Tuesday, February 9, 2010

McCain's Neurotoxic Vaccine/Food Additives podcast link

Podcast link – Why is John McCain attacking dietary supplements, considering there have been absolutely no deaths attributed to them by the poison control center reporting system set up to track them?

Is he a shill for the U.N. Codex Alimentarius? Is he trying to Europeanize American health care like Obama? Where is his defense of individual freedom in healing? Certainly not in his "Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA S 3002)" which only protects Big Pharma from having to compete with substances not approved by FDA.

Also, MSG has become a ubiquitous component of prepared and processed foods in the Western world over the last century. Quantities do not have to be listed on the contents panel and it is sometimes listed a “natural” or “other” ingredients.

Monosodium glutamate is linked to obesity, endocrine disruption, neurological damage including autism, seizures and many other disorders. What you may not realize is that this toxic food additive is found in vaccines as well! Why? Jeffry Aufderheide of VacTruth.com returns with a special report.

Also, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is promising more secrecy as Obama insists that he is not giving up on reforming health care for even more government interference. Here's what to look out for...

The FDA is debating whether to approve statin drugs based on CRP tests instead of cholesterol levels. I'll tell you why everyone on the planet would be healthier without Crestor, no matter what their cholesterol levels...

Are you ready for another Liberty Pulse update?

Podcast link: http://askrsb.podbean.com/2010/02/08/mccains-neurotoxic-vaccinefood-additives-272010-hour-1/

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year!

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