns to bring whole food nutrition from the ocean back to America.

Podcast link:

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year!

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