Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Detoxifying D.C. and Pelosi-care; Helping Danny Hauser podcast link with Kevin Miller

Detoxifying D.C. and Pelosi-care; Helping Danny Hauser -- The road to hell is paved with pharmaceutical cobblestones inscribed with the HMO's of Richard Nixon, the secrecy of Hillary-care, the prescription drugs of GWB, the threat of Obama-care, and now the monstrosity of Pelosi-care, a 1,990 page homage to federal pharmaceutical slavery.

What is it with Pelosi and the Democrats? How is it that they believe that insurance for allopathic medicine mandated on all Americans in going to improve health care? It's not health care now so how is it going to be health care by force?

Perhaps these pseudo-reformists should be placed in a padded cell until they get over their drug-induced delusions. Or maybe we should just pad the walls of Congress, lock all the doors, throw away the keys and start over?

Kevin Miller of Generation Rx returns with an update on Daniel Hauser, whose family was criminalized simply for saying "no" to state-sponsored oncology. Should you be allowed to choose methods to heal cancer not approved by government? Please help support the Hauser family with their legal and medical bills.

Plus I am joined by John Bradshaw-Layfield in promotion of an event in support of our wounded veterans.

Also, fiat money always wipes out the middle class and poor. End the Fed. Send Nancy Pelosi home. Or Antarctica. Maybe she can convince the penguins to sign up for forced allopathic medical insurance. Leave the humans alone.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255 during live broadcast hours (1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time U.S.).

Podcast link: http://askrsb.podbean.com/2009/11/10/detoxifying-dc-and-pelosi-care-1112009-hour-1/

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