Monday, September 29, 2008

Ron Paul's Perspective on the Bailout Bill's Bombing

One small step for We the People:

One giant leap will occur when Congress passes H.R.2755 The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act. "End the Fed" has a nice ring of responsibility to it.

If that's too much for Barney Frank to consider, we could at least start with
H.R.4683 The Free Competition in Currency Act.

Hey Barney, didn't anyone ever tell you that you cannot solve a problem from within the same consciousness that created it? In the case of the Fed, Fiat Money and Fractional Reserve Banking, it was our "unconsciousness" that allowed it to proliferate so long.

My gratitude to Ron Paul for steadfastly serving as a beacon for liberty, both economic and personal, so that we the American people would one day rise up again and restore freedom to our posterity. It's not over yet. Eternal vigilance is still the price of liberty and it cannot be paid for with Federal Reserve Notes. Millions more are now awake to this "new" old reality.

No standing army nor government can stop an idea whose time has come...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Are there Domestic Enemies of the Republic? Absolutely. Are We Already Under Martial Law? View These Videos

What is Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) warning Americans?

“My message to the American people don’t let Congress seal this deal. High financial crimes have been committed.”

“We are Constitutionally sworn to protect and defend this Republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. And my friends there are enemies.”

See the video below:

Also, Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) claims that the Speaker of the House has already declared we are under martial law. Where is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Apparently, it's no longer in Washington, D.C. See the video below:

Do "We the People" love liberty enough to overthrow tyranny as our Founding Fathers did at the dawning of these united States of America? Pray for the people of the USA that they may not turn their backs on freedom to bail out evil men.

Let not the birth of the Federal Reserve be our epitaph.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Confused About the Economy? Go to the Bailout Reader

While most of congress is dumbfounded by the economic events of late, the Austrian School has been spot on in predicting these events years (decades, in fact) in advance of their occurrence. During the presidential primaries, political pundits in the media ridiculed and marginalized Ron Paul when he spoke of the impending economic collapse. He was right, they were wrong. Now that you have been made aware of the dangers of fractional reserve banking and fiat money, how do you help your neighbors understand, before it is too late?

"The events taking place in the financial market offer an illustration of the soundness of the Austrian theory of money, banking, and credit cycles, and is your source not only for analysis of these events but also the economic theory that helps explain what is happening and what to do about it."
Minds, they are a changin' -- just view the video below to hear Neil Cavuto of FOX News refer to Ron Paul as a genius:

Please link all of your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to the contents of The Bailout Reader immediately and maybe you can help them avert economic catastrophe. It's never too late to change your consciousness. It's just that the later it gets, the more it tends to hurt (and for a longer duration).

What are you waiting for? Read the contents of The Bailout Reader now.

Constitutional Prostate Party & Renaissance Medicine with Dr. Norm Shealy on The RSBell Show

Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 28, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Worried about the economy? Perhaps you have been subsisting on "money" devoid of intrinsic value for far too long? When people subsist on food that lacks adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals over time, disease is inevitable. The "disaster" that we are witnessing in the politico-economic realm is merely the inevitable result of relying upon fiat money as a mandatory means of exchange. If you are starving for nutrition, junk food is not going to save you. Our nation is starving for a lack of constitutional coin, so how does a 700 billion fiat-dollar bailout of those that perpetuated this economic cancer help the average American? Exactly, it doesn't. Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill are scheming a way to enslave your children and their children to a phony debt created out of thin air. If they pass it, they don't deserve to come home to their district unless they are tarred and feathered, which may be too kind. Isn't it funny that no one in their right mind is snickering at Ron Paul anymore?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, September 28, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Constitutional Party -- Is it time for one yet? As our elected leaders go overt in their attempts to overthrow the republic (see the bi-partisan proposed bailout plan), I welcome Chuck Baldwin, fresh off his endorsement from Dr. Ron Paul to the RSBell Show. We'll discuss his constitutional perspectives on the presidency, war, the Ron Paul rEVOLution, the Culture of Life, illegal immigration and health freedom. Setting aside political healing for a moment, how's your prostate? Do you know what the most important nutrient is in preventing prostate cancer? Yes, that's right, more on the cancer industry's feigned ignorance of selenium... Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Renaissance Medicine -- Could we benefit by a revitalization of true healing in these united States of America? That may be the understatement of the century. This hour, I am honored to welcome Dr. Norm Shealy, one of my favorite medical doctors, back to the program. (You can listen to my recent appearance on his show by clicking here.) I just love fearless physicians who stand against pharmaceutical tyranny. Dr. Shealy and I will discuss how to bring healing back to healthcare, no matter what the disease. What about the economy? We have holistic solutions for that, too. Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Cleanse your intestines for optimum immune and digestive health with Aloe Ease aloe cleanse! Call 1-800-894-3491 and ask for the Robert Scott Bell Show special! Are you regular yet?

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand, February 20-22, 2009. Learn more here: as information becomes available. I will be there, will you?

Sneak Preview for the October 5 show: Stuart Tomc from Nordic Naturals returns with more scientific breakthroughs in support of essential fats!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 28, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Constitutional Prostate Party and 2) Renaissance Medicine with Dr. Shealy on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 28, 2008.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

"His 'n' Hers Blog: This Week, Prostate Cancer" by Christopher C. Barr

This week is the last week of 'Prostate Cancer Awareness' month and next week is the first week of 'Breast Cancer Awareness' month. Following is the 'His' column to be followed next week by the 'Hers' column.

Prostate prospects prostituted?

Big news in the mainstream press noted a popular male baldness drug treatment prevented prostate cancer. A study to that effect was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The drug finasteride (marketed as Propecia and Proscar) reportedly reduced the incidence of prostate cancer by 25 per cent. This was at a high level of use five times the dosage normally recommended for the drug.

The results of this drug trial were noted as promising.

"This trial proves that prostate cancer, at least in part, is preventable. It is a huge step forward for cancer research", said Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.

It was reported that the drug manufacturer plans to seek an expedited decision to allow marketing of this drug as a prostate cancer preventative as soon as possible.

Small step backward

Another report several years before by the mainstream press noted a mineral prevented prostate cancer. A study to that effect was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The essential mineral selenium (called a trace element because its need is so small) reportedly reduced the incidence of prostate cancer by 63 per cent. This was at a moderate level of use though more than consumed in common diets, yet still much less than the amount consumed in other healthful diets.

The results of this nutrient study were noted with considerable caution.

"It's one study with provocative findings that have to be confirmed. We do not recommend supplements", said the same Dr. Greenwald as above, then as now director of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.

Greenwald called for additional studies (as in more than one) with many more people before going forward with any selenium recommendations.


The drug study excitedly recommended by a prominent NCI Director was much shorter with less than a few hundred men and much less than half the benefit of the nutrient study conducted for more than a decade with more than 1,300 men though somehow decidedly not recommended by the same NCI doctor.

More comparisons

The drug finasteride did exhibit some troubling aspects in the new study. Those tumors that did develop had a greater likelihood of being more aggressive. Impotence was another side effect that presented itself.

The mineral selenium on the other hand exhibited other promising aspects in the previous study completed more than a decade ago. Those who developed cancer while on selenium survived cancer 50 per cent more than those not on selenium. Other studies have noted that higher selenium levels combat impotence.

The cost of the finasteride drug therapy of 5 milligrams is about $5 daily or more.

The cost of the selenium mineral supplement of .2 (that's 'point 2') milligrams (which is 200 micrograms) is about $1 dollar daily or less.

Cadmium again

A Georgetown University study related the mineral cadmium (a toxic, heavy metal) to cancer and to adverse changes in the prostate about the same time as the drug study previously noted. That again ties directly to selenium.

Selenium combines with cadmium to remove it from the body. The more cadmium you have in your body the more that selenium will be used to dispel it from your body. Reduced selenium levels have been noted for decades to render one more susceptible to cancer.

Cadmium is a common air contaminant due to burning of fossil fuels. It is also abundant in shellfish, liver and kidney. Cigarette smoking is another significant source of cadmium. Also consumption of refined flours and sugars contributes to increased cadmium levels.

How is your addition?

Let's sum things up.

A high dosage level of the optional drug finestrade has been shown to reduce prostate cancer by 25 per cent at a cost of about $5 daily or more. There are also side effects as with any drug and some of them may be quite serious. In some instances cancer may even be worse.

Meanwhile, the essential mineral selenium taken in an amount only a tiny fraction of the drug has been shown to reduce prostate cancer by more than twice that of the drug (63 per cent) at a cost that is just a small fraction of the drug price … or less. There are also side benefits associated with the mineral including better survival rates if one does get cancer.

So… what answer do you come up with for prostate cancer?

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State … naturally! You may write him at Post Office Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at

"Cancer matters? History matters!" Naturally Speaking By Christopher C. Barr

A short time ago a television broadcast ‘Stand Up to Cancer’ was simulcast by all of the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) as well as the cable E! Entertainment channel. Hollywood celebrities and industry-execs also joined in the effort.

It was urged that a ‘Manhattan Project’ approach be used to find the cancer answer.

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is a well known quote from a not so well known 19th century statesman and philosopher.

Known and not so well known is a relevant contrast when it comes to cancer and history matters.

Déjà vu

The Manhattan Project (MP) gathered scientists to work intently together instead of individually competing to bring about the atomic bomb for World War II. Success was achieved in only a few years.

The MP was cited almost 20 years later as inspiration for the Apollo Project (AP) to place a man on the moon. Success was achieved within that same decade.

Neil Armstrong walked upon the moon in 1969 early in the Nixon Administration. President Nixon then drew upon the excitement generated from this with his declaration of ‘War on Cancer’ at the end of 1971. Comparison to both the MP and the AP were made.

This declaration was made at the cusp of the entrance into the 1972 presidential campaign with the first primary on the horizon so ‘political ploy’ comes to mind.

The stated goal of the War on Cancer was for a cure of cancer to be found in time for the national bicentennial five years later in 1976.

Cancer and cancer deaths increased every year for the five years through the bicentennial with no sign of a cure for cancer in sight by the mainstream, medical establishment.

One historical perspective to the matter

Would the war in Iraq have continued if after five years the deaths of U.S. soldiers increased every year with no solution in sight?

The War on Cancer has been far more costly fiscally and physically than the war in Iraq – and continues that trend.

In the War on Cancer the increase in cancer and cancer deaths continued annually for more than 30 years. Almost 40 years later there is still no cure in sight.

Trillion$ of dollar$ have been spent with no end in sight.

At the time of the completion date five years later that had been initially proposed for the War on Cancer there was only an utter, dismal failure. Those words were not uttered and the program continued unfettered.

Twenty years later there was not one, single, incurable cancer that had become curable after the War on Cancer was declared according to cancer specialist and State University of New York professor Dr. Albert Braverman, M.D.

Parallel historical perspective to the matter

During the initially declared period of the War on Cancer a variety of researchers discovered that selenium levels were an accurate gauge for breast cancer levels.

Those with the highest selenium levels had the lowest breast cancer levels in a listing of 27 industrialized nations of the world. Those with the lowest selenium levels had the highest breast cancer levels.

Just after the initially proposed five year completion date of the War on Cancer it was noted that if every woman in America took a 200 microgram daily supplement of selenium then breast cancer rates would dramatically decline in the space of a few years according to Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, M.D., cancer specialist and California State University School of Medicine professor of Medical Chemistry. Dr. Schrauzer subsequently chaired two world conferences on selenium and cancer.

Selenium had been noted almost half a century earlier to have effectiveness against breast cancer in the British Medical Journal.

Twenty years later a large, decade long double-blind, clinical study – the gold standard of modern medi$in – cited a greater than 50 per cent reduction in total cancers in those using Schrauzer’s recommended 200 micrograms daily supplement of selenium. However, the researchers did use a much more potent 100 per cent whole food grown variety of selenium that had not yet been available at the time Schrauzer made his initial recommendation.

Medical insanity

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get a different result.

After thirty years of abject failure medical apologists at the highest levels finally backed away from the MP and AP comparisons. The new story line was that all the necessary information was available but just not yet figured out at the time of the MP and AP programs. It was asserted that all the necessary information was not available to cure cancer. Just keep those checks comin’…

Are these medical apologists and their medical cohorts excuse makers or co-conspirators of fraud and even of homicide of at least the negligent variety? Perhaps they can use an insanity defense?

Nutrition solution

It has been almost 100 years since the effectiveness of selenium in the treatment of cancer was first noted.

The necessary knowledge has been available since before the last century in the massive volumes of collected works from Dr. Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp, M.D., Ph.D.

It has been almost three quarters of a century since microscopic and clinical documentation of the works of Béchamp regarding cancer by Royal Raymond Rife.

The work of Rife has been medically panned as inaccurate only by those who never examined or tested it. It was verified in every instance by those who examined and tested that work including doctors of the Mayo Clinic, the University of Southern California, and the Scripps clinic.

Reality TV?

The ‘Stand Up to Cancer’ television broadcast hauled the MP comparison back out of the closet and called for more money to be thrown down the medical rats’ holes. A false reality by any truthful measure…

CBS News’ Katie Couric addressed brain tumors.

CoEnzymeQ10 (CoQ10 or ubiquinone) has shown great promise with brain tumors. The body makes its own CoQ10 from selenium – unless you are taking a statin drug (another huge fraud) which prevents selenium from producing CoQ10.

ABC News’ Charles Gibson addressed breast cancer citing a wife who “has gone through a bout of it.”

There is an overwhelming amount of data on the benefit of selenium with regard to breast cancer prevention and treatment though there is an underwhelming amount of coverage – usually none at all.

NBC News’ Brian Williams said, “Given my family history, it’s not a question of will I have cancer, but in what form and when.”

Somebody should tell Williams that there is documentation that just 200 micrograms of 100 per cent whole food selenium daily resulted in more than 50 per cent total cancer incidence and mortality. That means less cancer rather than more with selenium so cancer is not a foregone conclusion due to genetics.

There was a 57 per cent reduction of colon cancer in the selenium study at the very same time that the husband of Couric was dying from colon cancer.

There was a 63 per cent reduction of prostate cancer in the selenium study. The closest any medical option has come is a 25 per cent reduction though that drug study was filled with side effects – including death – while the selenium study was filled only with benefits and absent any side effects.

Picture worth a thousand words?

The photo used to promote the ‘Stand Up to Cancer’ broadcast showed the three news anchors all sitting down (see photo above).

Sitting down on the job? Saying one thing while doing another? Talk about confusion…

All the necessary information available for prevention and treatment of cancer is abundant. It is absent only in the medical realm for there is not – and never will be – a medical solution to a non-medical issue.

History matters when it comes to cancer matters. It is a matter of combined medical and criminal negligence by the unholy trinity of BIG government, BIG pharma and BIG media that acts together as one for its own fiscal interests at the extreme expense of you and your fiscal and physical interests.

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State … naturally! You may write him at Post Office Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Economic Fibromyalgia Relief and a Gut Health Gut Check on RSBell Radio

Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 21, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Would you reasonably expect to remain healthy by relying upon food devoid of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals? Of course not. So how do you expect that our economy should remain healthy while relying upon "money" devoid of gold and silver, the tangible backing required by our Constitution? The economy is tanking because arrogant men believe that money can be created out of thin air. That's debt, actually. Much like the debt that is incurred by eating food with all the good stuff processed out of it. That debt is paid in illness. The debt of fiat money is paid in the collapse of empire. Can health be restored? Well, a little Vitamin C can go a long way. The "C" I refer to is actually the Constitution. Is there anybody besides Ron Paul who thinks we should obey it? Or would you prefer that they nationalize your lawnmower as well?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, September 21, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Fibromyalgia Relief -- This nation's economy is suffering from Fibromyalgia and most of Congress thinks that its cause is idiopathic. Only a bunch of idiots would think that. I know the cause and the cure. Loads of surprise guests and new remedies to help you out of the inflammatory cascade, live from the NPA MAHO Show in St. Charles, Illinois. Clearing the terrain and putting your body back on the road to genuine health is our goal here. Dr. Chuck Mesko joins me to discuss homeopathic options for Fibromyalgia pain. We may hear from some natural product retailers regarding the state of health freedom in America as well. Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Gut Health Gut Check -- More healing from the Natural Products Association Midwest Show. It's not open to the public, but I have your ticket in. How? It's just what I do. This hour, I will try to restore intestinal fortitude for congressional dunderheads who do not know what money is, much less probiotics. Will Schoor from Essential Formulas drops by the booth to take gut health to a new level. Whether it is gut dysbiosis in an autistic child, MRSA infections, or an overgrowth of Candida albicans, getting intestinal ecology back in balance is critical for optimal immune function. This hour, we'll tell you how. Plus many surprise guests and healing tools. Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

1) Economic Fibromyalgia Relief and 2) Gut Health Gut Check on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 21, 2008, special thanks to Doctors Relief and Probiotics 12+, Sovereign Silver, and Orange TKO and Nordic Naturals, Live from MAHO in St. Charles, Illinois.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand, February 20-22, 2009. Learn more here: as information becomes available. I will be there, will you?

Sneak Preview for the September 28 show: Dr. Norm Shealy returns to talk Renaissance Medicine.

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 21, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Teen Suicides, Parent-approved FDA Drugs or a Mission in Life?

Headline: Spike in teenage suicides no fluke, study finds "Bridge said his study cannot answer the question about whether warnings about suicide risks linked with antidepressant use caused fewer troubled teens to get treatment." The hidden motivation for this news story is to link increased suicides in teens to reduced psychiatric drug use.

In the old days, a "Bar Mitzvah" was sufficient for a Rite of Passage from adolescence to adulthood. However, the modern religion known as the Church of Biological Mysticism now requires pharmaceutical drugs to reach the age of consent.

Why would parents consent to have their children experimented upon by the likes of Big Psychiatry? Well, mom and dad are also nutrient deficient and on drugs, unaware, and thus easy targets for pharmaceutical manipulation. Generations raised in government indoctrination centers (public schools) are still convinced that nutrition is only marginally related to behavioral disorders and depression. Instead of sanity, "we the people" have "drug deficiency diseases" embedded into our DNA along with Social Security numbers.

I am occasionally confronted by angry parents who say that they "have tried everything" and that "only the drugs" worked. Sadly, if suppression of the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies is what they consider "working" then there is nothing that I or anyone can say or write that will change their mind. Depression is not caused by a lack of Prozac, Paxil or Cymbalta.

If we do not understand the "true cause" of any given disease or intense emotional state (read: depression) and a doctor applies a drug to make the symptoms go away, I suppose it's reasonable for those with a primitive understanding of health integrity to conclude that a "cure" was achieved. But health is not the "absence" of disease symptoms.

Suppressing depression with a psychiatric drug is not the same as not being depressed. Our culture has lost sight of the value of Rites of Passage that would normally occur during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. This transition has been rendered meaningless because simply "growing older so you can have a job and buy stuff" really does not inspire a search for self identity and purpose.

However, the freedom to do relatively meaningless things in life can lead to boredom which may eventually lead to a period of self reflection. Depression may be an acknowledgment that a different path is necessary. It's just too bad that it happens so late in life for so many in the Western world. The fact that more teens are depressed may be a sign that they are catching on at an earlier age. But will parents?

In addition to nutrient deficiencies, depression is symptomatic of someone who has lost his way in life, or perhaps does not know how or where he fits into the universe. Is it your teen's purpose in life to be dependent upon psychiatric drugs just to get through the day? If not, perhaps you could give them some Sepia, GTF Chromium, essential fats and guide them to their true purpose for being here. I do not really believe that parents want their children to be slaves to FDA drugs, but guess who hooks them up.

Hey, moms and dads, are you up for some liver detoxification yet?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Teen FDA Depression, Probiotic Solution and Hemp for Health on RSBell Radio Show

Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 14, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Should the government be the arbiter of what type of agriculture is allowable? Under which clause in the Constitution would you refer to for the defense of the federal prohibition against hemp farming? They defend the growth of genetically modified organisms and cloned food as safe, yet they ban the growth of organic hemp in Montana because somebody might try to smoke it. As Ron Paul said, "you'd have to roll one as big as a telephone pole" and you still would not get high. Is this really about altered states of consciousness or just the prevention of any competition for the cotton, paper and bio-fuel industries? It should be obvious by now that prohibitions against cannabis are really for the purposes of maintaining the pharmaceutical monopoly on the treatment of melancholy. Unless your ganja is stamped by the likes of GSK, Pfizer and Merck (to name just a few), don't expect the feds to give it a stamp of approval anytime soon. Freedom is not allowed if it threatens the interests of any industry that has purchased the favor of government. So much for "of the people, by the people and for the people..."

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, September 14, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Teen FDA Depression, Probiotic Solution -- Are teen suicides on the rise because of Black Box warnings on FDA approved depression medications? Of course, teenage depression is not evidence of an SSRI-deficiency disease. Perhaps it is time to review some real solutions to the sadness that pervades the formative and transitional years to adulthood. Is there a Probiotic connection to happiness? You'll only hear about it on this show. My good friend, Chuck, from Choose to Be Healthy, drops in to share the good news. Also, what should you do if you are poisoned by pesticides. I will share my story. Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! No time for calls today. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Hemp for Health -- Finally, the politics and nutrition of hemp all in one radio broadcast. Ron Paul chimes in on the absurdity of laws against hemp agriculture. They grow it in Canada, don't they? Mike Fata from Manitoba Harvest drops by for a delicious discussion on the health benefits of hemp, including its complete amino acid profile and the balanced presence of essential fats in the right ratio. Is hemp another super-food that should be on your dinner menu? Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. No time to take any calls today. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand, February 20-22, 2009. Learn more here: as information becomes available. I will be there, will you?

Sneak Preview for the September 21 show: Live from MAHO Chicago, St. Charles, Illinois thanks to Fountain of Youth Technologies! Learn about the health benefits of homeopathy and more.

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 14, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Teen FDA Depression, Probiotic Solution and 2) Hemp for Health on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 14, 2008,

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Autisitc Somalis in Minnesota But Not in Somalia; It Must Be Genetic Debris from CDC

Headline: Autism statistics alarm Somalis "People are worried," said Saeed Fahia, who heads a Somali community group. "Nobody remembers any autistic children in Somalia..."

Hmmm. Could it have anything to do with the irrational vaccine schedule in the U.S.? Do Somalis in Somalia have to get 70 shots before entering government schools there? Or is it that a new strain of virulent autism is spreading among Somali children in Minnesota? Will the CDC blame a defective gene in Somali children for the Autism cluster? Of course, that would not explain the absence of the same condition in Somalia.

"A cluster of affected kids has sparked an investigation in Minnesota. Health officials are puzzled by the data."

Puzzled? Or just not allowed to follow the smoke to the fire of vaccination? Who knew Somali children would be assaulted by modern medicine upon arrival in the U.S.? Genocide comes in many different forms. Sometimes it comes in a white lab coat wearing the approval of FDA, CDC and BIG PHARMA...

Fear of the Invisible or a Julie Gerberding Mask for Halloween?

Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts "An Investigative Journey into a reckless and contaminated Medical Industry"

If you want to read how far from immunological reality modern pharmaceutical medicine (and "vaccinology") really is, then this is your book. If it were a few centuries earlier, Janine's book would have to be burned because it threatens to topple the entire paradigm on which allopathic pharmaceutical medicine rests.

Absorbing the information contained within it requires the allowance for a major shift in understanding the true nature and cause of disease in a world tainted by Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory. Bob Gallo's head would likely explode should he ever read it.

Don't fear the invisible, just those from the CDC who pretend that there is a biological boogeyman around every corner. Who is dressing as Julie Gerberding for Halloween?

Cloned Food, Cloned Democrats, Cloned Republicans or Ron Paul Inspired 3rd Party Candidates?

Headline: Clones' offspring may be in food supply: FDA "Proponents, including the Biotechnology Industry Organization, say cloning is a way to create more disease-resistant animals that produce more milk and better meat."

How does an animal become more "disease-resistant" by having man monkey with its DNA? That's absurd on its face, especially considering that modern "scientific" man thinks that health is merely the absence of disease. What is disease?

Dis-ease: A state where normal metabolic functions are corrupted by a preponderance of accumulated toxins, nutritional deficiencies and the inflammatory cascades that result from said excesses and lacks.

Actually, that sounds a lot like the current Republican and Democratic leadership. We have cloned fascists and cloned socialists instead of individuals running for office, much less running the FDA. How would you explain the approval of cloned food at the dinner table. Why not do something productive and vote 3rd party instead of voting for the "Republicratic" clones?

Do you still believe that it is preferable to vote for the lesser of two cloned evils?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Serving the United States of Venezuela? They Dare Not Call it Freedom

Headline: When did the idea of freedom become a political orphan? "You will scour the presidential nominees' acceptance speeches in vain for any hint that your life is rightfully your own, to be lived in accordance with your beliefs and desires and no one else's."

How did the Tribune allow Steve Chapman publish his observations on the lack of liberty at both the RNC and DNC? Was somebody asleep at the editorial board? I guess some people really are paying attention.

It's sad, I know, but both parties are now testaments to the worship of the state before acknowledgment of the self. America was not founded in order that the state might usurp the sovereignty of the people in pursuit of empire and an ever-growing welfare-dependent citizenry.

Just as the enemies of liberty are, the "empire" of which our Founders warned us is both foreign and domestic. A welfare state is evidence of government's domestic empire over We the People. What is Barack's perspective on America's promise from the DNC point of view?

The "essence of America's promise," Obama declared in Denver, is "individual responsibility and mutual responsibility..."

Where is individual liberty in this equation? It sounds like he would like to roll us down a collectivist hill littered with "mutual" responsibility signs. Would John McCain do any better with the viewpoint at the RNC? Check out their daily themes:

This year's Republican National Convention's Monday had "Serving a Cause Greater than Self." Tuesday was "Service," Wednesday was "Reform" and Thursday was "Peace."

The first two days, incredibly, were devoted to sacrificing yourself to the state. John-boy, could you not find even one day to devote to liberty? Is fascism the new codeword for "freedom"? Did they even mention the Constitution at the RNC? Where have all the small government Republicans gone?

Actually, I know. They were across the river in Minneapolis at the Rally for the Republic hosted by the Campaign for Liberty (click the link and maybe you could be the 100,000th member). At least some Americans still believe in freedom and understand that its main obstacle to full expression is government. Anarchy it is not. I merely reference the vision of the Founders of this country and what they left to their posterity.

The current "leadership" of both major parties behave as if liberty is compatible with spying on Americans and maybe even allowing them to keep a percentage of what they earn each year. Does the federal government own you and the fruits of your labor? In most dictionaries, that reality is tantamount to slavery.

In "John Obama's" playbook, that's just "mutual responsibility" and "serving a cause greater than the self." Who remembers that we were founded to be a constitutional republic and NOT a democracy, much less a fascist or socialist nation? Do we even learn from history? A vote for evil empire Democrats and Republicans is a vote for slavery. How can a man (or woman) vote for his (or her) own enslavement?

I suppose that is only possible in a "free" country, when the people do not even know that they are in an unconstitutional cage. This is why I speak of nutrition every week on my radio show. A nutritionally deficient, drug-dependent population is much easier to control and manipulate than a healthy one. Our constitutional-deficiency disease is made possible by the lack of nutrients in our food.

Radical? No. Putting fluoride in the water is radical.

Voting for "change" that is really more of the same is evidence of immaturity at the very least, and insanity if immaturity is ruled out. If you believe that you have no choice in this election because it's only John and Barack, then you've made my point about slavery. Slaves have no choice. A free people ALWAYS have a choice.

Did I hear that the federal government just nationalized half of the mortgage industry yesterday? What do they call it when a strong central government takes over private industry? Venezuela? Nope.

Welcome to the new and improved "U.S.A. Incorporated." They dare not call it freedom. This is your country on drugs. FDA-approved drugs to be precise. Unplug. Join the Campaign for Liberty.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cloned Food Wars and Cancer Corporatism, or Corporate Cancerism on RSBell Radio

Radio broadcast on Sunday, September 7, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: The Clone Wars are upon us and they may already be on your dinner plate. It's hard to imagine that at the dawning of these united States of America, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence so that a strong federal government could one day protect multi-national corporations producing food in ways condemned by nature and nature's God. The biblical references to Sodom and Gomorrah are not merely about humans behaving as animals, but pretending to be gods as well. Will we ever learn? It's a fair question. There is nothing constitutional about letting multinational corporations with "no allegiance to any nation or state" run amok in the U.S. food supply. There is a way out of this mess. Have you joined the Campaign for Liberty yet? Is it too late to go raw and organic?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, September 7, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: The Cloned Food Wars -- Is there cloned food on your table? The FDA says that it's quite possible. Is there a special label warning you before you buy it? Apparently not, because the government says there is no difference. If they say it then it must be true. So why am I concerned? Maybe it's because welfare scientists at FDA are in the pocket of genetically-challenged Big Agribusiness lobbyists. Are these cloned conflicts of interest enough to give you pause before biting into that rump roast? Or do you believe that the Feds are looking out for you? These are the Clone Wars George Lucas did not write about. Is there a way to avoid abominable food-men? Dr. Doris Rapp joins me to reveal how. Also, your calls to the united States of Health Talk Radio. Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Stand Up to Corporate Cancerism -- The networks turn over their primetime to beg for money from people who can least afford to give it. Even worse, the money is funneled into multi-national corporate profit centers that cannot afford to focus on the real cause and cure for cancer. Where would the gravy train go if cancer were eradicated? The science for the cure is already there and it will not take billions of dollars and perpetual war to reveal it. I will reveal precisely what it would take for the people of planet earth to know the truth. My good friend Chris Barr returns with some pertinent reminders to keep your family cancer-free, no matter what your genetic lineage. Somebody tell NBC's Brian Williams before it's too late. Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Are you? Nordic Naturals essential fats for the whole family! 800.662.2544

Regenerative medicine? Discover the many benefits of silver hydrosol! Try the Best. It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today and ask about the NEW Homeopathic First Aid Gel!

Clean everything, Safely! The Crusador is the new place to get your Organic Orange TKO. It's also the easiest way get Orange TKO. Go to! Or call 1-800-593-6273 today!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand, February 20-22, 2009. Learn more here: as information becomes available. I will be there, will you?

Sneak Preview for the September 14 show: Learn about the health benefits of Hemp, as well as help for depressed and suicidal teens, plus more on the Probiotic connection to happiness.

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen September 7, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Cloned Food Wars and 2) Cancer Corporatism, Corporate Cancerism on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, September 7, 2008,

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Friday, September 5, 2008

"Wedded Bliss, Ignorant Bliss" Christopher C. Barr's 2002 Selenium Counterpunch to "Stand Up To Cancer"

You’ve heard about those who are "married to the job"? This is because of such devotion to the job that it seems to take up all their time.

Researchers can be like this. They can also get caught up in the chase more than in capturing the prize.

Something old

President Richard Nixon issued a directive in 1971 announcing ‘War on Cancer’. This declaration of war was issued to make curing cancer the top priority for America. The stated intent was for such a cancer cure to come about by the bicentennial of America 5 years later.

Cancer specialist Dr. Albert Braverman wrote 20 years later that not one, single, incurable cancer after the ‘War on Cancer’ began had become curable.

Annual cancer diagnoses and deaths now exceed those of 1971 some 30 years after the ‘War on Cancer’ was declared.

Older still, in 1949 Drs. Clayton and Baumann wrote in the journal Cancer Research (vol. 9, pp. 575-582) that the trace mineral element selenium reduced cancer incidence by one-third.

Oldest yet is that selenium was first put forth as a possible preventative against cancer in 1912.

Something new

Federal health officials last month announced "the largest prostate cancer prevention trial that's ever been performed" according to Dr. Leslie Ford of the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI is under the National Institutes of Health that is part of the United States government.

This new cancer prevention trial is to be a twelve-year study. The study is to involve more than 30,000 men. Part of the investigation is designed to use selenium.

Something borrowed

On Christmas morning of 1996 a front-page cover story appeared in the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers across the country. A large, university study on cancer demonstrated that selenium prevented cancer and also increased survival time for those who came down with this condition.

The study included the finding of a 63% reduction in prostate cancer among those taking a 200 microgram supplement of organic selenium.

The study was conducted by an associate professor at a major university cancer center. The professor’s name was Dr. Larry Clark.

Something blue

The name of Dr. Larry Clark rang a bell with me that early winter morning when this story broke.

I remembered a Larry Clark from Cornell University that had co-authored an article more than a decade earlier in Nutrition Reviews of November 1985. The article was entitled "Can Selenium Modify Cancer Risk?" That article postulated that selenium usage might be helpful against cancer and included 97 scholarly references.

Yet the article on the 1996 study noted that this Larry Clark was surprised at the positive results of the current university selenium study.

Were these two different men or were each of these the very same Larry Clark?

If these two men were in fact the very same man then why was he "surprised" the postulate that selenium usage might be helpful against cancer was confirmed more than a decade later?

Checking through my sources another scientist turned up who is a pioneer in selenium supplementation. It had been many years since last I had spoken with him.

When asked if he knew this Larry Clark of the current study he responded, "Yes, he’s my best friend."

I hit paydirt.

He then affirmed my suspicion that this Larry Clark was also the same scientist as the Cornell co-author of the previous decade.

So why would he express "surprise" at the results of this then just released study on selenium and cancer?

My source told me that when the news media began to bombard the ASU administration with requests to speak with Dr. Larry Clark, the administrators called Dr. Clark in for a meeting. They told him that if any type of endorsement to selenium supplementation was given he would be fired.

At this time I worked for one of the largest newspapers in the world. It was a multiple winner of the prestigious Pulitzer Prize.

Excitedly, I brought this scandalous story to a senior news editor with more than 25 years experience at the newspaper. He asked only one question.

"What’s the local angle?"

I told him that cancer was the #2 killer and #1 feared disease of local readers. He shrugged his shoulders and walked away.

Now here we are five years later with the announcement of this new and redundant selenium study on prostate cancer. It is not due to be completed before 2013. That is more than 100 years after selenium was first put forth as a preventative against cancer.

Am I blue?

I sure am blue!

I am blue that so much suffering has gone on needlessly and will continue to go on needlessly while selenium is kept in the closet.

I am blue in the face that the story of selenium and cancer is still only the smallest of blips on the radar screen of cancer research. This is in spite of the wealth of positive findings that have been unearthed on the subject over many decades.


Dr. Larry Clark died last year. He died from prostate cancer. Is it ironic that he should die from the condition for which his research had shown such promise? Or is it rather ominous that he should die like this after he downplayed the promise of selenium for prostate cancer in spite of his research and personal belief?

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State… naturally! You may write him at P. O. Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at

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