Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Government's Unconstitutional War on Natural Cancer Treatments

Headline: FDA warns about fraudulent cancer treatments "The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on teas, supplements, creams and other products that falsely claim to cure, treat or prevent cancer even though they are not agency-approved drugs."

Why shouldn't I be free to decide what is real or fraudulent when it comes to the treatment of cancer, much less its cure? Why shouldn't you? This is where we have irrefutable evidence of the current slave-state mentality of my fellow countrymen, the people of the united States. How could a "free" people tolerate governmental and corporate interference in the care of their bodies at all? Perhaps fluoride has clouded our judgment. Why else would we believe that the FDA is really about our protection? Especially from some leaves that might cure cancer. Maybe we should dump all of our anti-cancer tea in the Boston Harbor. How about some Selenium as well?

It is a disgusting outrage and an embarrassment that a free people would tolerate such restrictions when it comes to the care of their health. How do you defend the FDA's war on natural cancer therapies? Is it really "fraud" to heal cancer without FDA approval? No. The real fraud is the claim that the FDA could protect us from fraud. They encourage it. They allow it. They subsidize it pharmaceutically. What would you call the monopoly practice of oncology and its barbaric treatments?

Cancer is not caused by a lack of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. But it may very well be caused by a lack of that which the FDA claims is fraudulent. More people die of the treatment for cancer than cancer itself. More people die each year from FDA approved substances than have died from ingesting natural medicinal substances since the dawn of these united States of America (I am not including mercury here, even though, technically, it's natural). It's strange that when allopathic medicine uses a substance from nature, it's not only toxic, but unlike the homeopaths, they use it in a toxic dose.

In the private sector, if any company had a track record even 1/10 as bad as FDA and the drug industry they "regulate," it would have been bankrupted within a year and its executives brought up on criminal charges. Instead of Nixon's perpetual War on Cancer, we now have the pharmaceutical industrial complex's war on natural cancer treatments. This is made possible only because of the monopoly status granted allopathic medicine by government despite the prohibition against granting titles of nobility. Read the Constitution for goodness sake. It is, in actuality, the responsibility of the People to hold public servants to their oath of office, but too many of them are under the influence of all that is approved by government. If "we the people" remain addicted to FDA approved drugs, it may be a conflict of interest that our republic cannot Bayer.

Does government do anything right? How about the War on Illicit Drugs? Surely that is justified because they are more dangerous than the FDA approved variety. Aren't they? Just wait 'til you read my next blog entry...

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