Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Inflating AIDS" - A Congressional "Bush" in Zimbabwe

Headline: House approves 50-billion-dollar AIDS package "The US House of Representatives Thursday approved a nearly 50-billion-dollar aid package to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS in the developing world over the next five years." Whose money are they going to send?

The Congress of the United States, sans Ron Paul and maybe a few others, are the de facto Black Magicians of the Western World, as evidenced by their lust for paper money "poofed" into existence from thin air. "Beware the money changers," because congress shows no evidence of "bewaring" at all.

Even if HIV caused AIDS (which I dispute), where in our Constitution does it give Congress the authority to tax Americans and send their hard-earned money to other nations and their corrupt governments, much less the drug companies that own them?

The "money" does not even help the problem for which it is sent as it is instead used to line the pockets of the ruling class in developing countries, while BIG PHARMA gets the lion's share of American Taxpayer "generosity." Basically, this 50 billion dollar AIDS package amounts to corporate welfare for multi-national drug companies that see every disease as evidence of a lack of their patented medications.

Since the disease is not caused by a lack of drugs, why do we insist on pumping poor, malnourished people with synthetic molecules, especially since they have nothing to do with restoring proper biological and immune function? Perhaps we could give AIDS drugs to every congressional representative who voted for this futile effort to eradicate a disease that is actually caused by malnutrition, environmental and pharmaceutical toxicity, polluted water and a lack of adequate sanitation.

"The bill extends and expands a 15-billion-dollar foreign aid programme that was first proposed by Bush and implemented in 2003..."

The 15 billion that was already committed by Bush "on our behalf" was not enough? Are we supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy because of the added inflation resulting in higher food and gas prices?

By the way, if he had listened to Ron Paul, Bush would know that higher prices do not cause inflation, but that inflation results in higher prices. From a biological perspective, how do you get through to dunderheads that still believe germs cause disease? Germs are actually the RESULT of disease. I suppose if you walk through life with an understanding of causation backwards, you see no problem in inflating the money supply to solve the crisis of inflation. Never mind that it's like using napalm to put out a forest fire. You may end up putting it out but there will be no forest left. What of the U.S. Economy? And what of those diagnosed by AIDS snuffed out by the drugs used to "treat" it?

Now for a moment of sanity, read what Ron Paul had to say about this legislation on the House Floor July 24, 2008:

Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this irresponsible legislation, which will ship $48 billion overseas as foreign aid at a time when Americans are feeling the pressure of rapidly increasing inflation and a weakened dollar. It is particularly objectionable to ship money to fund healthcare overseas when so many Americans either struggle with high healthcare costs or avoid seeking medical assistance altogether due to lack of insurance or funds.

As we know, the federal government does not have $48 billion to send overseas so it will have to print the money. It is a cruel irony that this will add to inflation at home which will increase even further the costs of healthcare in the United States.

Mr. Speaker, I am saddened by the prevalence of disease in impoverished countries overseas. I certainly encourage every American concerned about HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria overseas to voluntarily provide assistance to help alleviate the problem. But I do not believe it is appropriate -- nor is it Constitutional -- to forcibly take money from American citizens to send abroad. I urge my colleagues to reject this and all foreign aid legislation.

That makes way too much sense for the White House and the rest of Congress to even consider. Which brings to mind even more questions. What kind of numbnut thinks that "disease and despair" can be eradicated by sending paper money and toxic drugs to Africa? Do we plan to go the way of Zimbabwe? And since when is the definition of "healing and hope" -- fiat money and deadly medicine?

"The bill will ensure that we are able to keep our commitments to replace disease and despair with healing and hope," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

I guess that answers that question.

Just recall Congress. Or at least those who voted for this 50 billion dollar inflationary debacle. I've got an even better idea. Let's enhance G.W.'s self-esteem by having Congress "double-down" with a Zimbabwe 100 billion dollar bill.

How long before Ben Bernanke prints some for US too? Due to "USA, Inc.'s" generosity, the African continent will overflow with AIDS drugs but it will cost 50 billion to fill up our gas tanks back home. We should have listened to Ron Paul.

You can listen to my audio commentary on this topic during segment 5 of the July 27 show here.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Vytorin's Cancer Link, Nuclear Vegetables and The End of HIV's AIDS Causation Illusion

Radio broadcast on Sunday, July 27, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: This has been quite a year so far. The government and its regulating minions have been forced to admit that mercury in your teeth (dental amalgams) may not be such a safe thing after all (despite the American Dental Association's denial). The FEDS were also forced to acknowledge a link between vaccination and autism. If we were to use the pharmaceutical PR techniques and language against them, we would call the ADA a bunch of mercury "denialists." Even more paradigm-crumbling is the "HIV=AIDS" activists attack on Clark Baker, a former L.A. cop, U.S. Marine and current private investigator, for his exposé on the AIDS industry. It turns out that this unbiased investigator may have stumbled onto the biggest biological blunder and subsequent criminal enterprise of the 20th and 21st centuries. Could it be that HIV never caused AIDS? Although I have been covering this story for years, now may be the time when the people are ready to look at Bob Gallo and his pharmaceutical followers and see that they are buck-naked. Can we tell Congress to recall the 48 billion they just appropriated for Africa now?

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, July 27, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Vytorin's Cancer Link and FDA's Salmonella Nuclear Stir Fry -- "Don't eat your tomatoes or peppers, they might have dangerous microbes on them" warns the FDA. In the meantime they approve deadly cancer-causing drugs for which they do not even know if there is any benefit. How far we have descended into a state of pharmaceutical fascism in this nation when we see all vegetation as potential bioterror weapons while government-approved deadly pills slide by as benevolent Bambi feed. Statin drugs and cholesterol metabolism blockers are sold as life saving medicines while, in reality, they serve as destroyers of life. If the purposefully incompetent FDA successfully convinces us that veggies are caloric death traps, they might be able to implement nuclear radiation fertilizer for all plant life. You think nuking food to kill microbes is a good thing? Only if you don't care about the nutritional content of what finds its way into your mouth. More solutions for the statin drug-deficiency delusions that plague the cardiovascular profession, coming right up. That's right, fear not the cholesterol... Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Robert Gallo's HIV Egg is Cracking -- What if everything that you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong? Starting with Robert Gallo's 1984 gaffe with Margaret Heckler at the HHS press conference, the personification of HIV as a super-villain precipitated a new pharmaceutical war worth hundreds of billions of dollars. It also caused the deaths of thousands of "AIDS" victims who were corralled into AZT chemotherapy because of a false fear of a retrovirus. After the Semmelweis Society International (SSI) presented Peter Duesberg and Celia Farber the Clean Hands Award earlier this year, the controversy that erupted caused SSI to hire a P.I., Clark Baker, to investigate claims by AIDS activist groups that "anyone who questioned HIV as the cause of AIDS" is a criminal. Clark joins me to report his findings. Also, David Steele, a prominent Bay Area attorney chimes in on the issue after years of handling cases involving cancer and AIDS. I've covered this issue before, but not like this. Although HIV has never been proven to be deadly, the pharmaceutical treatment for it certainly has. Enough with this culture of death. It's time that the truth comes out. Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Nordic Naturals fish oils for the whole family! 800.662.2544

What substance can bacteria and viruses not tolerate? Why, silver hydrosol, of course! Try the Best: It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today!

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the August 3 show: Surprise guests

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen July 27, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Vytorin's Cancer Link, Nuclear Vegetables and 2) The End of HIV's AIDS Causation Illusion on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, July 27, 2008.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Born into Inflation Slavery: The Role of the FED in Taxing America to Death

Headline: You Owe $455,000 "According to the Government Accounting Office, each American household owes $455,000. This is your share of the $53 trillion in long-term liabilities held by the U.S." How do you spell economic slavery? F-E-D.

Did you authorize such expenditures leading to the indebtedness of your grandchildren? The Keynesians are squirming as Ron Paul is looking more correct everyday regarding the bankrupt inevitability of relying on a debased currency for economic stability.

The Austrian school of economic thought has always been grounded in a principled understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect. The Fiat Money Masters have excelled in the sleight-of-hand tricks made famous by black-hatted illusionists of the international banking cartels. What was it Jesus said about the "money changers"? Beware. We didn't and the people of planet earth stand on the precipice of a global economic catastrophe brought about by our reliance on paper money created from thin air.

What do Democrats and Republicans propose as a solution? More spending, more taxes and more indebtedness. How did we ever let children into positions of such power? Some of you might try to claim that Republicans are not for more spending and taxes. What are you smoking? John McCain is all about another bailout. With what money? That which is created by the FED from thin air and then used to enslave you and your heirs in a never-ending cycle of boom-bust-boom-bust until now when it just goes bust-bust-bust. How do we get a bust reduction? Restore sound money to the landscape. Since the Constitution has not yet officially been repealed, I believe that Article One, Section 10 still applies:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

How is increased spending a tax if taxes are not specifically raised in support of that spending? Inflation. Inflation is a tax?

It is actually the worst and most insidious because it occurs without the consent of the governed. Ron Paul, in his questioning of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke last week, actually got him to admit in congress that inflation IS a tax. Dude! You want a litmus for candidates for the presidency? Ask them if they believe that the Federal Reserve System is part of the government. If they answer "yes" they are immediately disqualified for being too dumb to head the Executive branch.

When your children are born into a half-million dollars of debt at the time of their first breath and the politicians only work to increase it -- you know that the economic inmates are running the asylum. Vote McCain and Obama for more of the same. The only change you'll get are the clad coins that become worth more than their face value as Bernanke's printing presses run 24-7 to delay the inevitable. Too bad they made it illegal to melt down pennies and nickels to sell for their scrap value, as it now exceeds their denominated value. Inflation is immoral, unethical and used to be punished by death. I only hope that it does not result in the death of our nation. It does not have to.

Check out

Don't give up on liberty or your kids and grandkids may curse you one day. Personally, I would like to have them look back at this time in gratitude for those of us who stood up for liberty against the political-economic tyranny of the two headed beast known as the Republicrats and Demicans.

Freedom is not free, but neither is it indebted to the tune of $455,000 FRN's per American at birth. That's called being born into slavery.

Click Here for the Economic Healing Inflationary Podcast:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pre-Drugs for Pre-Diabetes or GTF Chromium? What's Your Choice?

Headline: Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes Now Strikes One in Four Americans "A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, based on data from 2007, indicates an increase of about 3 million cases since over just two years."

What is the common denominator regarding the American experience? Is it all just some American genetic disorder? Nope, it's debased food and debased currency. Chronic nutritional and economic deficiencies go hand in hand. One deals with the transport of sugar and the other deals with the transfer of money.

If the food is refined, it steals mass quantities of Chromium from your body in a never-ending directional diabetic spiral until you reverse course with whole foods and GTF Chromium supplementation. If the money is fiat, it steals the life-blood out of those forced to use it by extracting more labor for continually diminished remuneration. This is true at least until the "refined" money is restored to wholeness by backing it with gold and silver.

Would you like to reverse diabetes? Drugs can't do it. They only manage the symptoms -- and the wrong ones at that -- while they simultaneously intoxicate your liver even more. Unless you don't need your liver, it might be a good idea to chart another course to restore pancreatic integrity.

Diabetes is a disease of a wrong lifestyle, as most chronic diseases are. Reversing them means living differently. Western culture has seemingly abandoned the concept of "karma" -- rather choosing to live a life without consequence. When the consequence comes anyway, we have been marketed to take a drug instead of responsibility. Why has modern pharmaceutical medicine flourished so well in the West? Because of our spiritual immaturity. If we think that we can live anyway we want without regard to the effects of our actions, then we are behaving as little children. Diabetes is our spanking. Responsibility is our rehabilitation.

Go raw, organic and whole in the food department and watch diabetes disappear of its own accord. In many cases today, it also requires the re-introduction of a food-grown source of GTF Chromium as well. If you would like to throw some homeopathic remedies into the mix, just add some Lycopodium and Iris. Pick a potency from whatever is available to you at your friendly neighborhood natural products retailer: 6x, 6c, 10x, 12x, 12c, 15x. The "right" remedy is much more important than the "right" potency. There is no clinical definition for the right potency, although each homeopath is convinced that he knows what it is. If you get well with a 6c or 30x, it matters not to me, just that you get well.

The epidemic of the Syndrome-X family of diseases is evidence of our nutritional immaturity. No amount of whining will reverse it. Only a population filled with individuals ready to change the course of their medical history by behaving as adults in the dietary realm can change the future for their children right NOW. Government is not going to do it. Neither is your doctor. Why do they drug you? Because you will not change what you eat. How else are they supposed to treat a nutritional deficiency disease except with drugs?

A side benefit to your change in lifestyle is a change in the political landscape as well. A nutrified and healthy population cannot stomach irresponsible and infantile politicians screwing up the country. If 25% or more of this nation has or is developing diabetes, it is ripe for takeover from within. Much like the internal milieu of a diabetic is crumbling the more that proper nutrition is ignored, a nation becomes weaker the longer its people ignore its constitution. Rocket science it is not. So why is it that Obama and McCain do not know what really causes inflation? They both suffer from a constitutional-deficiency disease, just as a diabetic suffers from a lack of chromium.

Americans are not beyond repair and neither is our country -- as long as we grow up and live according the laws of Nature and Nature's God.

Click here for the Pre-Diabetes Podcast:

Raw Milk Renegade Redux: Letter from a Listener

First there was an American Revolution, then there was the Ron Paul Revolution, now it appears that there is a Raw Milk Revolution. What happens if the whole country re-discovers the nutritional goodness of fresh, organic raw milk? Will there be enough Mennonite farmers in Pennsylvania to meet the demand or will they all be in jail?

Despite the fear-mongering of government, nutritional ignorance is giving way to the awareness that when it comes to the care of your body, you can't better nature. As evidence, I give you a delicious and nutritious letter from Scott in Victorville, California (published with his permission):

Dear Robert Scott Bell,

I serendipitously discovered your program 3 months ago (Talk 960 KIXW in CA) and have been an avid listener since. I also subscribed to your blog as well. Well, this note is really about raw organic milk. I listened to your broadcast about the raw milk controversy with great interest. I already knew that homogenization is what made the fat in milk indigestible and/or unusable by my body and that the pasteurization process killed all the bacteria in milk, but I did not know that the fat in raw milk was actually good for me and that the so-called 'bad bacteria' in raw milk was good for me as well. After listening, it removed my fear of drinking raw organic milk.

Well, finally, after visiting my local health food store (BJ's Health Food Store) this past Sunday (7/20) I bought myself a half gallon of raw organic milk. Of course it had the obligatory US Gov't Warning Label on it telling me that raw milk contains bacteria known to cause disease and illness, but I ignored that and brought it home.

Honestly, I did have some trepidations about my raw milk experiment. Would I like the taste and texture? Would my stomach or digestive tract react adversely to it? Would I indeed get sick from the bacteria mentioned on that warning label?

I poured myself an 8 ounce glass and drank it. Hmm, the taste was better than I thought it would be, and actually, it brought back childhood memories of milk I had drank as a kid (I am 52 yrs. old now, so we are talking late 50's early 60's milk). Yes, actually, it tasted good! The texture was not too foreign to me but I forgot about the coating it leaves in your mouth afterwards. I then realized that I had indeed drank raw milk many years ago and how much I loved it back then. I remember having to shake the bottle because of the natural separation that occurs when it sits. I remember my aunt and uncle, who had their own farm, keeping pitchers of their own milk in the 'fridge and drinking it there, as well.

My gastro-intestinal response was minimal but my body did indeed notice the difference and I could feel it. There was a little more 'gurgling' than normal but I knew that my body was just getting reacquainted with the bacteria and enzymes present in raw milk.

I now have at least one cup per day as part of my whey protein drink in the morning and I sometimes actually drink a cold glass later on. I'm finally allowing myself to nourish the milk cravings that I still get even after years of not drinking it. Seems my body remembered the goodness in milk, I just had to find that 'good milk' for my body once again.

I never thought I would ever, for the rest of my life, make milk a part of my diet again, but here I am drinking it daily and loving it.

Now when my grandson asks for milk, I gladly pour him a glass! I no longer fear that I am giving him a biologically dead and unhealthy food.

Yes, I actually feel good about milk again and I owe it to you and your educational program.

Keep getting your self-empowerment messages out to the masses. You are making a difference!

Yours in good health,

W. Scott Pavone Victorville, CA
Thanks Scott. Your letter gives me hope that the message of sane nutrition is getting through despite governmental indoctrination to Louis Pasteur's cult of The Germ Theory. If I could, I would award you the Antoine Béchamp Medal of the Healthy Milieu for having the courage to eat right without asking for government approval or permission. If enough people follow your lead, we may just restore nutritional integrity to a nation filled with millions of people living in fear of the natural world.

Now, who will be first to write in to counter Scott and claim that drinking raw milk is dangerous, irresponsible and should be banned by Barack Obama?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Robert Scott Bell Show Makes The Talk Stream Live "Power 50"!

Talk Stream Live, the internet streaming hub that makes talk radio available for listeners online, recently ranked The Robert Scott Bell Show in it's Power 50. TSL descibes these shows as "The 50 most powerful Talk Radio shows on the Internet. These are the opinion makers — the most influential voices on the political landscape." The shows were ranked from a sample size of 233,275 unique listening sessions over the last 6 months.

Many thanks to Bill Frees at Talk Stream Live for making the show available to the masses and to YOU for helping spread our message of health and freedom to your friends and family.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Attack of the FTC -- Hide Your Supplements! Plus, Where to Start on the Road to Health on Radio

Radio broadcast on Sunday, July 20, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: Can you spare an extra $455,000 for you, your kids and your neighbor, each? According to the GAO, that is your share of the national debt. Government responsibility may be the most expensive oxymoron ever. Those who still believe that Washington, D.C. can bail us out of the problems that were created in those ten miles square will not be able to afford the SSRI medication it will take to put them out of their misery. Since they banned the natural stuff, you'll have to go begging to Big PHARMA for a pill bottle handout. Maybe that's why this government continues -- even with an untenable debt hanging over its head -- the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex is propping up the three branches artificially with Prozac. What about the rest of the planet? Will they ban freedom as well? Hello, America, is anybody home? You cannot remain free and be a slave to debt at the same time. A fourth-grader can understand that, so why can't Congress? See my reference to SSRI's above...

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, July 20, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: FTC's War on America's Freedom to Heal -- Why should it be illegal to sell the gifts of creation for purposes of healing? If you make or sell dietary supplements that can prevent, mitigate, treat or cure disease, in the eyes of government regulators, you are a criminal more dangerous than Osama bin Laden. War on Terror? There is a perpetual governmental war on natural cures for disease and the people who have the audacity to sell them. Liberty is not liberty if you need to seek permission to exercise your right to care for your body, especially when your chosen method is not approved by government. There is a cognitive dissonance that seems irreparable among those who claim that America is a "free" country. I will attempt to repair it. Do you believe that freedom is just not applicable when it comes to caring for your own health? Are you owned by government? By golly, you just might be... Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Where Do I Start? -- I speak to many people in states of desperation regarding their health, especially when they have been chewed up and spit out by the medical profession. My heart goes out to all those lost in a maze of medical misinformation. Just last week, I got another sincere plea for help: "I hear you speak of so many different natural foods, vitamins, and minerals that we need for the body that it is all very confusing. Please help me convert to this natural healthy way of life." Every once in a while, we need a gentle reminder of what's really important -- the basics. So whether you suffer from depression, heart disease, cancer or anything in between, this hour will get you on the right track. This "doorway" says HEALING, but it's up to you to walk through. Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Nordic Naturals fish oils for the whole family! 800.662.2544

What substance can bacteria and viruses not tolerate? Why, silver hydrosol, of course! Try the Best: It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today! Ask them about their new homeopathic First Aid Silver Gel -- available now!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen July 20, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) FTC War on Natural Healing Substances and 2) Where Do I Start? on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, July 20, 2008.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Reduce Your Inflammation: "How to Choose the Right FIsh Oil" Podcast Link

Chronic inflammation is a scourge in all degenerative diseases. Research has revealed that essential fats are more effective than NSAIDS and Cox-2 inhibiting drugs in relieving inflammation and pain – even back pain! Dr. Joseph Maroon, neurosurgeon for the 2006 NFL World Champions Pittsburgh Steelers football team, determined that your food can indeed be your medicine.

You no longer need to risk your life to reduce inflammation and pain. When you consider that the leading reason that patients are admitted to hospital emergency rooms for liver failure is the use of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug known as Tylenol, omega-3 fats from the ocean seem to be a reasonable first choice to reduce inflammation and pain. But will you know how to choose the most beneficial form and quality when you walk into your favorite natural products retailer?

I was able to interview my good friend, Stuart Tomc, while we were attending the Health Freedom Expo last month. I asked him to clear up the confusion for us all when choosing essential fats, especially fish oil/cod liver oil. Ingesting the right essential fats in the right quantities may be the difference between aging with degenerative diseases or aging gracefully and healthfully. This interview contains life-changing information for the whole family! Click here for the podcast:

How to Choose the Right Essential Fats from the Ocean

After listening, you can call my good friends at Nordic Naturals at 1-800-787-7208 and request free samples as well!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

'Return of the BIG BIRD-brained FLU-doo voodoo' or 'One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest Egg'

NATURALLY Speaking guest commentary by Christopher C. Barr:

The summer movie season is in full swing and sequels are big again this year in films. Not to be left out of sequel mania is the unholy trinity of BIG government, BIG pharma and BIG media with their own pharmaceutical phantasy of phearful phlim-phlammery.

US health official says flu threat high,” the AP (Associated Propagandaess) “news” headline teased about the mysterious, unnamed figure.

How is “flu threat high” at the beginning of summer more than three months before the official beginning of flu season? Must be science fiction.

World not fully prepared for flu pandemic: expert,” the Reuters (rotten) “news” headline blazed.

Perhaps they are pulling out of mothballs that old and tired BIG bird-brained flu-doo voodoo story?

A top U.S. health official says the threat of a flu pandemic remains high,” opened (and opined) the AP “news” story.


In order for a “bird flu” threat to remain high it would first have to be high.

There is no evidence it will be the next pandemic,” no less an “expert” (so called) and “top U.S. health official” than Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director of the U.S. government's Centers for Disease Creationtrol (CDC) is on record telling a large group of health department officials.

Scientists have identified the H5N1 bird flu virus as a potential candidate that could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people,” blah blah blahs the recent AP “news” story about this tired, old “news” paraded out as new “news”.

Talk about beating a dead horse …

Dr. Gerberding is on record about this H5N1 that there is “no evidence it is evolving in a direction that is becoming more transmissible to people.

Yet Reuters in their blah blah blah story noted H5N1 could “kill millions of people if it becomes easily transmissible among humans.

Gerberding again is on record that there is “no reason to think it ever will” pass easily between people. She also noted that those afflicted “were in intense, daily contact with sick flocks, often sharing the same living space,” according to a newspaper report by The News Tribune from the Seattle, Washington area.

There were 200 sickened worldwide during the first half of the current bird flu “threat” to date covering just over two years. There have been less than 200 more sickened worldwide during the last half of the current bird flu “threat” to date covering just over two years.

Where’s the beef about bird flu besides beefing up bogus bird flu threat reports?

Putting into perspective the total deaths attributed to bird flu worldwide works out to less than one one-hundred-thousandths of one percent per year of worldwide population.

Putting further perspective on this is that that would equate to barely two Americans per year in our population.

Of course, there hasn’t even been a single incidence of bird flu in American birds or humans (bird brained or otherwise) let alone deaths.

Then again, I’m not aware of any Americans “in intense, daily contact with sick flocks, often sharing the same living space.”

To put this in Shakespearean terms it would appear that “Measure For Measure” the bird flu threat is “Much Ado About Nothing” or at least nothing much at all.

Dragging out old movie cliches

Be afraid, be very afraid” and “It’s b-a-a-a-a-c-k” seem to be the selling points for this latest sequel.

But just who is the mysterious “U.S. health official” and “expert” being trotted out for this attempting to repeat episode?

Oh, FINALLY, there it is farther down in both the “news” stories …

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s Dr. Julie ‘Chicken Little’ Gerberding with her old “sky is falling” routine again.

People have very short attention spans and when something is in the news for a while, it becomes old news and then it’s no news,” ‘Chicken Little’ Gerberding blah blah blahed at the beginning of this summer.

Hmm,” me thoughts to meself, “Tamiflu sales must be down.

After all, even the FDA finally caught up (a little) with an official warning of the dangers of Tamiflu earlier this year – even if it was years behind official Japanese warnings where the vast majority of Tamiflu usage has occurred.

Sounding more like science phiction now …

One week later …

Fears of bird flu are receding and sales of the anti-flu drug Tamiflu have slumped,” began the AP “news” story the week following ‘Chicken Little’ Gerberding’s pronouncement of concerns about diminishing public attention to bird flu.


In a pig’s eye…

This latest “news” article then noted that the makers of Tamiflu were offering a new deal for corporate America to pay a small annual per-employee-fee to reserve doses just in case “a new super-flu strikes”.

Apparently there are no more bridges in Brooklyn to sell.

Sounding more and more like science phiction …

The U.S. government, in an unusual move, congratulated Roche on the program and helped to publicize it,” propagandized the AP puff piece.

Are they kidding? What is so unusual about U.S. government officials lauding and promoting BIG pharma?

The Roche plan “comes as the federal government also begins a new effort to encourage many businesses to stockpile anti-flu dugs in case of a pandemic,” AP’s propaganda continues about this amazing coincidental timing (NOT!).

It appears that AP is working overtime and very hard to make something obviously orchestrated to appear “desperately random” to quote the serial killer movie ‘Silence of the Lambs’. Are you ready to be one of the silent “lambs to the slaughter”?

Under this latest “new deal” boondoggle companies would pay whatever the going rate happens to be at the time of any later pandemic.

Responding to concerns that “the price conceivably could spike” the CEO of Tamiflu’s maker Hoffman-La Roche, identified as George Abercrombie, rejected that as “a bit of a cynical view” then adding “that is not the way our company operates”.

If you are now throwing up that is not the bird flu but more likely a natural gut reaction.

Tamiflu sales were noted as down almost 20 per cent to “only” about $2 billion.

Don’t you feel sorry for Tamiflu makers Roche and all their high-profile investors including prominent political figures like Donald Rumsfeld?

Christopher C. Barr writes Naturally Speaking from Arkansas: The Natural State … naturally! You may write him at Post Office Box 1147, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 or by e-mail at

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What the Mainstream Media Missed About the Oncological Death of Tony Snow

Headline: Tony Snow, Former White House Press Secretary and FOX News Anchor, Dies at 53 "Snow had his colon removed and underwent six months of 2005. In 2007 he announced his cancer had recurred and spread to his liver, and he had a malignant growth removed from his abdominal area."

This is another unfortunate casualty of the war on cancer. I do not necessarily believe that having more money or good "insurance" necessarily results in the best treatment -- especially as it relates to cancer. No amount of slashing, burning and poisoning can change the fact that the field of oncology is operating under the wrong assumption when it shoots to kill. Cancer cells are not the result of some evil plot to destroy the cells of the body.

When the soil is so devoid of key nutrients and rife with toxic poisons it cannot sustain healthy plant life. How is it that we expect to sustain a healthy cellular environment when we starve the body of vital trace elements and instead rely upon synthetic poisons for our sustenance? Ignorance? Naiveté? Or perhaps we have been purposefully indoctrinated into the belief that cancer is a random act?

In any case, we do a great disservice to the coming generations if we perpetuate the myth that we are all potential "victims" of diseases such as cancer. If the universe operated by chance it would have flown apart long ago. Cause and effect are very real and exacting in the worlds of creation. If you suffer from a disease of deficiency, does it make good sense to do medical treatments that actually worsen the deficiency? If you suffer from a disease of toxicity, does it seem all that intelligent to add to the toxic burden of the body as a standard course of treatment? If your body is rife with inflammation, who would subject your tissues to compounds that actually exacerbate that already overwhelming inflammatory cascade?

Doctors actually go to school to get their degrees in such absurdity. Government even licenses medical professions to do exactly that which seems so absurd from my previous paragraph. I would suppose that only government could be so stupid, but then we have to acknowledge the industry that bought such monopolistic and deadly favor in the first place. In 2008, would humans still sell out other humans for profit and power? Of course. The evidence is the cancer industry and the government's war on alternative, natural and unconventional cancer therapies. Ultimately it is a war against freedom.

Cancer is not the cause of anyone's death. It is the result of a long term, major imbalance in normal metabolic functions. In the case of children, the "long term" decline is cross-generational as each succeeding generation seemingly succumbs at a younger age. The allopathic paradigm is a classic mental disorder that views all life in terms of war. The followers of the Caduceus symbol believe that you are only healthy as long as you can keep some "enemy" at bay. Never mind that life is strongest when all of creation knows its place and works together for optimal health. Are you healthier when your cells do battle with each other or when they work together towards some sort of homeostasis?

"The caduceus is associated with Hermes (Mercury), the messenger of the gods, also known as the god of trickery, wealth and death! Whoops."

Tony Snow just happens to be one of the more famous victims of the medical industrial complex. It matters not how learned you are, being duped by allopathic sleight of hand is very common. For some reason, it's O.K. to be intelligent in most endeavors, but when it comes to the care of our bodies, intelligence is intimidated away at the sight of a white lab coat, stethoscope and a license from government. I have referenced the "00" status before, but there is no other profession that actually has a license to kill (other than the military).

Where were the doctors counseling Tony Snow regarding a raw, organic whole food diet? Where was the emphasis on detoxification? Which medical professional forgot to tell Tony that Selenium is a critical nutrient in the restoration of his body's healthy integrity? I realize that we all have the freedom to choose our own path in life, but it is a bit troubling that so many people are picking a medical path based upon fear induction due to censored or mis-information. When you are duped buying an automobile, you might get a lemon. If it happens when trying to decide medical or non-medical treatment, you might lose your life.

This, of course, is the argument used to limit your choice to any cancer therapy you want, as long as its delivered by licensed oncologists. After all, if you choose wrong you may die. It's a bit disingenuous when those same arguers are silent when the choice made is medical and the patient dies anyway -- as if that patient is any less dead. Why do we not hear of all the success stories from those who healed from cancer using natural means? Where are the feel-good stories of natural cancer cures? There are plenty of them, however, if they get too much media daylight, "Cancer, Incorporated" will not look so good by comparison.

The death of Tony Snow is another among the many thousands of allopathic intervention failures that occur every year. His doctors will be lauded for their heroic efforts in trying to save his life. Just imagine if "natural" doctors had attempted the same thing by utilizing "complementary" therapies with the same results. Rather than lauded as heroes, they would likely be indicted for murder. Double standard? That's medical tyranny infringing on the right of every American to freely choose which health care method or substance that he believes is best.

If you think government can do it better, you're an obtuse non-observer of history who probably still believes that cancer is evidence of a chemotherapy deficiency. O.K., that's harsh, but that's the way I feel. Rush is right. Dr. Benjamin Rush, that is:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom."

My heart goes out to the family of Tony Stone, but I know that the mainstream media will ignore the important lesson imparted by his passing. If you believe in liberty, you must support ending the cancer treatment monopoly on our shores. It is embarrassing for the people of a "free" country to have to leave it just because their government does not endorse the alternative methods they may wish to utilize.

Why did our forefathers leave England and ultimately form a new nation? It certainly wasn't because they wanted a government to limit their access, knowledge and practice of natural healing therapies. Anything in the Declaration about that? Constitutional republic or cancer tyranny -- which do you want for your kids? Should your child create cancer later in life, wouldn't you want him or her to have the freedom to choose any method for recovery, even (or especially) if it's natural?

The podcast on this topic can be heard by linking here:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cancerous Cholesterol, Tony Snow and Pre-emptive Probiotics on the RSBell Radio Show

Radio broadcast on Sunday, July 13, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: I know that Parker Bros. made Monopolies fun, but in real life they are quite dangerous to your health... The further we sink into medical socialism (Democrats) or pharmaceutical fascism (Republicans), the less that we are free to live the ideals that are the foundation of the American experiment. Liberty does not come in a pill bottle or an injection. How could we have put so much faith in government to run our biological lives? It's as if millions of Americans believe that they are only one FDA-approved drug away from extinction. What's the real danger? It is in believing that either Barack Obama or John McCain are really going to change anything substantial, should either of them take over the Executive (legislative and judicial) branch of the government. Current "separation of powers" is an illusion still held by those subsisting on government-sanctioned medicines instead of the genuine nutrition contained within the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. I wonder if John-Obama know that the Bill of Rights confers no rights on the people, but was written to restrain government? Big Pharma could not kill 784,000 Americans each year if it were not for the monopoly granted to it by government. It is up to you to protect liberty.

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, July 13, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Cancerous Cholesterol in the News -- The allopathic absurdities pile higher as more Americans lose their lives to heart attacks and cancer. Condolences to the family of Tony Snow, who just lost his life to an oncological war against his body's cells. Victims of disease under a medical monopoly are actually losing their lives to a forced biological ignorance coming from a misplaced faith in pharmaceutical medicines and methodologies. Who says that monopolies aren't dangerous? Now that the American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed statins for 8 year olds, the illusion of medical intelligence has crumbled beyond repair. It's time to revisit the natural remedies for cancer and heart disease that really work. Don't listen if you worship at the Church of Biological Mysticism (modern medicine), you might be offended. Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Pre-emptive Probiotics -- We often wait until we have a disease diagnosis to do the things that we should have been doing in order to prevent the disease from ever occurring in the first place. Dr. Fred Pescatore rejoins me to strengthen our understanding of the link between intestinal integrity, good digestion and strong immune function. He is the author of The Allergy and Asthma Cure, Thin for Good, and Feed Your Kids Well, the top selling children’s health book of 2000. Whether it is diabetes, heart disease or cancer, gut health is critical whether you are involved in prevention, treatment or recovery. Would you like to restore your immune integrity? Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus. This week's special: Three boxes of Probiotics12plus for only $96.00 including shipping. Regular price was $126.00 for three. Good on both sites and or by phone 1-866-424-1077.

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Nordic Naturals fish oils for the whole family! 800.662.2544

What substance can bacteria and viruses not tolerate? Why, silver hydrosol, of course! Try the Best: It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today!

Rife Frequency healing! Call 1-866-885-6625 and get the best Rife unit available!

Clean everything, Safely! Orange TKO 1-800-995-2463.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand. Learn more here: as information becomes available.

Could this be the most powerful antioxidant on earth? Check out Fibronol® and FibroBoost™, exclusively from Allergy Research Group. Call 1-800-545-9960 Toll-Free!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the July 20 show: Surprise guests empowering you to heal.

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen July 13, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

1) Cancerous Cholesterol and 2) Pre-emptive Probiotics on Talk Radio Network from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT, Sunday, July 13, 2008.

The Robert Scott Bell Radio Program is here to empower you with healing principles every week! Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Economic and yes, even Political Healing! Every week on Talk Radio Network. The power to heal is yours...

Podcast Hour One:

Podcast Hour Two:

Monday, July 7, 2008

#1 in Drug Use, Millions of Americans Make Declaration of Dependence

Headline: Americans are world's top drug users: study "Americans are the world's top consumers of cannabis and cocaine despite punitive US drug laws..."

We also rank pretty high (or low, depending upon your perspective) in pharmaceutical drug use. Why on earth would a free people need to "escape" via the chemical manipulation of their biology? That's a bugger of a question because it might force us to take a mirror to what we believe our country to be.

When government stays within its constitutional limitations, the people are free to reach their full potential. However, when government usurps the sovereignty of the people, even if the people beg to be cared for, their "full potential" gets redefined and limited at the whims of the bureaucratic oligarchy. Americans take more drugs than any other nation despite the trillion dollar war on drugs waged against them. You would think that at some point it would become obvious that war declarations, much less police-state operations against mind-altering substances, are futile. But perhaps futility is the point.

When you feel powerless in any relationship, you may become despondent and thus a bit self-destructive. Whether it be voting within a two-party system, a war on cancer, poverty, AIDS, drugs or terror -- we have been "gifted" with Hegelian dialectics without end. Is our end in sight? Man, in his arrogance, thinks that he can destroy Creation itself, since he is full with the illusion that smallpox and polio were eliminated by his scratch and sugar cube. However, disease, like poverty can never totally be eradicated, because you can't eradicate a state of consciousness. It has to be won everyday, first, by what you believe, and then by what you do based on those beliefs.

While healing an individual may be organic "cake"; eradicating disease in TOTALITY for the masses is tantamount to the medicalization of all life according to Marx and Engels. Sure, it may sound good to those hopelessly naive, but it stands four-square "in the way" of the freedom of the individual. Collectivists don't mind doing that, but the republic, for which it has stood for over two centuries, used to laugh and pity those who did not understand the value of individual liberty. Now much of what is left of a free republic appears ready to eschew liberty for (false) security because of externalized threats.

Despite my avowed mission as a healer, I am not "for" eradication of disease. In fact, healing is not necessarily the cessation of an allopathic diagnosed ailment. My "medical" suffering has taught me invaluable lessons which I could not learn in any other way. Why would I want to take away anyone else's opportunity to learn the things that I have -- or greater? This utopian concept of disease eradication is hopelessly collectivist and rooted in an immaturity of spiritual, much less biological understanding.

While I am "all for" the freedom to eradicate disease in any way you see fit, it is always to be applied on an individual basis, not based upon some animalistic concept called "herd" immunity. When thousands of people are sick, you are not sick because they are. The conditions for illness are created from within. Even when you accept "reality" placed upon you from an external source, it is an internal agreement that allows the veil of illusion to shield your eyes from the truth.

The "human condition" is to EXPERIENCE all of life so that we know what it is like to walk in another's moccasins. It used to be that Americans valued liberty above all else. Now it seems that the majority of those who are politically active (at least those covered by the MSM) favor socialism, communism or fascism. Under a constitutional republic (not a majority-rule democracy), the rights of the smallest minority are protected against the knee-jerk fear and emotionalism contained within the historically and presently ignorant, government-loving mob.

While each individual chooses to take drugs for different reasons, I am certain that a culture that embraces liberty to its fullest extent will have far fewer chemical-dependents. The culture in which the people depend upon government to dole out a little liberty here and there is the one filled with drug addicts, both legal and illegal. Why wouldn't it be that way -- isn't forced dependence depressing?

The path of liberty is the only path that leads to independence. Yes, that means you are at liberty to screw up and get sick along the way, but how else can you learn of the right path if you don't know what it is like to be on the wrong one? Maybe Americans are craving the path of dependence so that they will appreciate the path of individual liberty once again, as much as they crave oxygen while drowning. I only hope that we come up for air in time.

Perhaps you would like some liberty infused oxygen in your media? Why not give Break the Matrix a try?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Healing Independence Declaration and Breaking the Matrix on RSBell Radio

Radio broadcast on Sunday, July 6, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT: When did you first realize that it is better to be independent than dependent? By the looks of this nation circa 2008, it appears that millions of Americans have not yet realized the value of being sovereign instead of subject. Perhaps they have just forgotten their past, or perhaps they have never learned history in the first place. Doomed to repetition, are we? Slavery is unbecoming of humanity and it was not abolished by Abraham Lincoln. How is it that the government can limit your freedom to choose the natural healing methods or substances that you believe are right for you or your family? A free people do not have to ask for permission for that which is a divine RIGHT. Of course, since government indoctrination centers are the norm, rights have been turned into privileges that can be revoked at anytime by the king, er, the bureaucratic oligarchy. Until the Ron Paul Revolution, the kids never even knew what happened. America has always stood in the way of global government, but under both Democratic and Republican administrations we have inched ever closer to acquiescing our national sovereignty. If Break the Matrix has anything to say about it, one-world-worshippers won't know what hit them as liberty is restored to its rightful owners. Please join me as we celebrate The Declaration of Independence.

The Robert Scott Bell Show cherishes the principles that strengthen our understanding and practical application of freedom and healing. Where other talk shows leave off, the Robert Scott Bell Show is just getting started. Listen to the voice of health freedom and liberty for perspective this week Sunday, July 6, 2008 from 1 PM to 3 PM EDT. Just turn on your radio or internet stream at the appropriate time.

Hour One: Healing Independence -- My good friend, Michael Badnarik, returns for an Independence Day weekend spectacular to discuss the state of the health of the nation. Are you up for a Declaration of Independence, circa 2008? It is time for our annual appointment for some constitutional healing on the radio. For those of you who may not know Michael, he was a Libertarian Presidential candidate in 2004 and is an accomplished Constitutional scholar. His book "Good to be King: The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom" is a solid primer on the Constitution as the Founders intended it. You can also catch his show weekdays from 7-9 AM Central Time on WTPRN. When did you first realize that it was good to be independent? How about from a healing perspective? Empowering the nation and everyone in it to heal, only on the united States of health talk radio. Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Hour Two: Breaking the Matrix -- Does something have a hold on you that is always trying to keep you from your full potential, no matter how hard you try? Rick Williams and Trevor Lyman join me for a full hour of spreading the message of freedom. Topics of discussion will include Freedom Slate '08, Strange Bedfellows and Break The Matrix. Do we have a constitutional matrix that weaves this nation together? Or is it unconstitutional? Are we held together artificially or organically? How about you? Also, the the Ron Paul Revolution continues with The Campaign for Liberty. Join me, won't you? Thanks for tuning in where there's more healing in two hours than most shows have in a whole year! Your calls at 1-800-449-8255. (Show topics subject to change based on breaking news and the whims of the host.)

Natural Solution Links for Independence:

Clear your terrain by -- 1-888-338-6987 -- Call and ask for The Robert Scott Bell Show special!

Where can you get the many things that are discussed on the Robert Scott Bell Show? Why, of course. Call 1-866-424-1077. Especially food grown GTF chromium and selenium and Dr. Ohhira's Probiotics12plus.

Come to the World Congress of Holistic Medicine in Chiangmai, Thailand. Learn more here: as information becomes available.

Is your baby a "Nordic" baby? Nordic Naturals fish oils for the whole family! 800.662.2544

What substance can bacteria and viruses not tolerate? Why, silver hydrosol, of course! Try the Best: It's Sovereign Silver from Natural-Immunogenics. Call 1-888-328-8840 today!

Could this be the most powerful antioxidant on earth? Check out Fibronol® and FibroBoost™, exclusively from Allergy Research Group. Call 1-800-545-9960 Toll-Free!

What does my wife take for digestion and a healthy liver? Alta Health Product's Can-Gest, of course. That's also where I get my favorite Silica supplement! Healthy skin, hair, bones and nails anyone? And please do not forget about the vascular integrity from Silica! 1-800-423-4155.

Rife Resonators for pain relief and so much more! Phone 1-866-885-6625 and learn about the Rife Frequency Generator for healing! Perhaps the most powerful tool available for clearing the terrain! Get one while you are still free to do so.

Environmental cleaning solutions have no peer! Get OrangeTKO today! Call 1-800-991-2463 TODAY! Your family will no longer have to resort to toxic petrochemical cleaners! This is HUGE!

Go and Harmony Cone ear candles, putting passion for quality food and healing into passion for racing! Ear infections, sinus pressure, sore throat? Ear Candles! Visit Harmony Cone for the best! Ask your favorite health food store for Harmony Cone Ear Candles.

Sneak Preview for the July 12 show: Lots more surprise guests and healing like nowhere else in radio!

The easiest way to hear The Robert Scott Bell show on the web is by going to Talk Stream Live during broadcast hours.

The Robert Scott Bell Show is now PODCASTING! Go to itunes or do a Google Search for "Robert Scott Bell" + "podcast" and listen at your convenience.

Now you can visit and subscribe to The Robert Scott Bell Show blog!

Talk Radio is healthier -- EVERY Sunday! Listen July 6, 2008, the show begins at 1 PM EDT and broadcasts live until 3 PM EDT.

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