The latest reports confirm what I have been predicting all along - this flu is not a legitimate news story. As the mainstream medical authorities sheepishly acknowledge this fact, they still propagandize for the experimental vaccine with every increasing airy-fairy confidence. But it’s a con-game. While they claim to be happy that the flu did not mutate - they also claim that this means the “pandemic” shot will be a better match. What they do not say is that the “match” is actually going to be lit by those who succumb to the fear-driven viral vaccination agenda. If H1N1 had mutated, they would be promoting it even if it were no longer a good match, just in case, anyway. Good, bad or indifferent, the promotion of the unholy sacrament of the Church of Biological Mysticism continues unabated by willing accomplices in government and media. Not here. Add to the vaccine’s illegitimacy the dosage instructions for Tamiflu which may result in overdose. I will endeavor to counteract the misinformation of flu and allopathic flu solutions this hour with common sense non-toxic options.Mutating Flu Vaccines -- The news reports continue to be all over the map regarding H1N1 Influenza-A (Swine Flu). Will it kill billions or be milder than a typical seasonal flu?
Podcast link here:
Monday, September 28, 2009
Mutating Flu Vaccines podcast link
Ron Paul Talks "End The Fed" On Daily Show
(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 28, 2009 ) Washington D.C., September 28, 2009 – Congressman Ron Paul will be making a return appearance on The Daily Show Tuesday, September 29 to talk about his latest book, End The Fed, which challenges the constitutionality of the Federal Reserve. The Congressman’s latest release recently entered the New York Times’ bestseller list at number six, mirroring the success of his previous book, The Revolution: A Manifesto.
End The Fed, has served as a rallying point for supporters of Paul’s bill, H.R. 1207 The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, meant to shed light on the practices of the nation’s central bank. Last week, the House Financial Services Committee held hearings on bringing more transparency to the Fed, this development came after increased support and a super-majority sponsorship of the bill in Congress.
The success of Congressman Paul’s book and the ‘Audit The Fed’ movement has given him a greater platform to spread his message of sound money and economic stability to the public, which seems to be growing ever more receptive since the economic crisis of last year.
The episode will air at 11:00 pm EST, and again Wednesday at 7:00 pm EST.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Drugged Immune Deficiency and HIV Vaccine podcast link
Drugged Immune Deficiency -- Those interested in improving their health need to look other places besides government and the medical industrial complex.
Word out of Washington, D.C. brings even more toxic reality checks about the dangers of FDA approved medications. Can you imagine a diabetes drug causing a deadly pancreatic disease? How about a breast cancer drug causing heart failure? I suppose that is one way to reduce cancer death statistics, albeit a rather sickening one. What if I told you that anti-depressant drugs sanctioned by government regulators caused heart defects in developing and newborn babies?
This hour, I will not only cover the deadly absurdities of FDA approval, but what to do, naturally, to overcome the maladies caused by the very drugs used to treat the initial diagnosis. Let's see just how far we can push Freedom of Speech in the healing realm.
Does your right to life and liberty apply under Big Pharma's monopoly?
Also, is it possible that after billions of dollars and 20+ years, there may be a vaccine for the retrovirus never caught in the act of doing anything? How would you tell the difference between antibodies stimulated by the vaccine and those naturally acquired through normal immunological interaction? David Crowe reports in from England with more news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!
It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Podcast link here:
Drugged Immune Deficiency, HIV Vaccines and Mutating Flu Shots
Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 27, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: The president of the United Nations? Where in the constitution does it permit the head of the Executive Branch to head or serve on a committee of a non-governmental institution? If he wanted to be president of the U.N., why didn't he just say so?
Need I remind you that the U.N. is the same organization that last week held a gun to the "rich" countries of planet earth, threatening anarchy unless we transfer 900 million British Pounds to Big Pharma for Swine Flu vaccines and Tamiflu. Wanna know what I think about it? Listen to my interview with Michael Savage on the Savage Nation from last week:
Can you say global transfer of wealth? It's bad enough that the U.S. government does it. How many countries and non-governmental agencies does Big Pharma need to sleep with?
The best thing that could happen to health care in America would be if our government would de-couple from its illicit affair with the drug/vaccine industry. Let them commit pharmasuicide instead of poisoning the planet with synthetic substances that can never replace vitamins and essential trace elements.
Does anybody even wonder why it is illegal to cure cancer with natural substances? Same for many other diseases. Does that sound like an American ideal to you?
The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness includes the right to heal from disease by any means you deem appropriate, as long as it is not done through force or fraud. The government operates a virtual monopoly on that with the help of FDA and FTC.
You want freedom or would you rather be nanny-stated and drugged to death?
I choose freedom.
Hour One: Drugged Immune Deficiency -- Those interested in improving their health need to look other places besides government and the medical industrial complex.
Word out of Washington, D.C. brings even more toxic reality checks about the dangers of FDA approved medications. Can you imagine a diabetes drug causing a deadly pancreatic disease? How about a breast cancer drug causing heart failure? I suppose that is one way to reduce cancer death statistics, albeit a rather sickening one. What if I told you that anti-depressant drugs sanctioned by government regulators caused heart defects in developing and newborn babies?
This hour, I will not only cover the deadly absurdities of FDA approval, but what to do, naturally, to overcome the maladies caused by the very drugs used to treat the initial diagnosis. Let's see just how far we can push Freedom of Speech in the healing realm.
Does your right to life and liberty apply under Big Pharma's monopoly?
Also, is it possible that after billions of dollars and 20+ years, there may be a vaccine for the retrovirus never caught in the act of doing anything? How would you tell the difference between antibodies stimulated by the vaccine and those naturally acquired through normal immunological interaction? David Crowe reports in from England with more news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!
It started, but there's still time to sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Headline: Swine Flu Virus Not Mutating, Making Vaccine a Good Match "It means that the vaccine that we have coming off the production line shortly is a very good match -- in fact, an excellent match -- with the virus that continues to circulate, which suggests it is likely to be very effective in preventing illness," Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
Vaccine Shows Promise in Preventing HIV Infection "In the three-year experiment, 74 of 8,198 people who received placebo shots became infected with HIV compared with 51 of 8,197 people who received the vaccine, suggesting the vaccine regimen could have reduced the risk of being infected by 31%."
US FDA sees pancreatitis link with Merck's Januvia "Because a number of patients developed the condition soon after taking Januvia, or related drug Janumet, and more than half saw it disappear after they stopped using it, 'FDA believes there may be an association' with the drug."Antidepressants Linked to Heart Defects in Newborns "The risks were seen in sertraline (trade names Zoloft and Lustral) and in citalopram (Celexa), both of which belong to the class of medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)."
"Septal heart defects -- malformations in the wall separating the right side of the heart from the left -- were more common among women taking antidepressants in the first trimester, Danish researchers found."
• Water in about 100 school districts and 2,250 schools breached federal safety standards.
• Those schools and districts racked up more than 5,550 separate violations. In 2008, the EPA recorded 577 violations, up from 59 in 1998 — an increase that officials attribute mainly to tougher rules.
• California, which has the most schools of any state, also recorded the most violations with 612, followed by Ohio (451), Maine (417), Connecticut (318) and Indiana (289).
• Nearly half the violators in California were repeat offenders. One elementary school in Tulare County, in the farm country of the Central Valley, broke safe-water laws 20 times.
• The most frequently cited contaminant was coliform bacteria, followed by lead and copper, arsenic and nitrates.
Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)
Hour Two: Mutating Flu Vaccines -- The news reports continue to be all over the map regarding H1N1 Influenza-A (Swine Flu). Will it kill billions or be milder than a typical seasonal flu?
The latest reports confirm what I have been predicting all along - this flu is not a legitimate news story. As the mainstream medical authorities sheepishly acknowledge this fact, they still propagandize for the experimental vaccine with every increasing airy-fairy confidence. But it's a con-game.
While they claim to be happy that the flu did not mutate - they also claim that this means the "pandemic" shot will be a better match. What they do not say is that the "match" is actually going to be lit by those who succumb to the fear-driven viral vaccination agenda.
If H1N1 had mutated, they would be promoting it even if it were no longer a good match, just in case, anyway. Good, bad or indifferent, the promotion of the unholy sacrament of the Church of Biological Mysticism continues unabated by willing accomplices in government and media. Not here.
Add to the vaccine's illegitimacy the dosage instructions for Tamiflu which may result in overdose. I will endeavor to counteract the misinformation of flu and allopathic flu solutions this hour with common sense non-toxic options.
Also, are your kids drinking the tap water at school?
Just in: There's another interesting report from anti-capitalistic propagandists regarding evil corporations dipping pillows in carcinogenic flame-retardant chemicals. What they fail to mention is that big government regulations made them do it. How do you expect government to solve the very problems they not only cause, but mandate?
It's started, but you can still sign up for the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)
Natural Solution Links for Independence:
Restore joint health and integrity with GLC Direct. Click on the link to receive a free sample! Call Toll Free 866-452-3473.
Rapid inflammation and pain reduction from a dietary supplement? Pernax the magnificent! Click on the link to see how you can try it for FREE! Call 1-888-424-7179 for more information.
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
Why would you want to alkalize your body? Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Discover the technology and health benefits of purified, alkalized water (call 1-877-466-5433 to get $100 off - ask for the RSBell Show special!). Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science.
Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.
Sneak Preview for the October 4 show: Bone up for skeletal health with Jordan Rubin. More on the Health Summit Series. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!
The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.
Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!
Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 27, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.
1) Drugged Immune Deficiency and 2) Mutating Flu Vaccines on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 27, 2009. Special thanks to the Health Summit Series.The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...
Want Liberty? Listen to Ron Paul's speech from the University of Minnesota
End the Fed. Who owns your money? As long as the Fed has a monopoly, they do. Economic enslavement is still enslavement.
Below is Congressman Ron Paul's speech from the University of Minnesota Young American's for Liberty Town Hall Meeting:
HR 1207 to Audit the Fed. There are now over 290 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.
Don't forget this important legislation awaiting your support for health liberty:
HR 3394 Freedom of Health Speech Act
HR 3396 Congressional Responsibility and Accountability ActSaturday, September 19, 2009
Swine Flu, Homeopathy and Viscious Vaccine Attacks on Children
Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 20, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Does the 1st Amendment protect you from screaming "Racism!" in a crowded country? The inherent belief in the genetic superiority of one race over another has nothing to do with why a majority of Americans don't want government run health care.
Maybe it's politicism, because there is an inherent belief that one political system is superior to another, especially if you are invested in the cause of liberty.
It is funny how those designated as leftists appear to be arguing for competition in health insurance. Competition used to be a free market term. Government competition is an oxymoron. Competing with government never lasts long, because no private entity can continue to do business while losing millions to billions every year. That is the exclusive domain of black magic as it is manifested by government.
The Post Office vs. FedEx and UPS is not a valid comparison, because they are not permitted to deliver mail. That is a government-granted monopoly. Which brings me to health care. It is prohibitively expensive precisely because it functions with monopoly protection. The argument that the free market does not work for healthcare is utter nonsense. Dangerous, too, because it belies the fact that it is in crisis precisely because government has regulated all competition out of it.
Imagine if you were free to see ANY KIND of doctor that you wished to see, WITHOUT government interference. Is that idea (rooted in liberty) too foreign a concept for those indoctrinated by government school systems?
If you still have a love of liberty and wish your kids to prosper in a nation that values their right to self-determination - even with those things biological - then please contact your congressional representative and have them support the following legislation:
And don't forget HR 1207 to Audit the Fed. There are now 290 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives:
Then End the Fed. Who owns your money? As long as the Fed has a monopoly, they do. Economic enslavement is still enslavement.
Hour One: Swine Flu and Homeopathy -- Need more evidence for government incompetence? See their passionate promotion of toxic medicines and experimental vaccines over proper nutrition, immune boosting herbs and homeopathic remedies.
On whose side is history? A champion for homeopathy, Dana Ullman, from Homeopathic Educational Services, returns to bring needed perspective to allopathic vs. homeopathic flu treatment.
Also, we will revisit The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People & Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy. Kathleen Sebelius, we got your remedies, right here.
David Rasnick returns with more news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. Hope to see you there!
Starts Monday 9/21/09: Don't forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)
Hour Two: Vaccine Attacks on Children -- Medical authorities in government were evidently not satisfied with the female body count to Gardasil shots; now the FDA has recommended that boys be victimized as well.
Vaccines are the gateway medicament to lifelong dependency on pharmaceutical drugs and FDA-approved drug doctors. Is it possible that we have been lied to regarding the role of vaccination in disease prevention?
How can anyone justify injecting toxic heavy metals, animal RNA, antibiotics, aborted fetal tissue, and hyper-stimulating adjuvants into the arms of babes? Might there be better ways to promote immune function without endangering the very lives medical authorities are claiming to protect? Absolutely.
Even if you believe that all life would end without vaccines, would you argue that it is the responsibility of the federal or state governments to mandate them, jailing and fining those who dare to refuse to become human experiments?
Who owns you? Who owns your children?
Pushing vaccines is apparently never enough for the feds, so we'll also cover a new campaign to get parents to give their children more painkillers. I am not making this up - wait until you hear the audio! WHen it comes to drugs and vaccines approved by government, truth is stranger than fiction.
It starts Monday 9/21/09! Don't forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Natural Solution Links for Independence:
Restore joint health and integrity with GLC Direct. Click on the link to receive a free sample! Call Toll Free 866-452-3473.
Rapid inflammation and pain reduction from a dietary supplement? Pernax the magnificent! Click on the link to see how you can try it for FREE! Call 1-888-424-7179 for more information.
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
Why would you want to alkalize your body? Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Discover the technology and health benefits of purified, alkalized water (call 1-877-466-5433 to get $100 off - ask for the RSBell Show special!). Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science.
Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.
Sneak Preview for the September 27 show: What's new from Natural Products EXPO East in Boston? More on the Health Summit Series. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!
The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.
Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!
Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 20, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.
1) Swine Flu and Homeopathy and 2) Vaccine Attacks on Children on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 20, 2009. Special thanks to the Health Summit Series.The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Swine Flu Disinformation - podcast link
Swine Flu Disinformation -- Apparently the United States of America was formed so that one day its chief executive officer could instruct the citizenry on the proper way to blow a nose in the face of an overhyped porcine virus. How many people are behaving more like cattle and lining up for their flu vaccination? Toxic shot syndrome anyone? Blow your nose into your sleeve, your elbow or your Elmo? The president of the United States is now engaged in extra-constitutional activity by providing medical advice. Got license? It's like dueling banjos in Washington, DC, as one expert claims that H1N1 is mild and another expert claims it may be the end of the world as we know it. Ever since the publication of the Flexner Report of 1910 the U.S. has been on a collision course with medical tyranny. Whatever keeps Americans in the pharmacy, either through fear or confusion, seems to be the primary role of the federal government. Fear keeps the people in medical slavery. Confusion keeps them from gaining too much confidence to point out that the medical emperor wears no clothes. My radio show is simply the little child pointing out what should be obvious to everyone not too hopped up on FDA-medication. Coming soon: Don't forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.Podcast link:
Obama Promises are Free - podcast link
Obama Promises are Free – How does stuff that costs money become free? Sorcerer-in-Chief? Only the Fed can monetize debt and provide the illusion that it went away. Is Obama really open to new ideas in health care reform? Did the president lie? Why did Joe Wilson apologize?
Obama claims that he does not want to put the insurance industry out of business, just “make them accountable.” What about the executive branch of the federal government? Will accountability count there too? By the way, how does a private business compete under stifling regulations against an artificial entity that has an unlimited ability to lose money and keep going?
Did you hear that Barack says he will not sign a plan that will add one dime to the deficit? Have you seen the deficit lately?!? When does that promise start?
It’s my turn to tell the president what we should do to restore health care integrity to America. Unlike Joe Wilson, I will not apologize for my views. Let freedom ring. Plus, in honor of the Obama address to the joint session of Congress, natural cures for diarrhea are included this hour.
Also, David Rasnick returns with news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. See you there!
Coming soon: Don’t forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Click here for the podcast:
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Obama-care Promises are Free, but Universal Health Care is Not and Swine Flu Disinformation
Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 13, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Was it thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands (or more) marching on the White House and Capitol Hill yesterday? Distrust of government is a uniquely American tradition gaining resurgent momentum as the current president pushes an un-American agenda a bit too far.
Those Obamatized may perceive the growing opposition as some sort of "ism" rather than being due to the dreadful sensation that liberty is fraying from the very fabric of the organic American republic. Independents, libertarians, Republicans and former Democrats are rallying against excessive spending, taxation and debt. Endless loops of welfare and warfare always result in a freedom-deficiency disease.
I find it rather interesting that the anti-war protests have disappeared since Obama took office. Did we pull out of Iraq? Have we drawn down troops in Afghanistan? It appears that the left does not mind war as long as they're in charge.
Is there hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle? Of course. Republicans have done a bang up job increasing corporate welfare which is just as wrong as the Democrat variety because it violates one of the Ten Commandments:
Thou shall not steal.
There was no exception for theft made for government in either the U.S. Constitution or the Ten Commandments. So what's the president's excuse? Steal from the future to pay for the pharmaceutical industrial complex? Even Robin Hood would be appalled.
Actually, Robin of Loxley retrieved money stolen by government from the poor and returned it to the rightful owners. Only government could legalize theft and have Obamatose people defend it as if it were a noble gesture of compassion. Slavery is never compassionate.
It occurs to me that if Obama is a constitutional scholar, then Elmo and Barney Frank must have medical degrees.
You want me to blow my nose where?
Hour One: Obama Promises are Free -- How does stuff that costs money become free? Sorcerer-in-Chief? Only the Fed can monetize debt and provide the illusion that it went away. Is Obama really open to new ideas in health care reform? Did the president lie? Why did Joe Wilson apologize?
Obama claims that he does not want to put the insurance industry out of business, just "make them accountable." What about the executive branch of the federal government? Will accountability count there too? By the way, how does a private business compete under stifling regulations against an artificial entity that has an unlimited ability to lose money and keep going?
Did you hear that Barack says he will not sign a plan that will add one dime to the deficit? Have you seen the deficit lately?!? When does that promise start?
It's my turn to tell the president what we should do to restore health care integrity to America. Unlike Joe Wilson, I will not apologize for my views. Let freedom ring.
Also, David Rasnick returns with news of the upcoming Rethinking AIDS Conference November 6-8, 2009. See you there!
Coming soon: Don't forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)
Hour Two: Swine Flu Disinformation -- Apparently the united states of America were formed so that one day its chief executive officer could instruct the citizenry on the proper way to blow a nose in the face of an overhyped porcine virus. How many people are behaving more like cattle and lining up for their flu vaccination? Toxic shot syndrome anyone? Blow your nose into your sleeve, your elbow or your Elmo?
The president of the United States is now engaged in extra-constitutional activity by providing medical advice. Got license?
It's like dueling banjos in Washington, DC, as one expert claims that H1N1 is mild and another expert claims it may be the end of the world as we know it. Ever since the publication of the Flexner Report of 1910 the U.S. has been on a collision course with medical tyranny.
Whatever keeps Americans in the pharmacy, either through fear or confusion, seems to be the primary role of the federal government. Fear keeps the people in medical slavery. Confusion keeps them from gaining too much confidence to point out that the medical emperor wears no clothes.
My radio show is simply the little child pointing out what should be obvious to everyone not too hopped up on FDA-medication.
Coming soon: Don't forget the Health Summit Series. Sign up by clicking here.
Headline in the news: WHO's Not So Serious About Swine, So Why Are We? "Does the cookie aisle in Wal-Mart really have that much power over us that we're willing to take a vaccine that is useless at best and lethal at worst rather than eat right, sleep right, and move a little more?"
Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)
Natural Solution Links for Independence:
Restore joint health and integrity with GLC Direct. Click on the link to receive a free sample! Call Toll Free 866-452-3473.
Rapid inflammation and pain reduction from a dietary supplement? Pernax the magnificent! Click on the link to see how you can try it for FREE! Call 1-888-424-7179 for more information.
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
Why would you want to alkalize your body? Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Discover the technology and health benefits of purified, alkalized water (call 1-877-466-5433 to get $100 off - ask for the RSBell Show special!). Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science.
Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.
Sneak Preview for the September 20 show: What's in the news? More on the Health Summit Series. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!
The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.
Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!
Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 13, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.
1) Obama-care Promises are Free, but Universal Health Care is Not and 2) Swine Flu Disinformation on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 13, 2009. Special thanks to Orange TKO, Sovereign Silver and the Health Summit Series for making this broadcast possible.The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
AAPS' Dr. Jane Orient on Obama's joint session address to Congress on health care
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is one of the few medical trade associations that does not take money from the pharmaceutical industrial complex. You can count on this group to give you information not corrupted by blind allegiance to vaccinations and drugs. - RSB
[The following comes from longhand notes by AAPS Executive Director Dr. Jane Orient, with her editorial comments in red type in brackets.]
After 15 minutes of anticipation, greetings, and applause, Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress began about 8:15 p.m. EDT on Sep 9, 2009.
I won’t rest, he said, until all Americans who are seeking work can find it, and businesses can find the capital and credit they need to thrive. But I am confident that we have managed to pull the economy back from the brink.
I wasn’t sent, however, just to clean up crises, but also to build for the future. And although I’m not the first President to try to bring Americans health care reform, I am determined to be the last.
Teddy Roosevelt tried it, and then John Dingell, Sr., in 1943. [That was when AAPS was founded for the purpose of stopping the Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill.]
Our collective failure to meet the challenge decade after decade has brought us to the breaking point. The uninsured live in fear every day that they are one accident or illness away from bankruptcy. This includes middle-class people. People who don’t get insurance through their employer have to pay three times as much for it [thanks to the federal tax code].
One man lost coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because of failure to report gallstones he didn’t know he had, and a breast cancer victim got cancelled before a bilateral mastectomy because of failure to report a history of acne. Her cancer grew before she could get new coverage. Nobody should be treated like that in the U.S.A.! [Elsewhere they will get coverage, but likely be denied treatment. See AAPS Mythbuster #16.]
Then there are the increasing costs. We spend one and a half times as much per capita as other countries and are no healthier. [See AAPS Mythbuster # 6.]
Our industries are at a competitive disadvantage because of health-care costs. [See AAPS Mythbuster #3.]
The uninsured are a burden on insured people, who pay $1,000/year for somebody else’s emergency and charity care. [See AAPS Mythbuster #12.]
There is an unsustainable burden on taxpayers. If nothing is done about rising costs, we will spend more on Medicare and Medicaid than on all other government programs combined. [See Huntoon Lampoons, Medicare Pac-Man and video “Obama Care and Medicare’s Entitlement Kids.”]
The facts are not in dispute. [See AAPS Mythbusters.] We need health care reform. The only question is how.
People on the left say the only answer is a single payer like in Canada. People on the right [such as??] say we need to end the employer-based system and leave individuals to fend for themselves. There are arguments on both sides. But either would be a radical change for most people. With one-sixth of our economy it would make more sense to build on what works than to build something entirely new from scratch. [The promised fundamental transformation will take a little time. First, the wrecking ball and the bulldozer….]
There is an unprecedented coalition backing reform: doctors [the AMA], seniors [AARP], drug companies [big PhRMA], etc.
There is 80% agreement [among the in-crowd] about what needs to be done. But some partisan elements are not engaging in honest debate but rather in scare tactics and an unyielding ideological campaign. They are focused on short-term political points and want to stop the solution to a long-term challenge.
The time for bickering and game playing is past. The time for action has come. We need to show Americans that we can do what we were sent here to do. Now is the time to deliver on health care.
There are three goals: (1) stability and security for the insured; (2) insurance for the uninsured; (3) decreasing the growth rate of costs.
Everybody, including employers and individuals, must take responsibility to meet the challenge [or else pay thousands of dollars in harsh tax penalties].
All you need to know is that if you get insurance from your job, or are on Medicare or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in the plan will require you to change. [But nothing guarantees that your job or insurance company will survive; see AAPS Mythbuster #10.]
What the plan will do is make your insurance work better for you. It will outlaw denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, dropping or watering down coverage when you need it most, or capping coverage in a given year or over a lifetime. The plan will have to cover preventive care and check-ups. It will place limits on out-of-pocket payments because nobody should have to go broke because of illness. All these things will happen as soon as I sign the bill. [True insurance—with pricing based on risk—is thus immediately outlawed, and replaced with collectivist third-party payment.]
If you don’t have insurance, you will finally be able to get affordable coverage through new health insurance exchanges. Insurers will have incentives to offer competitive prices because they’ll be getting millions of new customers [who will be forced to buy the product or pay a penalty]. If you still can’t afford it, there will be tax credits to help you. It will take four years to set up the exchanges to make sure we do it right. But you’ll immediately be able to get low-cost coverage to protect against financial ruin. Sen. McCain proposed this during the campaign, and it was a good idea.
Individuals will be required to carry health insurance just as many states require automobile insurance. Businesses will have to offer health care or else “chip in”—unless they get a hardship waiver, and 95% of small businesses will be exempt. But we can’t have big businesses gaming the system to avoid responsibility.
Everybody is going to have opportunities like federal employees (all of us) do.
There are significant details to be ironed out, but consensus on the main points.
The plan will benefit all Americans and the economy, but there is some nervousness owing to misinformation and bogus claims by those with an agenda to kill reform at all costs.
For example, the existence of a bureaucracy with the power to kill seniors would be laughable if it were not so cynical and irresponsible. It’s a lie plain and simple. [See AAPS Mythbuster #18. There will not be an official death bureaucracy: just incentives, penalties, guidelines, price controls, and shortages of facilities and personnel. Doctors, not officials, will be held responsible.]
Another false claim is that illegal immigrants will be covered. Reform does not apply to those who are here illegally. [There were boos and a call of “you lie” from Rep. Joe Young (R-SC). Amendments requiring citizenship checks were defeated, Wilson told Sean Hannity. And Obama favors measures to make illegals legal.]
No federal dollars would be used to fund abortions. [Nothing was said about mandates for qualified private plans to cover abortion.] Federal conscience laws are in place. [Immediately after taking office, Obama began the process of rescinding rules for protecting medical professionals from discrimination for refusing to violate their conscience.]
It is alleged that reform would be a “government takeover” of the system. As proof, the public option is offered. It would be like Medicare or Medicaid.
The guiding principle is choice and competition: that’s how markets work.
In 34 states, 75% of the insurance market place is dominated by five companies or fewer, and in Alabama one company has 90% of the business. [The role of previous “health care reform” is not mentioned.] Without competition, insurance companies treat people badly and engage in cherry-picking. I have no interest in putting insurance companies out of business; only in holding them accountable [through measures that will put a lot of them out of business.]
The not-for-profit public option would be added to the insurance exchange only for people without insurance. It would keep insurance companies honest. [See AAPS Mythbuster #9.]
The CBO estimates that only 5% of Americans would sign up for the public option. Still, insurance companies don’t like it. They think private companies could not compete. However, the public option would not receive tax funding; it would only get the premiums that it collects. It would be like public [tax-funded] and private universities. Its importance has been exaggerated by left and right [but he seems to think it is absolutely essential].
I will cooperate with my Republican friends who offer constructive suggestions, but I will not back down: if Americans cannot find affordable coverage, we will provide a choice.
And I will make sure that no government bureaucrat or insurance company bureaucrat comes between you and the care you need. [Nothing was said about between you and your doctor.]
How will we pay for the plan? I will not sign a plan that will contribute to deficits now or in the future. It will not add one dime to the deficit. [The $254 billion cost of preventing big annual pay cuts to physician is exempted from the congressional rules requiring new programs to be paid for. “In other words it doesn’t have to be paid for because they decided it doesn’t have to be paid for” (AP 9/9/09).]
There will be a provision requiring spending cuts if promised savings do not materialize. I faced a $1 trillion deficit because spending was not paid for, as in the Iraq War. I will not make the same mistake.
We will find savings within the existing system by eliminating waste and abuse [as from the purportedly very efficient Medicare program]. We do too much that does not make us healthier, in the judgment of medical professionals.
Threats to Medicare are pure demagoguery. Four decades ago we established the principle that after a lifetime of hard work people should not have to struggle with medical bills. This is a sacred trust that must be passed down to the next generation. Not one dollar from the Medicare Trust Fund will be used to pay for the plan. [The Medicare Trust Fund is an accounting fiction; all the funds have already been spent.]
In Medicare [despite its legendary efficiency], hundreds of millions are being spent on waste, fraud, abuse, and insurance company subsidies. We’ll set up a commission to identify more waste.
We will also fill in the gap that causes seniors to spend thousands of dollars out of pocket for prescription drugs.
That’s what this plan will do for you. Remember that the people spreading the tall tales opposed Medicare in the past.
I will protect Medicare. There will be no privatized system with vouchers.
Because Medicare is such a big part of the system, making it much more efficient will save costs for all.
We’ll implement common-sense measures to decrease infections and increase coordination. Decreasing the inefficiencies of Medicare [the single-payer advocates’ model of efficiency] and Medicaid will pay for the rest of the proposal.
Then there will be revenues from drug companies and insurers who benefit from new customers. There will be a fee [tax] on high-cost policies.
These modest changes will hold down costs for all.
Malpractice reform will help lower costs, say many, especially Republicans. Now I don’t think malpractice reform is a silver bullet, but I’ve talked to enough doctors to know that defensive medicine may add to costs. I’m going to move forward today on a demonstration project proposed by Bush [handing the ball to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, formerly a lobbyist for trial lawyers].
The added costs will be $900 billion over 10 years, less than the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan, and less than the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Most of the costs will be paid for by dollars we are already spending, but we’ll be spending them better. If we can slow growth by only 0.1% each year, it will decrease the deficit by $4 trillion in the long term.
My door is always open to serious proposals, but know this: I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it is better politics to kill this than to improve it. I’ll not stand by while they spread misinformation meant to keep things as they are. Those who misrepresent the plan will be called out.
We cannot accept the status quo. [See AAPS Mythbuster #14.] If we do nothing, there will be more bankruptcy, more loss of coverage leading to death. [See AAPS Mythbuster #11.]
We know these things to be true. We cannot fail because Americans are counting on us to succeed.
I received a letter from Ted Kennedy, written just after his diagnosis of terminal brain cancer in May, to be opened after his death. It calls health care reform the great unfinished business of our society….
In 1965, Medicare was called a government takeover, but Democrats and Republicans did not back down….
The problem of too much government is matched by the perils of too little….
We are not here to fear the future, but to shape it….. We need to meet the historical test. That’s who we are. That is our calling….
And we have to exchange acrimony for civility, meet the challenge, and not kick the can down the road. [Leaving debt to the grandchildren doesn’t count, nor does debasing the dollar. See: “Brother Can You Spare a FRAUD?”] An effort to help is not un-American, and we’re all in this together.
[Translator’s note: The Red Sea of deficits will part, the loaves and fishes of Medicare savings will provide care for the multitudes, divisions will cease, and every mountain and hill will be made low even if the valleys aren’t exalted.]
Additional information:
- Physicians Stand Together Rally in Washington, D.C. (AAPS President Mark Kellen’s comments on Obama’s address are near the end)
- Comments by Mark Kellen, M.D., and Kathryn Serkes on conscience clause and other features. Family Research Council 9/10/09.
- Comments by Ron Paul, AMA President David Scheiner, and AMA Past President Nancy Nielsen on Larry King Live.
- Americans for Tax Reform. Obama Bingo Card.
- Cato Institute Live Blog during the speech.
- NY Times transcript of Obama’s address to Congress (if you’d rather not go to official government site)
- Official White House site
This entry was posted on Thursday, September 10th, 2009 at 11:32 pm and is filed under health care reform. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Special thanks are due to the AAPS for its strong stance in support of health freedom. Encourage your doctor to become part of this fine organization. - RSB