Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"President Obama's health performance his first 100 days" -- Naturally Speaking By Christopher C. Barr

We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.

Stirring words delivered by the newly sworn President Obama in his inaugural address.

The focus of science on commerce and industry has too often been with little if any regard for public benefit and safety. This has been exemplified the past decade by arthritic drugs like Vioxx and diabetic drugs like Avandia that each resulted in increased deaths from heart disease.

Countless injuries, extra hospitalizations and even deaths have resulted from blood supplies not properly screened by the American Red Cross. This in spite of numerous and repeated warnings just to follow established and agreed upon safety procedures continually ignored throughout this past decade under the Republican Bush administration the same as during the decade before under the Democratic Clinton administration.

These are but a few of many instances of science with more emphasis on commercial benefit to industry rather than for public benefit.

Call to arms

The new president has called for public comment in matters regarding health care.

“This year is a golden opportunity as this summer is the 50th anniversary of National Institute of Health researchers discovering a key that I have proven by application,” wrote this columnist to the White House regarding diabetes that is undergoing explosive growth in this nation the past decade. This was part of my response to the call of President Obama for health reform input and with regard to his words to “wield technology’s wonders to raise health care quality and lower its cost”.

“This is easily documentable medically and scientifically in days for some, in weeks for many, and in three months for others,” wrote this columnist in part about my own “health reform work through four decades … at the grass roots level.”

“You could call me a community organizer,” my correspondence noted.

Savings to “the American people more than $100 billion on health care annually” based upon recent government figures were noted to be “likely much more – for less than $25 per month for each American.”

More detail was included in this response to the presidential call to arms.

“This is the single, most important health discovery made to date though very few know very much about it and most of what those few know about it is wrong,” was noted in conclusion about this government sponsored finding at the National Institutes of Health 50 years ago with extensive documentation building up this past half-century.

It has been more than two months without response.

Devil in the details?

A closer scrutiny to the inaugural words by President Obama may be in order.

It could be questioned just how much “technology’s wonders” have been used “to raise health care’s quality”.

It is without question that the wielding of “technology’s wonders” with regard to health care has not been known to “lower its cost”.

The health care (or rather sick care) industry makes much of the high cost of research. What you don’t hear is how much of that cost is covered by government funding and extensive subsidies i.e. taxpayer dollars from the public. Yet the public’s “reward” is to get fleeced by the ravenous wolves of the sick care industry.

The 10 pharmaceutical companies on the Fortune 500 had greater combined profits than all the other 490 companies combined as disclosed by Dr. Marcia Angell from Harvard University (alma mater of President Obama). Dr. Angell was also formerly editor of the New England Journal of Medicine that is recognized as one of the premier medical journals in the world.

Much has been made of the greed of the banking industry by President Obama. Their greed is but a vapor in the wind when compared to that of the sick care industry – which is never addressed though rationales (excuses/lies) are abundant.

Profits increase more than twice the rate of inflation year after year – often far in excess of twice the rate of inflation.

The health care industry is one of the only ones that as a whole has been noted to uniquely remain profitable in the current and far-reaching economic downturn. Several multi-billion dollar acquisitions have been made in the industry. Profits are being maintained at least in part due to industry greed as evidenced by the tens of thousands of lower level layoffs by these companies who have profit margins that continue to excel.

The question must be asked: Is President Obama being conned or is he in on the con?

The solution offered by the president is health insurance for all. The primary criticism of this is that will hurt doctors. One group this will not hurt at all is the medical drug and device providers. Such solution would guarantee more sales of drugs and devices to more people than ever before guaranteeing their already-more-profitable-than-any-other industry to have even greater profits than ever before.

President Obama hails from the state that is headquarters to the American Medical Association which has evidenced more concern for relieving pocketbooks of the public than offering relief to the pocketbooks of the public.

The primary interest in nutrition by the AMA has been in preventing nutritional care from impacting medical interests.

His fellow U.S. Senator from Illinois when the President filled a Senate seat was Dick Durbin (one of the highest ranking U.S. Senators). It seems that Sen. Durbin never met a nutritional supplement that he didn’t hate.

The state of New Jersey overwhelmingly supported Obama in his ascent to the presidency. That is also the nation’s headquarters for national headquarters of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers.

Is President Obama being conned or is he in on the con?

Last month the president called for consideration of a food safety agency noting that food laws have not been revamped in more than a century. The problem is not that the laws have not been updated but rather that they have for the most part not been enforced for the better part of the last century.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that bleached, refined white flour was a violation of the Pure Food & Drug Act almost 100 years ago. Yet, this “food” item makes up 20 per cent of the average American diet according to recent federal government figures.

More than 90 per cent of the essential mineral nutrients chromium, selenium and silicon are removed in the production of this illegal substance commonly consumed by Americans. The whole grains from which this “food” stuff derives would otherwise constitute the primary source of these three elements. The lack of these three elements is also intricately linked to blood sugar metabolism, heart health, cancer and birth defects, just to name a few that include the biggest killers of Americans.

The presidential announcement for a separate food safety agency was made at the same time as his selection of Dr. Margaret Hamburg to head up the FDA and Dr. Joshua Sharfstein as her chief deputy.

The president was lauded for going outside the agency. Yet, the revolving door between the agency and the industries it oversees (allegedly) has been well documented for decades. So the praised assessment is a most inaccurate one.

Dr. Hamburg was lauded for her work on the government advisory board that resulted in the Department of Homeland Security, specifically that she “helped lay the groundwork for the government’s bioterrorism and flu pandemic preparations”.

This resulted primarily in stockpiling the drug Tamiflu.

Less than three weeks before the nomination of Hamburg a news headline noted the folly and failure of this foundation for flu pandemic preparations.

Experts were noted urging governments “to diversify their stockpiles of drugs and called for more new medicines to fight what could be the world’s next flu pandemic”.

Notably absent from this news story was Tamiflu – by name. The news noted “oseltamivir has proven to be largely useless”. Not once noted with the multiple references to ‘oseltamivir’ is the fact that is the chemical name for the brand named Tamiflu.

“We have been extremely foolish on our policies of stockpiling drugs,” said virologist Robert Webster of St. Jude Children’s Hospital at a medical conference in Hong Kong at which he also noted resistance to this flu drug as high as 98 per cent worldwide.

Do you suppose a refund will be forthcoming to the government (read ‘taxpayers’) for this faulty product?

Should Hamburg have known? This columnist knew and wrote of it at that time, and has chronicled the subsequent unraveling of Tamiflu and this terrible truth about it – a truth still too little noted let alone noticed.

Another noted as praising the decision of Hamburg was Gail Cassell who was a fellow advisory board member for establishing DHS. He was (and is) an Eli Lilly & Co. vice president. Their advisory board service resulted in a provision exempting Eli Lilly from liability for damages caused by their Thimerosol mercury ingredient.

Public outcry against this was so great that this provision was later removed.

Do you have warm fuzzies about this alleged “outsider” heading up oversight of drug companies?

The chief deputy nomination of Dr. Sharfstein is that of a pediatrician (another Harvard grad) who has served as a senior policy aide to Rep. Henry Waxman – who lobbied on behalf of Sharfstein for this position.

Rep. Waxman is the new chairman of the House Committee with oversight on health including the FDA.

Waxman is also the House equivalent of Sen. Durbin with regard to never having met a nutritional supplement that he didn’t hate – except his actions against nutritional supplements exceed those of his senatorial counterpart and he is actually in charge of the committee that would oversee such matters.

How are your warm fuzzies doing?

Again, is President Obama being conned or is he in on the con?

Weak history?

There has been criticism of the new president for having a weak history when it comes to accomplishments.

It looks like his weakness is history.

A 19th century statesman of renown noted that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

President Obama should check out the book, ‘History of a Crime’ by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, M.D., namesake of the Wiley Act of 1906 AKA the Pure Food & Drug Act that Obama seeks to supplant by replacement rather than to support by providing too long ignored enforcement. Dr. Wiley is also referred to as ‘Father of the FDA’ by the FDA though they desecrate his memory every time they open their doors. Wiley also wrote extensively against the FDA for not doing their job – the more things change the more they stay the same.

Next the new president should do some serious study into the life and unparalleled (and unsurpassed) scientific achievements of Dr. Antoine Béchamp. The anniversary just passed during these first 100 days in office for the new president of the passing of Béchamp, the all time greatest of all scientists almost 100 years ago.

These histories under the new president’s belt would enable stirring actions to his stirring words, “We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality and lower its cost.”

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State … naturally! You may write him at P. O. Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at servantofYHVH@hotmail.com.

Swine Flu Response 1976 and 2009: What have we learned? At least one doctor gets it right in congress

First, take a look at the government propaganda campaign that resulted in far more death and injury than the Swine Flu did back in 1976:

Now give a listen to the one doctor in congress in 2009 who was also there in 1976 to know the danger of government encroachment on your biological sovereignty:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Medical Collectivism or Individual Liberty: Biological Reality of Uncensored Swine-Bird-Human Flu Fear Campaign (Part 2)

Headline: CDC Readies Vaccine in Case of Swine Flu Pandemic "...the CDC has created a seed stock of a vaccine against the swine flu, which could be pushed into production should the number of cases jump significantly."

We didn't get enough Guillain-Barre syndrome the first time around? Perhaps the CDC can unleash a new experimental vaccine to prevent a flu outbreak that threatens to kill fewer Americans than the vaccine will? Do you remember their track record during the Ford administration?

"A 'seed stock' genetically matched to the new swine flu virus has been created by the U.S. Centers for Disease [Prevention and] Control, said Dr. Richard Besser, the agency's acting director."

How is it that CDC is ready to go with a bizarre new multi-strain vaccine almost at the same moment of the hyped outbreak? Remember this:

CDC to mix avian, human flu viruses in pandemic study "...rather than waiting to see if nature spawns such a hybrid, US scientists are planning to try to breed one themselves—in the name of preparedness."

Do we have collective Alzheimer's or will enough people remember that government medical agencies do not have a great track record of dealing with viral outbreaks? Back in the Gerald Ford era, more people were harmed by the Swine Flu vaccine than the actual Swine Flu.

Trust the CDC at your own risk.

"...28 students of a local preparatory school tested positive for swine flu."

Any serious events? No. According to authorities, symptoms were very mild.

The experts claim that the NY school kids were victimized by the same virus, so why is it deadly in Mexico and not in NYC? Does H1N1 suddenly get weaker the moment it crosses the border from Mexico into the U.S.? What say the mayor of NYC?

"What we're seeing is an increase in the number of people worried about the flu, not people who have the flu," he said.

Has Homeland Security become kryptonite for Swine Flu?

"You are now entering the U.S.A. If your name is H1N1, then poof! You have magically been transformed into a mild sniffle."

We'll call that your first clue that the Germ Theory is not adequate in explaining what is going on here and in Mexico. Once you understand the Law of the Terrain, however, it becomes apparent that it's not the virus, but actually the host who is responsible for symptomatic severity.

"It's the terrain, stupid."

Medical collectivism or individual liberty?

There is an agenda in blaming the virus instead of placing even a modicum of responsibility on the viral host. Blaming the virus absolves the host of any responsibility for its state of health, or the lack thereof. Why is this important, you may ask?

If you "get" the flu, you get to be a victim and can then submit yourself to some higher authority that claims it can save you from an unseen microbe, neither Republican or Democrat.

"Trust us. We're from the government. We've seen it and it's scary."

Who is that higher authority in this case? A licensed medical representative of the government. BIG GOVERNMENT. That's a conflict of interest. A BIG ONE. A medical monopoly is both immoral and unconstitutional.

What of unlicensed, natural healers who regularly assist those in need in healing from "incurable" diseases? They're not approved by government, so they don't count, unless they get a prison number. Have we become a nation of wimps, only willing to act on information, viral or otherwise, as long as it's approved by government? Have you apologized to Thomas Jefferson?

Benjamin Rush, physician to George Washington and signer of the Declaration of Independence warned us long ago:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom."

Do we need a Declaration of Immunological Independence? Which part of the Constitution grants elected or unelected bureaucrats expertise in virology? Or allows for titles of nobility? And what kind of tools and fools will the bureaucratic oligarchy use to protect or treat you? If history shall be our alibi, then it will inevitably be pharmaceutical weapons of mass destruction delivered by licensed medical doctors. Example? Tamiflu has been a big benefactor as Taxpayers have had their wealth transferred to Roche Pharmaceuticals to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars (at least back when hundreds of millions of dollars actually meant something).

Even if you are a fan of drugs and vaccines, it is hard to deny the collateral damage done in the name of public health or public good. I realize that flu vaccine apologists claim "that it is all for the public good" and "that you should be a good citizen, take the shot and shut up." That does not sound very American to me. Does anyone at the Department of Health and Human Services believe in individual liberty as a founding principle?

I am not a group and neither are you. The last time I checked, you are not "the public." You are an individual, not a Borg. Collectivism is evil. Does the "H" in H1N1 surreptitiously stand for Hillary-care? "Public health" is actually a collectivist phrase used to herd individuals into groups for purposes of control.

Will the media-hyped threat of a pandemic flu finally frighten Americans into accepting a socialist form of government?

I have nothing against good hygiene and proper sanitation (the Law of the Terrain demands it), but those things were taught with great efficiency within religious institutions long before government supplanted the church as a new "compulsory" house of worship. Did you ever wonder why the CDC is so desperate to drum up support for flu shots and anti-viral drug sacraments each year?

Maybe they need the Pentagon to unload its stockpile of Tamiflu before it expires?
Conquering the immune system is not a constitutional enumerated power of the Pentagon or any other branch or subdivision of the U.S. government, Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama included.

Immunological experts they are not. They should stick to defending the sovereignty of the United States. In case they need reminding, the Second Amendment to the Constitution was not written for hunting purposes. It was written so that the people could be secure in their liberty, especially from tyrannical government. Whether the flu pandemic threat is real or not, it is secondary to the threat that government poses with every new declared state of emergency.

Who knew that the American republic could be overthrown by a microbe, or the fear of one? The "rule of necessity" has no law, which means that the Constitution has no meaning. If this does not concern you, then role up your sleeve and take the shot. Assault with a deadly weapon used to be against the law, before it got approved by the FDA. In reference to potentially compulsory experimental vaccines, I'll side with the words of my good friend and constitutional scholar, Michael Badnarik:

"You bring the needle, I'll bring the .45, and we'll see who makes a bigger hole."

Defending liberty in the face of tyranny, microbial, governmental or otherwise, was never promised to be an easy task. In the face of H1N1, don't lose sight of the fact that what remains of individual liberty is set to be squashed by medical collectivism.

Don't let it happen. Health sovereignty is your birthright.

RSBell Swine Flu podcasts to go "viral" in support of immune systems everywhere

In case you or a loved one missed my April 26 broadcast on the new Swine Flu, now is your chance to let the biological truth go "viral."

See below:

121531 Un-Kosher Swine Flu Hype - 4/26/2009 - Hour 1
Un-Kosher Swine Flu Hype -- Is the mainstream media over-reacting to the Mexican Swine/Bird Flu? Do Mexican beans jump? Pig, Bird and Human influenza DNA mysteriously combine to infect people in Mexico? I thought the X-Files went off the air years ago. Wasnt there enough Guillain-Barre syndrome the first time government tried to force the Swine Flu shot on the American people? Just in case you are concerned about respiratory viruses and what to do about them, powerful reminders and remedies will be revealed this hour. Rather than fear, the Robert Scott Bell Show brings empowerment to your immune system. Lots of solutions that the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex would rather you not know. Where is the First Amendment still healthy and breathing? Right here. The Health Ranger Report: Mike Adams covers breakthrough science related to Vitamin D and sun exposure. Do not be afraid of the light. In the news: More drugs in the water. Like we didnt have enough already.
pod Published: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 01:05:09 CDT

121529 Health Freedom Secession or Concession - 4/26/2009 - Hour 2
Health Freedom Secession or Concession -- Part 2 on the Swine Flu to begin. While the mainstream media continues to hype stories to frighten your arms into the needles of Big PHARMA, Attorney Diane Miller, Director, National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), joins me with the NHFC new Executive Director Christine Chernis Brandt, to report on the latest victories of state leaders from across the country passing safe harbor health freedom bills, including the most recent win, New Mexico H664 (podcast at www.nationalhealthfreedom.org), and (http://www.nmcaamp.org/), protecting traditional and complementary and alternative healers. Also, protection of DSHEA is a top priority for NHFC and their annual hosting of the United States Health Freedom Assembly brings leaders together to strengthen the health freedom movement. NHFC is supporting the development of a bill to reject the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guidelines calling for maximum upper limits on dosages (www.codexfund.com). And NHFC is urgently calling for pledges to their recent matching grant offer of $3,000/month from Dr. Clark Research Association www.drclark.com. No monthly donation is too small as they gather the voices of the people together for health freedom. Freedom depends upon your health. Health depends upon your freedom. They are intricately linked and this is what you can do. In the news: The U.S. spends $9 Billion a year drugging children for bogus psychiatric disorders. I finish with more updates on the new Swine Flu and what to do about it.
pod Published: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:18:01 CDT
Get some.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Biological Reality of Uncensored Swine-Bird-Human Flu Fear Campaign (Part 1)

Headline: Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.S. "Scientists were trying to understand why there are so many deaths in Mexico when the infections in the United States seem mild, CDC's Besser said."

Could it have anything to do with the general health of the environment and the people living in it? "Always the germ it is with these biological blowhards." They refuse to see the macrocosm through the microbial pathogens. Don't let this be a deadly mistake for you.

"Most of the dead were aged between 25 and 45, a health official said. It was a worrying sign as seasonal flu can be more deadly among the very young and the very old but a hallmark of pandemics is that they affect healthy young adults."

Why are the "strongest" among us most susceptible? In the post-WW1 timeframe we had young adults coming home after radical chemical munitions exposure, experimental vaccinations and significant nutritional deficiencies. Any of which are enough to make a young human ripe for pathogenic microbial overgrowth. Does history repeat itself?

Young adults in 21st Century Mexico City have grown up in one of the most air polluted cities on planet earth. Toxins are deleterious enough on their own, but even medical authorities tend to overlook the fact that environmental pollutants also deplete selenium reserves. Why is this significant? For one, it results in a deficiency of glutathione, which makes it near impossible to clear toxins or viral debris from a successful (or even partially successful) immune battle.

When this occurs, the body often compensates for compromised detoxification pathways by trying to get rid of the toxic load via the lungs, which increases fluid and mucus production there. In the end, it is not the flu avian/swine/human influenza virus that kills, but the inability of the liver to clear debris through normal metabolic channels. They then call this a "complication" of the flu, but still record it a flu mortality statistic. If you look deep enough, you will find all flu death stats are inflated this way by the CDC. In fact, people then die of pneumonia, for instance, NOT influenza. This is true of the current Swine Flu outbreak as well.

"In the United States, at least eight cases have been confirmed with the infection, all of them in California and Texas; only one person was hospitalized." -- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Why only one of eight hospitalized in the U.S. while it appears to devastate young Mexicans in much greater numbers?

"It's the terrain, stupid."

It is much less deadly in the U.S. because of environmental and nutritional differences within the population here. Where it will likely break out is within groups of people who subsist on minerally-deficient foods in the presence of toxic contaminants steadily flowing in from food, water and air.

Have you gotten a nebulizer yet? Every family should have one. According to Dr. Eric Gordon and Dr. Kent Holtorf in "Promising Cure to URTI Pandemics Including H5N1 and SARS, Part I and Part II", a promising cure for these respiratory plagues may already exist. What does Uniform Picoscalar Oligodynamic Silver Hydrosol (UPOSH) look like? Click here (requires PowerPoint Viewer).

Remember, Selenium is critical to keep glutathione production high so that liver pathways of elimination remain open and optimal. Medical bureaucrats and mainstream medical "experts" will not reveal the simple steps you can take to strengthen the immune system and other supportive functions necessary to keep you strong, even in the face of unknown pathogenic challenges.

The Germ Theory is a tool of fear designed to keep you enslaved to a toxic pharmaceutical agenda. Understanding Béchamp's Law of the Terrain sets you free to defend your health without government or pharmaceutical interference should you so choose. Granted, your health sovereignty is not favored by elites who would rather maintain control of your physiological destiny through their collectivist agenda(s).

Here's to your health. Here's to individual liberty. Here's to you recognizing that their permission is not required.

The power to heal really is yours.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Un-Kosher Swine Flu Hype and Health Freedom Concession Secession

Radio broadcast on Sunday, April 26, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: We have another CDC alert on our minds because of bizarre coincidences.

A confluence of (unexplained) events are claimed to have led to the combining of three variant strains of influenza: swine, bird and human. Why in Mexico?

Never will the CDC consider the environment in which disease festers, whether it be a city of 20 million people, or your body with billions of bacteria, viruses and fungus.

The government agency experts, as usual, have got it so wrong as to be criminally negligent. Are they there to solve strange biological mysteries, or promote the use of dangerous unproven vaccines and disproved antiviral drugs? You shall know them by their patterns of behavior.

You want answers? Study Antoine Béchamp and the Law of the Terrain. Must I keep reminding them? Outside the CDC, a new sign has been spotted:

"CAUTION: Slow Government Welfare Scientists at Work."

If the CDC were a private sector agency, it would have been bankrupted after the Swine Flu fiasco of 1975-76. What is it they say about history repeating itself for those who refuse to learn from it?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, April 26, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Un-Kosher Swine Flu Hype -- Is the mainstream media over-reacting to the Mexican Swine/Bird Flu? Do Mexican beans jump? Pig, Bird and Human influenza DNA mysteriously combine to infect people in Mexico? I thought the X-Files went off the air years ago. Wasn't there enough Guillain-Barre syndrome the first time government tried to force the Swine Flu shot on the American people?

Just in case you are concerned about respiratory viruses and what to do about them, powerful reminders and remedies will be revealed this hour. Rather than fear, the Robert Scott Bell Show brings empowerment to your immune system. Lots of solutions that the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex would rather you not know. Where is the First Amendment still healthy and breathing? Right here.

The Health Ranger Report: Mike Adams covers breakthrough science related to Vitamin D and sun exposure. Don't be afraid of the light.

In the news: More drugs in the water. Like we didn't have enough already.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Health Freedom Secession or Concession -- While the mainstream media continues to hype stories to frighten your arms into the needles of Big PHARMA, Attorney Diane Miller, Director, National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), joins me with NHFC’s new Executive Director Christine Chernis Brandt, to report on the latest victories of state leaders from across the country passing safe harbor health freedom bills, including the most recent win, New Mexico H664 (podcast at www.nationalhealthfreedom.org), and (http://www.nmcaamp.org/), protecting traditional and complementary and alternative healers.

Also, protection of DSHEA is a top priority for NHFC and their annual hosting of the United States Health Freedom Assembly brings leaders together to strengthen the health freedom movement. NHFC is supporting the development of a bill to reject the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guidelines calling for maximum upper limits on dosages (www.codexfund.com).

And NHFC is urgently calling for pledges to their recent matching grant offer of $3,000/month from Dr. Clark Research Association www.drclark.com. No monthly donation is too small as they gather the voices of the people together for health freedom.

Click on this link to make a donation: https://app.etapestry.com/hosted/NationalHealthFreedomCoalit/NHFC_donate.htm

Freedom depends upon your health. Health depends upon your freedom. They are intricately linked and this is what you can do.

In the news: The U.S. spends $9 Billion a year drugging children for bogus psychiatric disorders.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

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Sneak Preview for the May 3 show: Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen April 26, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Un-Kosher Swine Flu Hype and 2) Health Freedom Concession or Secession? on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, April 26, 2009.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Podcast: Robert Scott Bell interviews Jonathan Emord on the health of the nation!

120945 Health of the Nation - 4/12/2009 - Hour 1
Health of the Nation -- My good friend, Jonathan Emord returns for an in-depth discussion of the health of the republic, recorded live at the Health Freedom Expo last week. The author of the Rise of Tyranny provides an inside look at the seriousness of the degradation of liberty in the land of the free. How close to the edge are we as a nation that embraces liberty or descends into tyranny? Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science. Be on the lookout for some bonus podcasts, including special interviews with Dr. David Steenblock of StrokeDoctor.com and Keith Morey of Super Good Stuff.
pod Published: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 05:31:02 CDT

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bonus Podcast: An uncensored interview of experts who question the HIV dogma of AIDS

120775 041909BONUSPODCAST.mp3
Please join Robert Scott Bell for an uncensored interview with a dynamic panel of scientists and journalists regarding the HIV causation hypothesis of AIDS. Panel includes David Crowe and Jason Erb from RethinkingAids.com, and scientists Peter Duesberg, David Rasnick and Jonas Moses. Topics include the state of scientific research integrity in the era of AIDS, the real facts surrounding the syndrome called AIDS, pharmaceutical conflicts of interest, the possibility of new scientific journals, the media, the Nobel Prize, and where do we go from here in educating the public and the medical community as to the facts over the dogma.
pod Published: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 07:24:37 CDT

Audit the Fed - HR 1207 - Warning from Thomas Jefferson

"We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds . . . [we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our mis-managers to account to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers . . . . And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for [another] till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automotons of misery . . . . And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression."

--July 12, 1816 letter from Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval

Major Radio Event: HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction now available for free by podcast

120773 HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction - 4/19/2009 - Hour 1
HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction -- What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was still wrong? It still is. From the tests to the diagnosis to the treatment, allopathic medical science is so far off the mark as to be criminal. David Crowe and Jason Erb from RethinkingAids.com join me to kick off this weeks studio broadcast. House of Numbers premiers tonight in Nashville. How about that unanswered letter to Science by 37 scientists, doctors, legal professionals, and others calling for the retraction of the original four papers that served as the scientific basis for claiming that HIV is the "probable" cause of AIDS? Who still pretends that the Gallo/Popovic paper has validity? Also, Charles Geshekter returns to put proper perspective on disease in Africa and the bogus diagnosis that plagues the continent. Plus, journalist Liam Scheff shares the horrific story of at least 200 dead children lying in the wake of the high-dose drug studies done by Columbia Presbyterian on orphans in NYC. We will cover the Incarnation Children Center scandal, and the recent subsequent whitewashes by the VERA Institute and the Village Voice. Where is the culture of life in the AIDS scientific community and media? In this sordid tale, if its pharmaceutical, its fraud.
pod Published: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 02:18:51 CDT

120771 Scientific Truth on Immune Deficiency - 4/19/2009 - Hour 2
Scientific Truth on Immune Deficiency -- Since the mainstream media would not know scientific integrity if it bit them on the aspirin, the scientist I dub the rock star of retrovirology, Professor Peter Duesberg, returns to put the sense back in science, especially as it relates to the green glowing glob that is claimed to be HIV. Why was the Nobel Prize awarded to Luc Montaignier and Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinnousi, despite Montagnier admitting in an interview that they did not purify the virus and repeatedly stating over the years that HIV was not sufficient to cause AIDS by itself? Scientist and talk show host Dr. Jonas Moses joins me to discuss the lack of real science in the HIV causation hypothesis of AIDS. There is still a lot lacking. Also, protease inhibitor drug expert Dr. David Rasnick returns with the reality that AIDS is not a drug-deficiency disease.
pod Published: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 02:20:14 CDT

Sunday, April 19, 2009

HempUSA.org podcast on nutritional freedom and the Tax Day Tea Parties

Robert Scott Bell interviews Thomas James on liberty, the Tax Day Tea Parties and the importance of hemp for nutritional freedom. Call (908) 691-2608 for information or to get yours. Click here to listen to the podcast:


More video from the Ft. Lauderdale Tax Day Tea Party

Included is an interview with radio host Joyce Kaufman and then Robert Scott Bell (at around 6 minutes in).

May the awakening of the American people continue in earnest.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction and Scientific Truth on Immune Deficiency

Radio broadcast on Sunday, April 19, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: What is a bigger threat to liberty -- phony conservatives, unprincipled liberals or the government they both lust after?

Under the 8-year tenure of a so-called compassionate conservative shrubbery, government grew at a greater rate than at any time previous. Now we have an avowed collectivist from the far left stepping it up even more.

Yes, we have Tax Day Tea Parties today, but where was the outrage from conservatives during that previous administration? And where is the outrage from liberals now that their O-guy is adopting the Bush Doctrine in foreign policy and domestic spying?

Principles are not something you adopt and discard with each break of the political wind.

If you claim freedom as your ally, then government is the enemy. Janet Napolitano just declared it so by warning law enforcement to be on the lookout for conservatives, veterans and those who have the audacity to refer to the Constitution. Can we mention Thomas Jefferson without arousing suspicion?

Why? Because "liberty" is the new "terror" code word. Believe in small government? You must be an al Qaeda operative. Who gets to Webster this twisted new definition of terrorism? Paging George Orwell, bring me a Prozac. Or is that a Zantac? The FDA approves at least a couple of hundred thousand deaths a year. What does that make them? Since when did the Bill of Rights become a threat to the U.S. government?

It's not just militaristic, it's medical. Only government could throw billions of Taxpayer dollars at a disease not caused by an unidentified microbe declared a supervillain by 1984 Orwellian HHS press conference. It would be a great science fiction story if it did not really happen. But, then again, 1984 was supposed to be a work of science fiction.

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, April 19, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction -- What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was still wrong? It still is. From the tests to the diagnosis to the treatment, allopathic medical science is so far off the mark as to be criminal.

David Crowe and Jason Erb from RethinkingAids.com join me to kick off this week's studio broadcast. House of Numbers premiers tonight in Nashville.

How about that unanswered letter to Science by 37 scientists, doctors, legal professionals, and others calling for the retraction of the original four papers that served as the scientific basis for claiming that HIV is the "probable" cause of AIDS? Who still pretends that the Gallo/Popovic paper has validity?

Also, Charles Geshekter returns to put proper perspective on disease in Africa and the bogus diagnosis that plagues the continent.

Plus, journalist Liam Scheff shares the horrific story of at least 200 dead children lying in the wake of the high-dose drug studies done by Columbia Presbyterian on orphans in NYC. We will cover the Incarnation Children Center scandal, and the recent subsequent whitewashes by the VERA Institute and the Village Voice.

Where is the culture of life in the AIDS scientific community and media? In this sordid tale, if it's pharmaceutical, it's fraud.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Scientific Truth on Immune Deficiency -- Since the mainstream media would not know scientific integrity if it bit them on the aspirin, the scientist I dub the rock star of retrovirology, Professor Peter Duesberg, returns to put the sense back in science, especially as it relates to the green glowing glob that is claimed to be HIV.

Why was the Nobel Prize awarded to Luc Montaignier and Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinnousi, despite Montagnier admitting in an interview that they did not purify the virus and repeatedly stating over the years that HIV was not sufficient to cause AIDS by itself?

Scientist and talk show host Dr. Jonas Moses joins me to discuss the lack of real science in the HIV causation hypothesis of AIDS. There's still a lot lacking.

Also, protease inhibitor drug expert Dr. David Rasnick returns with the reality that AIDS is not a drug-deficiency disease.

Bonus podcast will follow hour two with information too hot for radio! Come back to the RSBell blog for the link.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, ChoosetobeHealthy.com of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! www.nordicnaturals.com 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to HealthTruthRevealed.com! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

Why would you want to alkalize your body? Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Discover the technology and health benefits of purified, alkalized water (call 1-877-466-5433 to get $200 off - ask for the RSBell Show special!). Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science.

Be on the lookout for some bonus podcasts, including special interviews with Dr. David Steenblock of StrokeDoctor.com and Keith Morey of Super Good Stuff.

More yummy nutrition from HempUSA.org. Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go OrganicRacing.com and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the April 19 show: Health Freedom on the horizon with Diane Miller. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen April 19, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) HIV Fraud, HIV Fiction and 2) Scientific Truth on Immune Deficiency on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, April 19, 2009.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

The most potent 3 hours of AIDS Rethinking ever on Talk Radio

SUBJECT: Media Alert: Sunday April 19, 2009 1-4 PM EDT: Pre-empting the 25th Anniversary of the "probable cause of AIDS" Press Conference Only on the Robert Scott Bell Show

Sunday April 19 from 1-3 PM EDT (bonus podcast to follow)

Tune in to the Robert Scott Bell Show on Sunday, April 19, 2009, from 1 to 4 PM Eastern as we pre-empt the 25th anniversary of the infamous April 23, 1984 Gallo-Heckler "probable cause of AIDS" press conference with sane voices of reasoned, scientific discourse about HIV/AIDS.
Topics of discussion will include:

* The unanswered letter to Science by 37 scientists, doctors, legal professionals, and others calling for the retraction of the original four papers that served as the scientific basis for the claims made in the press conference on the grounds that they have been shown to be fraudulent.

* The Nobel Prize Award in Physiology or Medicine 2008 to co-recipients Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinnousi for their discovery of 'HIV' (the suppose cause of AIDS) despite Montagnier admitting in an interview that they did not purify the virus and repeatedly stating over the years that HIV was not sufficient to cause AIDS by itself.

* The Rethinking AIDS 2009 Conference in Oakland California from November 6-8 where you will meet some of the show's guests and many others looking for a balanced perspective on HIV/AIDS.

* ...evidence in the long-running investigation into the use of toxic drugs on orphans in New York City in the Incarnation Children’s Center orphanage and in New York’s major hospitals, and then in Aids medicine in general. And many more!

Scheduled guests include Professor Peter Duesberg, journalist Liam Scheff, protease inhibitor drug expert Dr. David Rasnick, AIDS in Africa expert Dr. Charles Geshekter, scientist and talk show host Dr. Jonas Moses, Rethinking AIDS and Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society President David Crowe, Rethinking AIDS Media Coordinator and talk show host Jason Erb.

Will the most eminent retrovirologist, Dr. Peter Duesberg, who in 1987 risked his career by daring to question HIV/AIDS theory join as well? Tune in to find out!

You can listen to the live stream from the link at http://robertscottbell.blogspot.com/ during the show or from one of the 75 radio affiliates listed at the 'Affiliates' link.

If you miss it live, the podcast will be available the following day at http://robertscottbell.blogspot.com/ as well as past appearances by some of the day's guests.

For information about Rethinking AIDS and how to get involved along with 2600+ other Rethinkers, please visit http://rethinkingaids.com.

We now offer various thank-you gifts for U.S. tax-deductible charitable donations, including documentaries and signed copies of books by AIDS Rethinkers. Visit http://rethinkingaids.com/DonatetoRA/tabid/141/Default.aspx for details.

What goes on behind the scenes at the Federal Reserve? Support HR 1207 and find out.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Broward County Tax Day Tea Party

Joyce Kaufman, Robert and Lauren O'Brien

Police estimated the attendance to be 5,000 at the Broward County Tax Day Tea Party today! Robert was there with WFTL talk show host Joyce Kaufman and tea party organizer Lauren O'Brien.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

National Health Freedom Coalition joins forces with the Robert Scott Bell Show April 26th, 2009

Attorney Diane Miller, Director, National Health Freedom Coalition (NHFC), will be on the Robert Scott Bell Show April 26th, with NHFC’s new Executive Director Christine Chernis Brandt, to report on the latest victories of state leaders from across the country passing safe harbor health freedom bills. This includes the most recent win, New Mexico H664 (podcast at www.nationalhealthfreedom.org), and (http://www.nmcaamp.org/), which protects traditional and complementary and alternative healers from unreasonable state prosecution just for practicing their profession.

Protection of DSHEA is also a top priority for NHFC and their annual hosting of the United States Health Freedom Assembly brings leaders together to strengthen the health freedom movement. NHFC is supporting the development of a bill to reject the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guidelines calling for maximum upper limits on dosages (www.codexfund.com).

And NHFC is urgently calling for pledges to their recent matching grant offer of $3,000/month from Dr. Clark Research Association www.drclark.com. No monthly donation is too small as they gather the voices of the people together for health freedom.

To make a donation to match the grant go to: https://app.etapestry.com/hosted/NationalHealthFreedomCoalit/NHFC_donate.htm

Diane M. Miller J.D.
Director of Law and Public Policy
National Health Freedom Action
PMB 218, 2136 Ford Parkway
St. Paul, MN 55116-1863
Phone: 507-663-9018
Fax: 507-663-9013
Alt: 651-470-7367

Friday, April 10, 2009

Health of the Nation, Operation Fitness, Raw Food & Vitamin Love on the Easter Broadcast of the RSBell Show

Radio broadcast on Sunday, April 12, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Springtime is a time of renewal and anticipation of the growth to come in the warmer season. Unfortunately, economically, rather than planting Constitutional coin, the Obama administration seems hell-bent on papering planet earth with Federal Reserve Notes. This will result in economic growth in the same way that genetically-modified food has improved nutritional content in corn and soybeans.

The food, just like the people, continues to grow poorer, while the elites who exercise control over the global economy (and food supply), enrich each other.

Renewal on all levels cannot occur unless we first detoxify the accumulated mess that is socialism and fascism. A Rasmussen poll last Thursday reported that only 53% of Americans favor capitalism over socialism. This is a tipping point that portends disaster should we not return to principles of liberty immediately.

Whether it's food or money, without health, freedom is curtailed. Without the freedom to heal, health is controlled by those who only want you healthy enough to be productive slaves. May this Easter be a time when we return to the principles of spiritual freedom, the foundation for all of our liberties...

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, April 12, 2009 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Health of the Nation -- My good friend, Jonathan Emord returns for an in-depth discussion of the health of the republic, recorded live at the Health Freedom Expo last week. The author of the Rise of Tyranny provides an inside look at the seriousness of the degradation of liberty in the land of the free. How close to the edge are we as a nation that embraces liberty or descends into tyranny? ap. Make great music with the Melody ionizer from Jupiter Science. Be on the lookout for some bonus podcasts, including special interviews with Dr. David Steenblock of StrokeDoctor.com and Keith Morey of Super Good Stuff.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Health Fitness, Raw Food & Vitamin Love -- My good friend Mike Torchia returns to discuss the state of American fitness. Vaishāli author of You Are What You Love, joins me to discuss her books, good digestion and how to make wine hangover-proof. Yes, this is an unusual discussion, but Vaishāli is not a typical guest. We wrap up this special Easter broadcast with Brenda Cobb, founder of the Living Foods Institute, to discuss the benefits of raw, living foods in health. Can you reverse cancer on a raw diet? Powerful healing stories coming up, recorded live at the Health Freedom Expo last week. Special thanks to Bill Tufts from Orange TKO for making this possible. Be on the lookout for some bonus podcasts, including special interviews with Dr. David Steenblock of StrokeDoctor.com and Keith Morey of Super Good Stuff.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal nutritionally, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, ChoosetobeHealthy.com of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! www.nordicnaturals.com 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to HealthTruthRevealed.com! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

Why would you want to alkalize your body? Cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. Discover the technology and health benefits of purified, alkalized water (call 1-877-466-5433 to get $200 off this week only!).

More yummy nutrition from HempUSA.org. Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go OrganicRacing.com and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the April 19 show: Pre-empting the 25th anniversary of the Robert Gallo-Margaret Heckler press conference that wrongly declared HIV as the "probable' cause of AIDS. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen April 12, 2009, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Health of the Nation and 2) Operation Fitness, Raw Food & Vitamin Love on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, April 12, 2009. Special thanks to Orange TKO, Sovereign Silver and ION Life for making this special Easter broadcast possible.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

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