Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nutrition's New Paradigm and Fixing America

Radio broadcast on Sunday, January 31, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST: Now that Bin Laden has aligned himself with Al Gore and Obama, can we finally move past the idea that elites must enslave us all with carbon taxes in order to save the planet?

I am all for cleaning up our 3rd rock from the sun, but it will never be done by granting power to federal and/or global bureaucracies that show more allegiance to multi-national corporations than to individuals and property rights. No one has a right to contaminate your food, water or air. Yet, the federal government defends Monsanto's patented GMO's should they drift onto a family farm, rather than the family farmer who has been violated by the polluted gene pool spill from Monsanto.

Rather than environmental regulations, Cap & Trade and Al Gore worship, environmentalists should demand that government defend the rights of property owners who go after those that pollute their property. Why don't they? Much of the earth-muffin movement has been co-opted by collectivists and corporatists that live, eat, sleep and breathe BIG GOVERNMENT. Fund them and they will obey.

That is why men of principle are much more important to have in government than those who would play you like a perpetual Hegelian dialectic pinball. It takes great discipline and maturity to reject the money and power used to entice a compromise of what you know to be true. Don't wait for someone else to be that example.

I would rather live the truth and watch all the lies crumble of their own accord. Or shall we wait for Al Gore's new environmental rallying cry: "You're either for Bin Laden or you're against him."

Sheesh. Who knew we would have to align ourselves with the terrorists in order to save the planet? Al? Al? Are you there?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, January 31, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Nutrition's New Paradigm -- Is your sustenance coming from man-made synthetics or whole foods? Did you know that "the chemicals in 95% of the 350 brands of so-called vitamins on mass market store shelves, are manufactured by 8 drug companies?"

As Washington, D.C. bureaucrats continue to argue over how to mandate cheap or free pharmaceutical drugs to an over-medicated populace, Scott Kennedy returns to discuss newly discovered phytochemicals that are not in mass market vitamins nor in the newer super drinks being hyped at house parties.

Healing is dependent on vital nutrients that are only available from whole foods. What sources remain for such food? Where do you go when most of the world's food supply is dangerously deficient in life-sustaining nutrients? Anybody care for a swim? Let's eat.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Fixing America -- Is America broke? Are its politicians devoid of common sense when it comes to the cause of health freedom and liberty? What can you do to help restore America to its foundation in defense of individual liberty?

There are simple steps you can take to restore freedom so that you and your children can live a more abundant, prosperous and healthy life - but do you value such ideals highly enough to do what is necessary and proper?

Whether you are healing the body or the body politic, the same principles apply. The state of any union can only remain healthy when entered into and maintained voluntarily. The use of force and fraud has become commonplace as our republic retreats from liberty in a headlong rush towards tyranny.

Tyranny, you say? Can you sell raw milk to your neighbor without risking arrest? Can you promote cures for disease unapproved by government without risking fines and incarceration? While we still have a First Amendment, I shall dare to bring you cures for what ails America, based on principles that can never be changed by government decree.

What are they? You'll have to tune in to find out. News stories up for comment include those below:

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Gates to Donate $10 Billion for Vaccine Research "We must make this the decade of vaccines," Bill Gates said in a statement. "Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries. Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before." What's another ten billion to prop up the ailing pharmaceutical industrial complex? Is that the price of admission, Billy? Did they promise anti-trust allegations again if you didn't offer up your budget for them to play with too? Hey Billy boy, how about funding better sanitation, improved hygiene and providing adequate nutrition to the poorest on planet earth?

Flu vaccines still a good idea For people who have children 9 and under, they need to get them in for their second doses. We’re not going back to the schools. Which is it? Either they have too much vaccine left over because they only needed to give one shot, not two; or they are lying in order to get rid of the excess stockpile that grew because only 20% of all Americans were duped into getting it in the first place.

British doctor rebuked over research linking vaccine and autism "..the regulator did not rule on Wakefield's conclusions from his research. But it said his research practices had been unacceptable." The problem here is not Dr. Wakefield's methods, but the fact that he actually dares to investigate the vaccine causation hypothesis of autism. This is akin to scientists being ostracized and exiled merely for questioning the HIV causation hypothesis of AIDS. The ghost of Ignaz Semmelwies will pay a visit to modern mediSIN's present because they have apparently learned nothing from their past. Corporatism is evil. Medical corporatism is even worse.

Study: Higher Co-Pays Mean More Trips to the Hospital "The implication is that people avoided the doctor’s office to save money, then ended up in the hospital when their problems weren’t detected or treated in their early stages." How about freeing up all the healing competition we can to reduce cost to a level that even the poorest among us can afford real health care? Because that would involve dismantling the corporatist-socialist welfare state. Monopoly persists because good men do nothing; and bad men are given free reign in the District of Columbia to destroy health freedom by federal fiat for the rest of us.

Roche Wins ‘Shame’ Prizes For Research In China "It was “highly likely” that some of the organs used in a Roche study in China were taken from executed prisoners, the source of 90 per cent of all transplanted organs in the country..." Imprisoned to harvest your organs? How long until a speeding ticket results in the loss of your kidney?

Antidepressants Tied To Lactation Problems The drug “can affect mood, emotion and sleep they may also impact serotonin regulation in the breast, placing new mothers at greater risk of a delay in the establishment of a full milk supply. Pre-term births, low birth weight, neurological impairment and now the milk has run dry? What more can antidepressant do to convince the FDA that they are perhaps the most dangerous class of drugs ever synthesized by man? Modern psychiatry is corrupting Creation with each new molecule combination synthesized and approved by FDA. Any wonder I say "culture of life my aspirin!" ?

The Pharma Marketing Hydra "If academics can't take big speaking fees from drug companies, there may be plenty of doctors elsewhere -- many of them capable scientists -- who will. There are a lot of reasons for regulating financial conflicts of interest in medicine. That doesn't mean such regulation is easy, or that it will be without unintended consequences..." Let them rip as long as the reveal their conflicts of interest for all the world to see. That's freedom baby! Bet you didn't expect me to defend Freedom of Speech for evil medial corporatists... As long as there is no force or fraud involved, let them claim that Lunesta can take you to the moon and back for all I care. When the facts are revealed, they will look like fools and only the most foolish among us will listen to them ever again.

Mom says Daughter Died from Botox "The California case of a mother who says her 7-year old daughter died from a fatal reaction to Botox treatments for cerebral palsy is believed to be the first case alleging a fatal reaction to the drug to reach trial." Diluted botulinum toxin type A injected into defenseless children? "Each vial of BOTOX® contains 100 Units (U) of Clostridium botulinum type A neurotoxin complex, 0.5 milligrams of Albumin Human, and 0.9 milligrams of sodium chloride in a sterile, vacuum-dried form without a preservative."

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

  • Great news! There is now a new choice in superior, whole food nutrition from the ocean:. Super Sea Veg 1-800-893-8344. Call and get some today!
  • Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
  • Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
  • More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
  • Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
  • Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
  • Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
  • Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the January 31 show: Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen January 31, 2010, the show begins at 1 PM EST and broadcasts live until 3 PM EST.

1) Nutrition's New Paradigm and 2) Fixing America on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EST, Sunday, January 31, 2010.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blockbuster interview with Harvey Bialy, PhD, uncensored on AIDS science

Podcast link: In his first interview since returning to the States, Harvey Bialy, PhD, founding scientific editor of Nature Biotechnology, joins me to discuss his thoughts on the new movie, House of Numbers and the failed HIV causation hypothesis of AIDS (in his own inimitable way).

This exclusive podcast includes discussion of Harvey’s first-hand knowledge of the intellectual disintegration of molecular biology as it was conceived and practiced between 1945 through the beginnings of biotechnology, as well as subsequent to its rise as a new science.

Harvey authored “Oncogenes, Aneuploidy and AIDS: A Scientific Life & Times of Peter H. Duesberg” (one of my personal favorite books) which is still available though major booksellers, including Amazon.

Harvey is a wealth of information and a fireball who shoots straight with the facts, much to the chagrin of the orthodox AIDS establishment. By the way, why was Luc Montagnier napping during the conference set up by former South African president Thabo Mbeki? Harvey knows.

Warning to all those who would dare to listen to this uncensored bonus podcast — it may be hazardous to all those unwilling to confront the harsh scientific facts head on, especially Tony Fauci and Bob Gallo, just to name two. Listen at your own risk.

Following are important links mentioned in the podcast: A.K.A. YOU BET YOUR LIFE

Message from Harvey regarding the last link below:

It is the LAST piece of writing I did on the dissident web-journal you bet your life before my abrupt retirement from the public aids war…and my o my it be very good. very good.

Harvey, I agree. - RSB

Podcast link:

"Omega-3 Fats and Longevity" podcast link

Marine Omega-3 Fats and Longevity podcast link -- Did you know that essential fats play a vital role in anti-aging? Telomere length has emerged as a novel marker to determine biological age and a new study reveals telomere lengths correlate positively with the presence of oceanic essential fats.

Stuart Tomc returns to report on more food-based nutritional solutions, rooted in science, that actually have verified positive impact on aging gracefully and even reversing clinical depression.

Plus, more on why the Democrats have not given up on health care reform, despite the election of a Massachusetts Republican to the Senate:

Also, what delusion has led Mayor Bloomberg to declare a New York City-wide assault on salt?

Shall I explain why the salt to which he may be referring is indeed a poison, but also point out the fact that salt, unrefined and unadulterated, is critical for sustaining healthy life? I shall.

Podcast link:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Prostate Cancer Reversal podcast link

Prostate Cancer Reversal podcast link -- There are many causes to be found when looking for cancer origin points. Once we remove the offending substances of causation, what shall we do to prevent or reverse cancer already present? Chris Barr returns with more discussion of the crucial role of 100% food grown Selenium in the absolute reversal of prostate cancer (and many other cancers). While The Cost Of Cancer Meds Influences Treatment, we will discuss remedies that will only break cancer, not your bank account.

Also, look out for the F-D-A Team!!!

Is the FDA blind? What if Echinacea did this:

More on pre-partum depression and the crucial role of GTF Chromium in its prevention and treatment. Will the FDA ban SSRI's during pregnancy:

Did the FDA approve another dangerous drug? So much for protecting the people:

Cholesterol kids? Merck gave 34,000 dollars to Baylor for consulting on Vytorin? Don't get Mercked again.

Will the Department of Health and Human Services promote a new statin school lunch program?

Podcast link:

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Marine Omega-3 Fats, Longevity and Prostate Cancer Reversal by 100% Food Grown Selenium

Radio broadcast on Sunday, January 24, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST: Is the health care reform bill dead? The election of Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown appears to have impacted the resolve of Democrats to force a reform bill through, due largely to new realities concerning their impending demise at the ballot box.

While it remains to be seen whether Sen. Brown will turn out to be a small government or establishment Republican, it certainly is heartening to see that an active populace can stem the leftist tide rushing toward a totalitarian takeover of what remains of health care in America. One caveat, Brown did support Massachusetts health care reform. Could he be a wolf in sheep's clothing?

Over the last 100 years, bloodsucking leeches on both sides of the political aisle have sucked the lifeblood out of healing in America and replaced it with monopolistic pharmaceutical and medical corporatism. Why should it be surprising that Pelosi, Reid and Obama still desire a government-run medical system? Don't kid yourself, just because Scott Brown has replaced Teddy Kennedy does not mean that Democrats are giving up on their dream of socialism.

Since both parties are guilty of growing government at the expense of individual liberty, perhaps our litmus test for candidates going forward should be whether they are endorsed by their own parties. Voting has not been the problem, the candidates running for those votes has been. Look for candidates receiving little love from old guard Dems and Repubs and then you'll have a pretty good idea of who to support.

Choosing between welfare and warfare is the running Hegelian Dialectic between establishment Democrats and Republicans. In health care, the dialectic is between socialism and corporatism, both of which result in the growth of government and subsequent loss of health freedom. Will the Tea Party force Republicans to live up to their claims of being the party of smaller government?

The system is broke - or maybe it's the people who believe that further institutionalizing the broken medical monopoly that are really broke. What is never up for discussion in the mainstream media is whether the current system we have is worth saving at all. Corporatism is not a free market. Affordable health care does not mean cheaper (or free) drugs for poor people -- because drugs are not health care.

A right is something you can exercise without violating anyone else's rights, which is why health care can never be a right. The Democrats are wrong. So are the Republicans. Maybe this is why more Americans refuse to identify with either party. Is there a party of freedom in the house?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, January 24, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Marine Omega-3 Fats and Longevity -- Did you know that essential fats play a vital role in anti-aging? Telomere length has emerged as a novel marker to determine biological age and a new study reveals telomere lengths correlate positively with the presence of oceanic essential fats. Stuart Tomc returns to report on more food-based nutritional solutions, rooted in science, that actually have verified positive impact on aging gracefully and even reversing clinical depression.

Plus, more on why the Democrats have not given up on health care reform, despite the election of a Massachusetts Republican to the Senate:

Also, what delusion has led Mayor Bloomberg to declare a New York City-wide assault on salt?

Shall I explain why the salt to which he may be referring is indeed a poison, but also point out the fact that salt, unrefined and unadulterated, is critical for sustaining healthy life?

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Prostate Cancer Reversal -- There are many causes to be found when looking for cancer origin points. Once we remove the offending substances of causation, what shall we do to prevent or reverse cancer already present? Chris Barr returns with more discussion of the crucial role of 100% food grown Selenium in the absolute reversal of prostate cancer (and many other cancers). While The Cost Of Cancer Meds Influences Treatment, we will discuss remedies that will only break cancer, not your bank account.

Is the FDA blind? What if Echinacea did this:

More on pre-partum depression and the crucial role of GTF Chromium in its prevention and treatment. Will the FDA ban SSRI's during pregnancy:

Did the FDA approve another dangerous drug? So much for protecting the people:

Cholesterol kids? Merck gave 34,000 dollars to Baylor for consulting on Vytorin? Don't get Mercked again.

Will the Department of Health and Human Services promote a new statin school lunch program?

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

  • Great news! There is now a new choice in superior, whole food nutrition from the ocean:. Super Sea Veg 1-800-893-8344. Call and get some today!
  • Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
  • Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
  • More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
  • Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
  • Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
  • Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
  • Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the January 31 show: Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen January 24, 2010, the show begins at 1 PM EST and broadcasts live until 3 PM EST.

1) Marine Omega-3 Fats and Longevity and 2) Prostate Cancer Reversal on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EST, Sunday, January 24, 2010.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jon Rappoport reviews documentary film "House of Numbers"


JANUARY 20, 2010. Brent Leung, a young Canadian filmmaker, has just released House of Numbers, which explores every basic official fact about AIDS—and finds these facts shot through with doubts and holes.

The accuracy of HIV tests; the competing and unclear definitions of AIDS; whether HIV causes AIDS; overblown case numbers; the safety and efficacy of the medicines; the supposed lethality of HIV; all these issues come up for review.

What’s remarkable is that Leung gained access to major AIDS researchers and bureaucrats and put them on camera for interviews: Robert Gallo; Tony Fauci; Robin Weiss; David Baltimore; Luc Montagnier. You’ll see a gallery of officialdom on display.

Predictably, House of Numbers has ignited controversy. It questions authority.

Among its high points—

In 1985, an African definition of AIDS was framed by Western scientists so that, without any defining test, an eyeball diagnosis could be made. The result? Untold numbers of Africans who have exhibited obvious signs of ordinary immune suppression and lives lived in poverty have been arbitrarily called AIDS victims.

For several reasons, the standard blood tests for HIV (Elisa and Western Blot) are unreliable. Worst-case, a person could submit to a test, and merely depending on what country he lived in, he could be diagnosed positive or negative.

The drugs given for AIDS are highly toxic, and can cause death in the short or long term.

In what is perhaps the most shocking moment of the film, Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, the co-discoverer of HIV, states that a person with a strong immune system should be able to throw off the effects of the virus.

Coming from anyone else, this remark would be cast off like some piece of nonsense, especially since it torpedoes the whole billion-dollar pharmaceutical assault on AIDS. But Montagnier is one of the brightest stars in the HIV-research firmament.

When advance clips of the film were released, Montagnier’s statement caused a firestorm, and charges were leveled that Leung had edited that remark to twist its meaning and context. Leung then posted footage (cut out of the final edit of House of Numbers) that showed Montagnier had gone even further in his assessment that HIV was not a lethal virus.

Another Nobel Laureate, Kary Mulllis (1993, Chemistry), appears on camera attacking the HIV=AIDS formulation. He also observes that, before AIDS surfaced in the early 1980s, the CDC was a fading institution, and was in danger of losing most or all of its funding—and desperately needed a new epidemic to bring it back into the spotlight. Mullis implies that the CDC was consciously and desperately casting about for a novel germ it could tie to a health threat, and was proceeding beyond the bounds of rigorous science to get there.

Audiences unfamiliar with AIDS controversies that have been brewing for 20 years under the radar will be thrown back in their chairs. They will come away from the film with a slew of doubts about the pronouncements of official AIDS science.

As for “the AIDS professionals,” who make their living building on shaky foundations, they are, of course, livid about the film—as are some AIDS activists.

However, after reading criticisms of House of Numbers, I see no willingness to take up Leung’s many points through honest and complete debate. Instead, as usual, there is name calling and denial.

This is par for the course. Since 1984, when the so-called cause of AIDS was announced on national television, at a press conference—without strong published confirming studies—the AIDS establishment has been tap dancing their way through history.

The fact that people have been dying, and that a better understanding of the causes could have resulted in saved lives, seems to have made no dent in the establishment’s armor.

But that, too, is par for the course.

House of Numbers illustrates an all-too-familiar pattern of modern science in action: a hypothesis is floated by a few researchers; it gains traction and funding; the wagons are circled and the hypothesis is called indisputable; funding ceases for all other possibilities and alternatives; critics are viciously attacked; the original hypothesis is never confirmed by truly independent research.

In this turgid atmosphere, it’s left to outsiders to examine the flawed science. This is what Leung has done. He’s done his job well. A new generation will now have a chance to consider the explosive issues surrounding AIDS.

For dates and locations of theatrical screenings, video on demand, and DVD sales, visit

Jon Rappoport has worked as an independent investigative reporter since 1982. The LA Weekly nominated him for a Pulitzer Prize, for an interview he did with the president of El Salvador University, where the military had taken over the campus and was disappearing students and burning books. He has written for In These Tines, Village Voice, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, CBS Healthwatch, Stern. He is the author of AIDS INC., The Secret Behind Secret Societies, and The Ownership of All Life. His work can be found at and

"Freedom or Drug-induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome?" podcast link

Freedom or Drug-induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome? podcast link -- The global AIDS industry is reeling with the release of the documentary film House of Numbers. This film allows the establishment scientist themselves to reveal the utter discord that is HIV testing, much less the concept that poisoning the body with pharmaceutical drugs is an intelligent way to reverse immune deficiency. Score one for the good guys! Brent Leung joins me live before the official release in Portland, Oregon this week.

If the government can prohibit raw milk, where does it end? If you want a land of freedom for your children to thrive, perhaps you can do something to secure it to your posterity. A true champion of the Constitution, Michael Badnarik, returns with an important message of liberty.

Kurt Wallace joins me from Liberty Pulse with an update on the Campaign for Liberty event in Atlanta. Plus, I will preview an upcoming C4L event in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 28 where I have been invited to speak on "How the Federal Government is Stealing Your Health." Stay connected to the blog for further updates.

Podcast link:
Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio.

"Depression's End" podcast link

Depression's End podcast link -- What now for people prescribed anti-depressants since the discovery that they are no better than placebo? Psychiatry descended to the gates of pharmaceutical hell to become the profession that would remove patients from any semblance of healthy reality. As I have been saying for years, depression is not evidence of a Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft or Cymbalta deficiency. Who will pay for the deaths of the Traci Johnsons of the world? Or all of the indiscriminate medication induced school shootings?

Also, Shane Ellison (Over the Counter Natural Cures) drops by with news of an award from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a group working to get people off of psychiatric meds and back to sound nutrition.

As if that were not enough, documentary filmmaker Kevin Miller (Generation Rx) stops by with even more news on the global drug agenda to intoxicate millions of children simply for having emotions.

Podcast link:

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Depression's End and Freedom or Drug-induced Immune Deficiency

Radio broadcast on Sunday, January 17, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST: The world's most prescribed drugs are psychiatric. Where are all the smart people with medical licenses? If the allopathic medical community can be convinced that a class of medications no better than placebo is the answer for intense emotional states, what does that say about them?

When does it become embarrassing and problematic for institutions of higher learning? They award millions of degrees, yet so few of their graduates can see through the conflicts of interest and propaganda coming from the pharmaceutical industrial complex, much less the regulators that enable them.

The medical emperor wears no clothes and never has. Even over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), in many cases, are found to be no better than placebo, except that placebo will not result in liver failure.

I bring these points up again because the Democrats are still scheming ways to further institutionalize the 3rd leading cause of death as the only method by which Americans will be allowed to receive their health care. Fascism is not health care. Socialism is not health care. Corporatism is not health care.

Only if you are free to choose the healing method that you deem appropriate for your family's health can you then call it health care. The current system of government regulated disease management has already failed. Passing the Obama-inspired health reform would be like feeding carcinogens to a metastasizing tumor. It would be wise to tell Obama and the Democrats that they can stuff their pharmaceutical health insurance mandates back into the FDA approved pill bottle from which they come.

Or do you really think that being chained to a government bureaucrat is good for your health? I didn't think so. Unfortunately, even most Republicans are clueless when it comes to a real healing revolution.

Simply free up all the healers to heal and watch a renaissance of affordable health care return to the land of liberty. If you are afraid of freedom, there's always Prozac. Actually, buy a placebo - it works just as well and it comes with far fewer side effects.

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, January 17, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Depression's End -- What now for people prescribed anti-depressants since the discovery that they are no better than placebo? Psychiatry descended to the gates of pharmaceutical Hell to become the profession that would remove patients from any semblance of healthy reality. As I have been saying for years, depression is not evidence of a Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Zoloft or Cymbalta deficiency. Who will pay for the deaths of the Traci Johnsons of the world? Or all of the indiscriminate medication induced school shootings?

Rather than dwell on the evils of anti-depressant medication, Stuart Tomc returns to report on some nutritional solutions, rooted in science, that actually have verified positive impact on reversing clinical depression.

Also, Shane Ellison (Over the Counter Natural Cures) drops by with news of an award from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a group working to get people off of psychiatric meds and back to sound nutrition.

As if that were not enough, documentary filmmaker Kevin Miller (Generation Rx) stops by with even more news on the global drug agenda to intoxicate millions of children simply for having emotions.

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Freedom or Drug-induced Immune Deficiency Syndrome? -- The global AIDS industry is reeling with the release of the documentary film House of Numbers. This film allows the establishment scientist themselves to reveal the utter discord that is HIV testing, much less the concept that poisoning the body with pharmaceutical drugs is an intelligent way to reverse immune deficiency. Score one for the good guys! Brent Leung joins me live before the official release in Portland, Oregon this week.

If the government can prohibit raw milk, where does it end? If you want a land of freedom for your children to thrive, perhaps you can do something to secure it to your posterity. A true champion of the Constitution, Michael Badnarik, returns with an important message of liberty.

Kurt Wallace joins me from Liberty Pulse with an update on the Campaign for Liberty event in Atlanta. Plus, I will preview an upcoming C4L event in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 28 where I have been invited to speak on "How the Federal Government is Stealing Your Health." Stay connected to the blog for further updates.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

  • Great news! There is now a new choice in superior, whole food nutrition from the ocean:. Super Sea Veg 1-800-893-8344. Call and get some today!
  • Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
  • Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
  • More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
  • Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
  • Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
  • Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
  • Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the January 24 show: Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen January 17, 2010, the show begins at 1 PM EST and broadcasts live until 3 PM EST.

1) Depression's End and 2) Freedom or Drug-induced Immune Deficiency on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EST, Sunday, January 17, 2010.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama's Opaque Transparency or Pelosi's Lead-lined Negligee podcast link

Obama's Opaque Transparency or Pelosi's Lead-lined Negligee podcast link -- Transparency that is neither transparent nor truthful is all the rage in Washington, D.C. these days as the Democrats scheme behind close doors on health care reform.

Do the leftists even care that it would turn over near complete control for the health of the American people to the Executive Branch of government? What happens when the next president is Republican? How can liberal legislative branch adults be so short sighted? I would posit that those raised in government schools were never taught the Law of Cause and Effect.

There is a reason the Founding Fathers created a government with a Separation of Powers. Who in D.C., besides Ron Paul, even reads the Constitution nowadays? This hour, I delve into the freedom-destroying secret health care reform bill - the one that Obama, Pelosi and Reid don't want you to see on C-span.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio.

Podcast link:

"Merck the Chicken Little Gerberding Vaccine Agenda" podcast link

Merck the Chicken Little Vaccine Agenda podcast link -- Why do government regulatory and health authorities promote vaccines and drugs to the exclusion of all things nutritious?

There is a revolving door between Big Government and Big PHARMA that should disqualify anyone in either industry from having anything to do with health care. Jeffry Aufderheide from joins me to discuss the drug industry's revolving door with the CDC and FDA.

Case in point? Julie Gerberding leaves the CDC to head Merck's $5 Billion dollar vaccine division, one year and one day after leaving the public dole. Or how about Margaret Hamburg, current head of FDA, after a stint with the Clinton Administration and serving on the board of Henry Schein Inc., makers of mercury tooth fillings? Do you wonder why FDA still claims that it is safe to put mercury into the mouths of babes?

Kevin Miller of Generation Rx drops in for a surprise visit as well.

Government corporatism means that regulatory agencies protect multinational corporations with no allegiance to any nation or state over the health of the people. Welcome to 2010 and the United States of Drugmerica. This hour, what to do about it...

Podcast link:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Merck the Chicken Little Vaccine Agenda and Obama's Opaque Health Care Reform Transparency

Radio broadcast on Sunday, January 10, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST: Word on the street has it that another socialist government is set to devalue its fiat currency by 50%.

Oh, look, the United States also has fiat currency! What's to stop the Federal Reserve from doubling the money supply whenever they want? What's that you say? They've already devalued the dollar by over 95% since 1913? Aren't they charged by Congress with protecting the value of the dollar or has Congress abrogated its responsibility?

This seems very similar to the way Congress has charged the FDA with protecting the people from dangerous drugs. Instead, the FDA protects the drug companies from the people they harm. Hmmm. Does anyone detect a pattern here?

EPA? Protecting polluters. CDC? Protecting vaccine makers, despite Gardasil really being Garda-kill. Will you let your daughter be Mercked to death, just because it's approved by government? Who will protect the people from the danger of government? Is it not the right of the people to alter or abolish the government should it become destructive? I think I read that somewhere once... Oh yeah, The Declaration of Independence!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

I wonder if quoting our founding document is grounds to suspect that you are too American for the thieves currently occupying the White House and Capitol Hill? What does it mean to be too American? Simple. You love liberty and you want to be left alone.

Too many people love to meddle in the business of other people, much the same way that our government is meddling in the business of other sovereign nations. When you violate the life, liberty or property of others, there are repercussions. The Feds like to claim sovereign immunity, but they have not the genuine power of the Creator. They only have what they can steal.

People in government live under the delusion that they can behave with impunity without repercussion. Americans who believe that their government is infallible also live under the same dangerous delusion.

"Do all you have agreed to do and, do not encroach on other persons or their property."

Richard Maybury's Two Laws apply to governments as well. Unless you like warfare and welfare as permanent states of being. I suppose you could always remain under the delusion, just like establishment Democrats and Republicans, that we can continue to pay for it with devalued fiat currency. How's that working out for Venezuelan's under Obama, er, Chavez?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, January 10, 2010 from 1 PM to 3 PM EST. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Merck the Chicken Little Vaccine Agenda -- Why do government regulatory and health authorities promote vaccines and drugs to the exclusion of all things nutritious?

There is a revolving door between Big Government and Big PHARMA that should disqualify anyone in either industry from having anything to do with health care. Jeffry Aufderheide from joins me to discuss the drug industry's revolving door with the CDC and FDA.

Case in point? Julie Gerberding leaves the CDC to head Merck's $5 Billion dollar vaccine division, one year and one day after leaving the public dole. Or how about Margaret Hamburg, current head of FDA, after a stint with the Clinton Administration and serving on the board of Henry Schein Inc., makers of mercury tooth fillings? Do you wonder why FDA still claims that it is safe to put mercury into the mouths of babes?

Government corporatism means that regulatory agencies protect multinational corporations with no allegiance to any nation or state over the health of the people. Welcome to 2010 and the United States of Drugmerica. This hour, what to do about it...

Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Obama's Opaque Transparency or Pelosi's Lead-lined Negligee -- Transparency that is neither transparent nor truthful is all the rage in Washington, D.C. these days as the Democrats scheme behind close doors on health care reform.

Do the leftists even care that it would turn over near complete control for the health of the American people to the Executive Branch of government? What happens when the next president is Republican? How can liberal legislative branch adults be so short sighted? I would posit that those raised in government schools were never taught the Law of Cause and Effect.

There is a reason the Founding Fathers created a government with a Separation of Powers. Who in D.C., besides Ron Paul, even reads the Constitution nowadays? This hour, I delve into the freedom-destroying secret health care reform bill - the one that Obama, Pelosi and Reid don't want you to see on C-span.

Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

  • Great news! There is now a new choice in superior, whole food nutrition from the ocean:. Super Sea Veg 1-800-893-8344. Call and get some today!
  • Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544
  • Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel, voted one of the Top Ten new natural products of 2008!
  • More yummy nutrition from Call (908) 691-2608 to get the 5lb Sampler Plus.......FREE SHIPPING, which includes 1- 1lb Hemp Powder, 2- 1lb Hemp Seeds salted or unsalted, 3- 1lb Soft Centers/without the hull, 4- 1lb Hemp Coffee, 5- 1-17 Ounce of Hemp Oil, 6- 1- 21/2 lb Micro Plant Powder. Amazing! Have you tried the hemp coffee? Wow!
  • Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.
  • Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!
  • Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!
  • Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the January 17 show: Depressed? No longer necessary. Food to cure depression? Eat happy. Plenty of surprise guests and healing topics on radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen January 10, 2010, the show begins at 1 PM EST and broadcasts live until 3 PM EST.

1) Merck the Chicken Little Vaccine Agenda and 2) Obama's Opaque Health Care Reform Transparency on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EST, Sunday, January 10, 2010.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

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