Friday, March 7, 2008

Gold price hits record 976.32 dollars per ounce in London "Demand for gold tends to rise at a time of uncertainty about political or economic conditions, and when inflationary pressures appear to be building up." How is the price of gold compared to the price of oil? Darn near flat as a pancake. Has gold gotten more scarce and expensive as a result -- or has the paper (fiat) dollar become worth less by virtue of its ever growing supply? Until you understand inflation, you will always be victimized by an elite group of private bankers enslaving you to an artificial economic system designed to keep you in perpetual servitude. Millions of people have still not awakened to see the little child pointing at the federal emperor who is buck-naked and not actually a part of the federal government at all. Poor Ben Bernanke has inherited the inevitable disaster of paper money backed by nothing, otherwise known as The Creature from Jekyll Island. Don't look for any sympathy from Ron Paul. He's only been warning you for 30 plus years now...

Oil Surpasses $103 for First Time... "The slumping dollar and tension in the oil-rich Middle East have been among the factors in crude's dramatic 19 percent rise in February." How is the price of oil compared to gold? Flat as a flapjack. Wow, the song remains the same. What does that mean for our understanding of the value of the dollar and what inflation really is? Nothing, if your name is McCain, Hillary, Huckabee or Obama. Would the KISS method even help them? How difficult is it to understand that if you increase the supply of paper dollars in circulation, each paper dollar that you currently hold now has diminished purchasing power, or value? Come on, this is 4th grade stuff here. Go get your copy of Richard Maybury's "Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?" and read it to your kids before it's too late for them to live free of government tyranny...

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